Chapter 481 Desperate

Surrounding the Commander, the battle was extremely lively. One after another, the light bullets pierced the night sky, and the flames were incomparably gorgeous. The burst of light illuminated the night sky. From time to time, a spaceship was shot down and fell towards the ground.There are Gao Tianzun's side, and there are also Loki or Valkyrie's.

It's just that every time the spaceship is hit, the two of them will rush to the next spaceship without hesitation, then abandon the hit spaceship, jump onto the new spaceship with super physical fitness, kill the pilot, Get new ships and keep fighting.
Going back and forth, Gao Tianzun's spaceships are getting fewer and fewer, and Loki and Valkyrie are a little panting. Jumping on such a fast spaceship tests not only the system but also the psychological quality. Every jump is a life gamble. If they fail to jump up or make some mistakes in the middle, they will fall from a height of several thousand meters. Without a big heart, they can't do it at all.

In the "juggling" of the two of them, one after another, the combat spaceships fell one after another, collided with buildings, and became a source of fire, igniting the buildings into flaming torches, as if the spaceships behind the commander On a road of fire.

The pure novice pilot, Greer Rusoff, only swayed from side to side except for acceleration, and his evasion ability was almost zero. The Commander was bombed all the way, and every explosion scared the novice Greer in the sky trembled.

In order to avoid the incoming attacks, Greer activated the acceleration of Kamen Rider Faiz many times, relatively giving himself more reaction time, otherwise the attacks he would suffer would be several times more.It can be said that it broke out by relying on the head iron. If the metal material used to cast the hull was almost broken, it would have been penetrated long ago, not as simple as being hit with pits and hollows.

Loki caught up with the Commander on the snatched combat spaceship. Looking at the miserable Commander, his brows were almost wrinkled, and he turned to the Valkyrie who was controlling the spaceship in front of him and said: " Can you still enter the wormhole like this?"

The Valkyrie Valkyrie did not expect to encounter such a fierce battle. The Commander, which was brand new just now, looks like a scrap car in a car scrapping factory. No matter how I look at it, I don’t think it can withstand it. The enormous gravity of a wormhole.

Greer is also quite helpless about this. Who knows that the metaphysics BUFF can't even hold the spaceship. Now that it hasn't crashed, it shows how strong the Commander is. The previous cars and motorcycles have turned into scrap iron. said.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie looked at the dilapidated Commander, and then at the spaceship she and Loki were riding on, which was equipped with weapons, had nothing to do with luxury, and had an extremely small interior space. Stronger than the Commander, at least not damaged.

"Is there still time to go back and change the ship?" Greer said weakly. He didn't feel safe driving this spaceship on the planet, let alone rushing into the wormhole in a while. I really don't know what Gao Tianzun is doing in the city What are so many anti-aircraft guns for, playing with little bees or knocking out the fallen garbage?

Loki glanced back, accelerated past the Commander without hesitation, and said to the communicator, "Look behind."

"What? Come again?" Greer glanced back, regardless of whether the Commander can withstand the high speed, immediately increased the speed to the maximum, and at the same time wanted to greet Gao Tianzun, so many people and spaceships could gather to chase , why not use it to put out the fire, no matter what, your city will burn down.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie said faintly: "As I said, Gao Tianzun hates people to lie to him and touch his things the most. Last time it was Gao Tianzun's cousin who dared to violate these two 'iron laws'. Tianzun killed it with his own hands, and didn't even leave a complete body, so... "

"So I should piss him off more than his cousin, otherwise he wouldn't even ignore fire and riots and send so many people after me." Greer said through gritted teeth, now there is no turning back, instead of facing For Gao Tianzun whose strength is unknown, he is more willing to gamble in the wormhole, believing that the quality of the Commander is extremely qualified.

"Hey," the Valkyrie Valkyrie sighed, looking at the wormhole called 'Devil's Anus' which was already very close, and said: "Rush in, no matter what, it's better than going back to Saka Star .”

With this lesson learned, even if you lurk back to Saka again, don't even think about stealing Gao Tianzun's spaceship. You can't stay for hundreds of thousands of years. Fortunately, there is still a spaceship to gamble on.

"I've always been very lucky," Greer put aside all the distracting thoughts in his mind, drove the scarred Commander to the maximum speed, flew straight towards the wormhole, and shouted loudly: "I Definitely be able to go back."

"I don't believe in luck, I only believe in my own strength." Loki said softly, taking out the Eternal Spear from the different space, preparing to add another layer of magic defense to the spaceship.

And Greer is doing the same thing, replacing the armor on his body with the wizard armor with the highest magic proficiency, swaying the power of the demon emperor, turning into magic circles, covering the more serious damage of the Commander, Only one-fifth of the magic power is left, which is used to get a magic shield for yourself once the spaceship disintegrates.

The wormhole emitting dark red light in front of Greer has already occupied all of Greer's field of vision. The Commander began to be affected by its gravity and began to vibrate slightly. The closer the distance, the greater the vibration, and the faster Loki The spaceship that Valkyrie and the Valkyrie were on has already rushed in.

"Come on!" Greer gritted his teeth, pulled the rudder, and the Commander rushed into this huge wormhole facing countless falling garbage, and the spaceships that finally caught up behind launched one after another. Attack all over the sky.

But it was too late, the sky full of rubbish flooded the Commander, and the light bullets and lasers just hit the rubbish and burst into raging flames. Too strong.

Gao Tianzun's air force at the bottom of the box stopped outside the gravitational circle of the wormhole. After wandering for 2 minutes, they received a new order from Gao Tianzun and returned helplessly to suppress the rebellion and put out the fire.

And Greer inside the wormhole really felt the huge gravitational force of the unstable wormhole, which was a hundred times stronger than that of the Rainbow Bridge. It crazily tore every cell in Greer's body. Even wearing wizard armor, it couldn't slow down too much. kind of pain.

The most worrisome thing is the Commander. The huge gravitational pull makes the various parts of the Commander make a frightening sound of "creaking" continuously. It is slowly expanding bit by bit.Under the action of such a strong gravitational force, even the smallest cracks will expand little by little until they are completely torn into two pieces.

"Hold on." Greer gritted his teeth and growled, not only telling the Commander, but also telling himself that the strong pulling brought unbearable pain to the body, as if there were countless sticks smeared with chili oil. The crazily piercing of the nerve thread by the needle made Greer's eyes go black for a while, this is an alarm signal from the brain, wanting to activate the self-protection mechanism - coma, to avoid greater pain.

"Hold on." Greer's roar became lower and weaker, and finally he couldn't hear any more. The Commander, which was moving forward, was hit by a truck-sized garbage and lost all of a sudden. Losing his balance, he rolled wildly, rushed out of the wormhole, and appeared in an extremely empty space in an instant.

The engine hit by Topaz's laser cannon kept sparking outwards, and after running all the way, it finally turned off completely. There was no gravity in the universe, so the Commander drifted forward under the effect of inertia. Ahead is a vast and boundless dim nebula that emits several mixed light colors, and a slowly rotating skull can be faintly seen, appearing and disappearing in this vast nebula.

(End of this chapter)

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