Chapter 516
Helpless, helpless.
Such words are perfect for describing the current Greer and Thor. Before coming to Niflheim, they imagined many possible situations: The dream is too strong, the environment is too harsh, and I can't stay in Niflheim. And so on.

It never occurred to me that the first problem to be solved was the ice and snow, where is the sea?

Greer began to decelerate the spacecraft, and at the same time adjusted the angle of the jet engine, so that the spacecraft was suspended in the sky and could no longer fly.Although this spaceship ranks among the top among the many spaceships parked in Qier Prison, it has already used up seven or eighty-eighth of its fuel to fly back to Earth from Xandar.

I made another trip to Nidaville and transferred to Niflheim. The fuel is close to the dangerous value, with only a little more than 9% left. But there is no gas station. It should be said that there is no place to refuel the space jump engine in the entire Nine Realms.

"Thor, you can't fly aimlessly like this anymore. Think about it, about Niflheim and Jormungandr." Greer scratched his head worriedly. There are rocks and soil layers exposed in many places in Jotunheim, and there are many cold-resistant animals and plants living there.

But what about here?

After flying with the conventional engine for more than two hours, I didn’t see anything other than the ice layer. There was no howling wind, no heavy snowflakes flying all over the sky, and I couldn’t even hear a single sound. The silence was terrifying.

Since Thor entered Niflheim, he has been staring outside, but he has not found anything unusual, except for ice and snow. The legendary Jormungandr, which circles the sea for a week, is nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe it's under the ice. I'm only interested in fighting, and I haven't read other books." Thor guessed, and he really couldn't think of other possibilities.

Greer couldn't help sighing, the destruction of Asgard's library is definitely a huge loss, especially those books that record the customs and historical events of the Nine Realms, which are completely equivalent to the past of the Nine Realms, and no one will ever Know when the races and civilizations of the Nine Realms were born, rose, and died.

"Then go down and have a look, this place is so cold, maybe Yemengard is hibernating." Greer said and began to lower the altitude of the spaceship, and he had no good way.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. What Greer said casually moved Thor's heart, and his face showed joy, and said: "Maybe it's like this. I have seen Odin defeat the giant who ravaged the Nine Realms in the murals of the palace. Python, since I started fighting with the Asgardian army, I have never heard of the news of Jormungandr, so maybe this piece of ice and snow is to trap Jormungandr."

"You mean that Odin defeated Jormungandr, then threw it to Niflheim, and took advantage of the ice and snow here to put Jormungard into hibernation. I only have one question, why not directly kill it?"

"I don't know, there are many legends in Asgard, the most serious one is the twilight of the gods: the cold wind blows through the sky, the frost freezes the ground, the torrential rain covers the sun, the poisonous dragon Nidhogg eats up the deep roots of the world tree, Yemengade wakes up from the mud bed of the seabed, sets off a huge wave and submerges the land of the gods

The giants from the Land of Fire in the South supported the waves of flames, packed the Rainbow Bridge, and rushed towards God's Domain. The noise shook the universe. Surtur swung the Twilight Sword, and the flames penetrated the universe, and the smoke flooded the top of the mountain. The world tree collapsed and everything returned to nothingness. "

Thor eloquently recited the song made by the bard? ', and then said: "After I knew I couldn't be a Valkyrie, I wanted to be a bard again, because they travel freely and don't need to take etiquette classes."

Greer fiddled with the instrument in front of him, and said without raising his head: "So... did the bard tell you any other news about the worldly python?"

"Well," Thor thought about it seriously, and said, "After I picked up Mjolnir and became Thor, I heard a legend: the worldly python will come to Asgard to face his old enemy Thor, the god of thunder, both fell, by the way, this is connected with the legend of Ragnarok."

Greer finally raised his head, glanced at Thor who was telling the story seriously with the eyes of a fool, and asked, "Didn't you suspect that this story was spread by Loki?"

The relationship between Loki and Thor is well known. When he was eight years old, he stabbed Thor with a dagger, and when he was [-] years old, he stabbed him a second time with a short blade. It is already very kind to spread rumors or something. It’s done, and now Greer doubts whether the legend of Ragnarok was also spread by Loki. Rebellion, there must be some fancy things: what is the Yellow River stone man with one eye, what is the sky is dead? , What fish-belly collection of books... and so on.

Thor was silent for two seconds before he said: "No, I never believe in these things, I just like listening to stories."

Greer also roughly understands what Thor has been doing for more than 1000 years. Apart from fighting, he just listens to various stories. It is very similar to some abandoned houses that played games and read novels day and night during school, even though they have experienced nine years of education. , but did not learn any useful knowledge.

Just like now, Thor's understanding of Niflheim is less than 150 words in total, and [-] words including Jormungandr. Many poems are longer than this.

During the chat between the two, the spaceship landed slowly, and Greer held the control lever tightly with both hands. If the ice layer showed signs of breaking, the spaceship could immediately fly again. Fortunately, the ice layer was frozen. It is strong enough to withstand a weight of twenty or thirty tons without any effort at all, and there is not even a sign of dents, which makes people wonder whether these snowflakes are made of iron.

The cabin door was opened, and the cold air surged up in an instant, making Thor shiver uncontrollably, folded his arms together, and said in surprise: "It's really cold." Ordinary people's system is that they don't feel much in Jotunheim, but they didn't expect to feel the long-lost cold here.

"After all, it's a world of ice and snow." Greer also hugged his arms tightly, with goose bumps all over his body, the cold seeping into his heart, and the clothes on his body seemed to have no effect at all.

Thor stepped out of the spaceship, stepped on the ground in Niflheim, looked around, the sky and the earth were a vast expanse of whiteness, turned his head, glanced at Greer, who was shivering from the cold, squatting on the ground touching the snowflakes, and asked : "Don't you put on your armor? It's cold in here, don't freeze."

"It's really cold, but it's okay." Greer's hand just touched the ice and snow on the ground, and he was stunned. He raised his head and looked at Thor who was shivering in the cold, wearing the armor of God of War. , Thor couldn’t help but turned around and looked behind him. He couldn’t see anything except the endless snow. He asked very puzzled, “What’s wrong?”

"Cold" Greer stood up, looked at Thor who was also cold, and said, "Why are you so cold?"

"Because...because it's cold here." Thor didn't understand what Greer meant at all. Was this question too idiotic?

"That's the problem," Greer said, tugging on the windbreaker on his body, "You're wearing the Armor of God of War, I'm wearing ordinary clothes on Earth, you're a strong Asgardian, and I'm just a little bit stronger Some earthlings. If the temperature is so low that even you can feel the cold, I will definitely freeze to death, but I just feel cold, that's all."

Thor looked confused, and tried hard to think about it, but in the end he still found nothing. He asked, "So what does this mean? Are you trying to say that you can endure the cold like me?"

"No, no," Greer shook his head. There was an idea in his head, but he couldn't grasp it. He chopped his feet vigorously. The ice and snow under his feet did not change. He touched it with his hands, but it was still so cold. , opened the mouth and said: "Thor, hit it with all your strength."

"Do you want to break through the ice to see if there is a sea? It's not easy, I think it's frozen solid." Thor raised his fist and smashed down hard, 'Boom! ’ With a muffled sound, Thor exhaled in pain, covered his fists, sucked in his breath, and said with a grin: “The ice in Jotunheim is hard to break even with Mjolnir. Much colder."

Greer didn't answer, he raised his right arm, pointed his palm at the ice and snow under his feet, the magic power surged, and a fire magic circle immediately appeared on his wrist, and then scorching flames spewed out from his palm, licking the ice.Under the watchful eyes of Greer and Thor, the ice and snow showed traces of melting, but just as the traces of flames flowed, they immediately froze again.

Thor was very puzzled by Greer's behavior and asked, "Can you make the fire bigger? Or are you going to spend the rest of your life melting the ice?"

"I'm just verifying a guess." Greer waved away the fire magic circle, stood up, pointed forward with his left hand wearing the hanging ring, and quickly began to draw circles with his right hand, circle after circle, Thor Standing aside blankly looking at Greer, who seemed to be working hard, nothing happened, until Greer lowered his arms and asked, "What did you verify?"

"We're in big trouble." Greer's face became very ugly.

"What?" Thor was completely confused. He really couldn't keep up with Greer's train of thought. If he hammered the ground a few times and drew a few circles, he would be in big trouble. Did the trouble come too easily?

Greer hugged his arms together, looked up at the surrounding ice and snow, and said with chattering teeth: "What we see may not be real, the cold may also be caused by our brains feeling cold, so it doesn't matter if you are wearing the armor of God of War It’s still commoner clothes; there’s also the ice under the feet, the subconscious mind of the brain feels that it can’t be smashed, so no matter how hard it is, it can’t be shaken, but fire can melt ice, so the ice melts.”

"Uh..." Thor waved his hands in a daze, and asked, "You mean, everything here is fake, and Loki also liked to turn into various people and things in the past. "

"No, no, no, it's not an illusion. Have you ever had a dream? The things in the dream are all fake, but when you are in the dream, you can feel the same feeling. That's probably what it means. This is how we are now, everything here It is false, but it is true for us in the dream, so we can feel the cold, and may even be frozen to death. This is a psychological thing. After returning to the earth, if you are interested, you can watch it Look at some psychology experiments." Greer made a guess that he was not sure of.

"Then how should we wake up?"

"I don't know." Greer spread his hands, and said rather distressed: "It's also my first time getting in touch with this aspect, and the above remarks are just my speculations. I can't be sure whether they are correct or not."

Thor nodded, looked up at the white sky, and asked suspiciously: "When did we enter... Well, in the dream? Nidaville or Niflheim, or when we were on Earth?" That's it."

"I don't know." Greer shook his head again. He came from Earth to Nidaville and then to Niflheim. He didn't feel any abnormality in the middle, but he was hit by the trick. , Trapped in a place where I don't know if it's an illusion or a dream.

Thor, who folded his arms and endured the cold, felt like cursing. What kind of thing is this? He couldn't use all his strength. Could it be that he was waiting to die here?Even if he didn't freeze to death, he would starve to death. He would rather die on the battlefield than choose such a useless death method.

"Thor, think about Niflheim and Jormungandr. It might be useful. I'll try what the hell this place is." Greer said, buckling the Neo decade drive in the At the waist, pull out a card from the knight card box and insert it into the driver at the waist:

“Form Ride Kiva Basshaa!”

The melodious sound of the flute sounded, and the gemstone in the center of the Neo decade driver projected the symbol of Kamen Rider Kiva, and then endless water gushed out, instantly enveloping Greer, and transformed into a turquoise Kamen Rider Kiva Pashar form.

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course, try all the methods you can think of, maybe it will work." Greer raised his hand and pulled out a card from the knight card box, inserting it into the drive at his waist:
“Attack Ride Aqua Field!”

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, streams of water quickly gushed out from the ground around Greer, heading straight to the sky, but before these water columns closed, they were frozen into curved icicles. Stand still.

Thor looked around at the icicles that were as big as thick and thin, then looked down at Greer, and said, "Is this a failure?"

"What do you think?" Greer glared at Thor. Although Thor couldn't see it through the mask, he still felt Greer's displeasure in his tone, so he laughed and said, "It seems that Failed."

"I hope we can still laugh like this for a while." Greer couldn't help but hugged his arms tightly. It was indeed as he thought, even if he put on the Kamen Rider Kiva armor, it was still as cold as when he was wearing a windbreaker. No, it seemed even colder. cold.

(End of this chapter)

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