The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 480 Rebellion

Chapter 480 Rebellion
Before the word 'who' came out of Gao Tianzun's mouth, Greer pressed the button on the watch on his right arm, and the dim screen lit up immediately, showing '10.000', and then began to count down, Photon's blood boiled, Greer instantly disappeared from Gao Tianzun's sight.

Gao Tianzun only felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes, his hands were empty, and he subconsciously looked down. The remote control he just took out just disappeared out of thin air, and Greer appeared on his left side with a long mouth in his hand. A remote control like a cigarette lighter.

Gao Tianzun immediately turned his head to look at Greer, with a gloomy face, and said, "I hate other people touching my things."

"I hate other people's backtracking even more." Greer held the remote control in his left hand, smiled at Gao Tianzun, and pressed it without hesitation. The radio waves spread, and the first thing to affect was the horns in the prison at the bottom of the arena. fighter.

These people who were exiled from their respective planets passed through the wormhole by chance, and were captured by the slave arresting team just after waking up or in a coma, and sold to Gao Tianzun, and became slaves. Every time they went to the arena, they had to kill their opponents To survive, as for becoming a champion and thus gaining freedom, it is really just a beautiful dream.

This group of people has just watched this wonderful championship battle, and they are very envious and discussing this new champion with the people around them. After regaining their freedom, how will they squander their bonuses? Suddenly, they feel a tightness on their necks. As soon as they loosened it, before they could react, the silver-white 'coins' fell to the ground one after another.

Just also 'Om!hum!hum! 'The prison became silent at this moment, all the slave gladiators had a 'stunned' expression, looking down at the 'coins' rolling on the ground in disbelief, and then they all made the same movement, raising their hands to touch their necks.

"The controller fell off?!"

This is the heartfelt voice of all the slaves. After the shock, there is ecstasy. Although they don't know why, they smell the breath of 'freedom'.In the fifth second, the prison erupted with howling cries like ghosts and wolves, and then collectively attacked the walls and gates frantically, wanting to rush out and be completely free.

In 'Boom!boom!boom! With the sound of the impact, the solid walls and iron gates gradually deformed, but no guards came over to take care of them, because they were also busy celebrating their freedom. Most of Gao Tianzun's subordinates were equipped with controllers to ensure their loyalty .

After all, none of those who were thrown to Saka was a vegetarian, and they had done a lot of evil on their own planet. Now that the controller is invalid, these guys who have lost their freedom for a long time are suddenly ecstatic, and run out quickly, for fear Then they are pressed on the controller, so it doesn't matter whether the guards are guarding or not.

This city composed of countless criminals can barely maintain order, all relying on the deterrence of the controller. Now that the controller is invalid, it is like a tiger out of the cage, showing their ferocious nature, starting to burn, kill and loot, trying to kill them in the shortest possible time. Grab enough things and hide them. After all, Gao Tianzun will not pay slaves at all, making these slaves in a state of extreme poverty for a long time.

Explosions, flames, and black smoke frequently appeared in various places in the city, and the whole city was suddenly plunged into flames of war. The high-rise buildings built with an unknown amount of manpower and material resources were built one after another in just a few minutes. collapse.

Gao Tianzun naturally knew who his subordinates were. After seeing Greer press the remote control, his face was ugly, as if he had been cordially interviewed by 1 big men eighteen times. His eyes were burning red.If eyes can kill, then Greer must be pierced by a thousand arrows now, absolutely dead without a place to die.

After Greer pressed the button, he immediately activated the watch on his right arm, and left a sentence: "This is what happens when you don't follow the rules." He ran out through the hole in the window and disappeared without giving Gao Tianzun, who was so angry that he was about to explode, any time to react.

After Greer appeared, the Valkyrie Valkyrie quietly exited the stage while Gao Tianzun was focusing on Greer. As soon as she walked out of the gate of the banquet hall, she heard an extremely angry roar from behind, her face The drunkenness on the bed disappeared completely, and he ran with his legs wide, raised his arms to cover his face, and slammed into the glass window.

'Wow! With a sound, a large hole was knocked out of the glass window more than [-] meters above the ground by the Valkyrie, and the body drew an arc under the inertia, and a spaceship "just happened to pass by" to catch the jump from the sky Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, carried her towards the tallest building not far away.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie jumped in from the wide open hatch and said to Greer who was sitting in the driver's seat: "You should really listen to Gao Tianzun's roar, I have never seen him get so angry .”

"This shows that his psychological quality is too poor." Greer hadn't finished speaking when he saw a series of streamer bullets rushing from below, causing him to turn the rudder hastily and control the spaceship to perform a 360-degree reversal. Dangerously dodged this series of light bullets.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie was holding on to the handrail, she was not thrown out, and she didn't care who attacked, but looked at the city that was on fire everywhere, and her mood was extremely complicated. She had lived in this city for a long, long time , so long that she almost forgot about Asgard.

And tonight, the riot they created with their own hands will destroy this city that she is too familiar with, and even the flames outside the city cannot be extinguished in a short time. If it spreads, the entire Saka planet will be burned to the ground. White land, all will die.

Greer, who has no mind-reading ability, knows nothing about the complex mood of the Valkyrie beside him. He concentrates on driving the spaceship to the tarmac, and admires the wars that are unfolding in this city of sin on the way. A small number of people loyal to Gao Tianzun's troops were also powerless in the face of such a large-scale riot, not to mention that most of them were dispatched outside the city to put out the fire, and they couldn't come back at all.

In the chaos, Greer drove the spaceship to Gao Tianzun's exclusive high-rise without any risk. He didn't even have time to park the spaceship, so he jumped directly, let the spaceship fly forward freely, and bumped into a building , exploded into a ball of flames.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie looked back at the final destination of her spaceship, sighed slightly, turned her head, and continued to rush forward at full speed.They did cause a lot of trouble to Gao Tianzun, but this does not mean that Gao Tianzun has nothing to do with them, as long as the hangar is blocked, no one can escape from Saka, so give them time to escape It's really not much.

Greer, who was wearing Kamen Rider faiz armor and holding a photon broken sword, saw gods and gods, met ghosts and ghosts along the way, even if Gao Tianzun's soldiers guarding the hangar wore high-tech armor, they still couldn't stop Greer The slash of Er's photon-shattering sword.

When he rushed into the hangar first, he saw Loki wearing the gorgeous dark gold armor and COS Christmas deer holding the gun of eternity, killing the last two soldiers who were still standing. Hearing the sound, he turned his head and showed a bright smile to Greer: "I'm still very trustworthy."

Greer nodded, and said to Loki, who was standing all over the dead bodies, "It would be even better if we could keep going."

"Okay, it's time for us to go." The Valkyrie Valkyrie ran over from behind and rushed towards the Commander without stopping.

The three climbed onto the spaceship quickly, and Valkyrie sat on the driver's seat without hesitation, pressing buttons on the console in a hurry, trying to start the spaceship as soon as possible.As soon as I pressed the first button, I felt the spaceship under my feet shake, and it shifted [-] to [-] centimeters to the right, and at the same time I heard a deafening explosion.

Turning around, I saw that Topas was carrying a bazooka-like laser cannon in his hand, and fired another shot at the engine of the Commander, which was occupied by the enemy. Obviously he wanted to destroy the engine, so it was better than the Commander. Better to be driven away.

"I'm going to deal with her." Greer immediately pressed the watch on his right arm, turned on the acceleration mode, rushed out in an instant, and came to Topaz who was pulling the trigger at an extremely slow speed, and slashed at him with a sword. On the laser cannon in her hand, the laser cannon was easily split in half.

The barrel that was broken in two fell very slowly along the smooth cut, and Greer, who ran 30 meters under the inertia, turned around and ran towards Topaz again, kicking on the ground. on her chest, and immediately returned to the Commander.

'Shua!Swish! '

Loki saw a black shadow flickering in front of him, and Greer appeared on the other side with the photon broken sword, and said to Topaz: "Okay, it's done, let's go." Only then did Loki see clearly, The front half of the laser cannon carried by Topas was falling to the ground, but she herself flew backwards and hit the metal wall heavily.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie successfully started the engine, but her brows were tightly frowned. While controlling the spaceship, she said, "There is a small problem with the left engine. Fortunately, it is Gao Tianzun's spaceship, and the materials used are the best, otherwise That shot would blow the engine out."

During the speech, the engine of the Commander spewed out hot flames, endowing the Commander with an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the outside along the take-off track.And Topaz, who was beaten into the air, struggled to get up while clutching her chest, shouted loudly into the communicator, and at the same time stumbled towards the spaceship closest to her.

The Commander quickly shuttled through the night sky and flew towards the largest and most unstable wormhole outside the city. Greer finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down with the photon broken sword.After planning for so long, I finally succeeded in disarming the controller and capturing the spaceship. It would be even better if everything goes smoothly.
As soon as I thought of this, through the panoramic sunroof of the cab, I saw a mass of light bullets attacking from all directions, rushing towards the Commander in unison, causing the Valkyrie to turn the rudder in a hurry and control the Commander. I dodged the incoming attack, but was still hit by more than a dozen light bullets, which exploded. The Commander I hit wobbled to and fro, and almost missed hitting the top of the nearby building.

The tower-like buildings on the top of some high-rise buildings were opened, revealing the turrets inside, attacking the Commander frantically, and there were twenty or thirty spaceships equipped with weapons surrounding them.

"Is it so fast?" Greer grabbed the handrail and looked around anxiously. They were as fast as possible, but Gao Tianzun's troops chased them so quickly. With this skill, it is still possible to quell the riot. There is a fire extinguisher, isn't it good?
The Valkyrie Valkyrie said helplessly: "The Commander is used by Gao Tianzun for play. It has no weapons and is not fast. We must find a way to deal with the chasing combat spaceship, otherwise we will not be able to fly through the wormhole and will be killed." Shot down."

"Then let them come over, and then I'll jump over, grab a spaceship, use their spaceship, and hit them." The first thing Greer thought of was the method used by Thor and the Valkyrie in the movie. The Commander is indeed The best spaceship on Saka, but the problem is that no matter how good the spaceship is, it cannot withstand rounds of bombing. No need to look, the outer wall of the spaceship must have been bombed miserably. After a few rounds of attacks, it will definitely be bombed broken.

Valkyrie Valkyrie said without looking back: "Have you received training in combat spaceships?"

"Of course not." Greer had only learned to fly a spaceship for a few days, and now he can only drive it in open areas. Just now in the city, he raised the height of the spaceship to the top of the building, otherwise he might crash into it.

"Then come and help me drive the spaceship, and I'll deal with these combat spaceships." Valkyrie said, then unfastened her seat belt, stood up, and signaled Greer to come over and take over.

"I haven't learned it before." Before Greer finished speaking, he was pressed on the chair by the Valkyrie Valkyrie, turned around and opened the hatch, and said, "Then start learning now."

As soon as the voice fell, he jumped out and landed accurately on top of a battle spaceship that was rushing towards him. He drew out the long sword at his waist and stabbed downward with all his strength. The sword pierced the glass of the cockpit , Stabbed the pilot inside to death, then forcibly opened the cockpit, threw the pilot out, sat in it by himself, controlled the spaceship, and began to attack the surrounding turrets and combat spaceships.

The extremely fast combat spaceship driven by the Valkyrie Valkyrie passed the Commander in an instant and fired a series of light bullets with a hit rate of [-]%. The giant loop came to the rear and fired at the combat spaceship that was chasing the Commander.

The fight here is lively, and Greer is driving the Commander in fear. His skills are far inferior to those of the Valkyrie Valkyrie, and he can't play evasive moves at all. After a while, he was hit by more than a dozen light bombs, which cracked the glass.

"I'm going, is this going to explode?" Greer looked at the small crack on the glass next to him, feeling his heart beating faster. It was blown out by several light bombs. Now he is extremely suspicious, this Once the gap enters the wormhole, will it expand until the entire spaceship disintegrates?
(End of this chapter)

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