The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 474 Valkyrie Valkyrie

Chapter 474 Valkyrie Valkyrie

'laugh!laugh! '

The tattered and tattered car leaked air somewhere, and kept spraying out unknown gas. Greer slowly turned his head, stared at Loki who was also confused, and asked, "Spaceship? It seems Cars on Saka should be harder to drive than spaceships."

The corner of Loki's mouth twitched twice, turned his head, and retorted: "You started the car rashly. Could it be that after staying with Thor for a long time, you will become as brainless as him? You can't drive, why do you want to press it?"

"Because it's my car, I can do whatever I want."

'boom!boom! The broken car window was knocked, interrupting the quarrel between the two people in the car. They all turned their heads to look to the left, and saw a sword through the gap in the car window, which was slamming on the car window, and then A calm-sounding female voice rang out from outside the car: "How much compensation are you going to pay?"

"He pays." Greer immediately pointed to the co-pilot, but found that the co-pilot was empty, and Loki ran away at some point.


Greer sighed slightly, stretched out his hand and forcefully pushed open the car door, which had been deformed by the strong impact, and got out of the car, only to see the whole picture of the car clearly. It was a very new car just now, and it was really everywhere at the moment. It's shabby, the quality is so bad, two 'slight' impacts deformed the car.

' Whoosh! 'A sword swung with a sound of piercing through the air, and it rested on Greer's neck. When the neck touched the cold sword edge, the hairs stood on end.Looking along the blade of the sword, I saw that the person holding the sword was a standard Caucasian woman, dressed very coolly, looked at Greer expressionlessly, and repeated the words: "How much are you going to pay?"

The word 'we' was missing, obviously she found out that Loki had escaped, but she didn't even ask, she only cared about how much Greer could lose.It's just that she found that Greer was looking straight at her, causing her face to darken immediately, and she pressed down her sword hand, her voice became a little colder, and said, "Aren't you going to lose money?"

The pressure on the shoulders brought Greer back to his senses, with a smile on his face, he said, "I'll pay, of course, how much do you want?"

As soon as Greer saw this woman, Greer felt very familiar, and it took him a while to recognize that this sword-wielding woman in cool home clothes turned out to be the only remaining Valkyrie. In the movie, Valkyrie It was always wearing armor, so Greer didn't recognize it for a while.

Unexpectedly, a car crash knocked out the biggest and most reliable helper of Star Saka. Greer, who was very angry just now, was very lucky at the moment. It's nothing compared to finding the Valkyrie Valkyrie.

Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, almost wrinkled her brows, looking suspiciously at this guy with a sword on his neck, but still smiling, his car was hit like this, and he can still laugh , I'm afraid it's not a mental problem.

Greer raised his hand and tapped Valkyrie's long sword, and said, "Can you move it away? If I can run, I just ran together."

The Valkyrie Valkyrie withdrew her sword, but kept her eyes fixed on Greer. Seeing Greer take out a watch-shaped instrument from his pocket and throw it over, he said very generously: "The above is so As much money as you like, deduct it as you like." This was his prize money for an afternoon of gladiatorial competition.

"Huh?" The Valkyrie Valkyrie suddenly became angry, thinking it was a rascal with no money, but when she pressed the balance display, she was surprised to find that this weak guy actually had millions of Saka coins, which made the girl The Valkyrie Valkyrie's heart was full of alarm bells. On this planet full of villains, someone who is not only alive but also has so much money is definitely not a good person.

But the Valkyrie Valkyrie didn't make a sound to inquire. It doesn't matter to her whether the other party is good or bad. Going back, he said angrily, "Go away."

Greer didn't care about Valkyrie's impoliteness. The other party didn't kill people and sell goods. He was kind enough on this planet. If he was replaced by other villains, facing the fat sheep that came to his door, what choice should he make? All the money.

His eyes moved to the inside of the Valkyrie's left arm. There was a blurry tattoo on the wheat-colored skin. He deliberately stayed for three seconds so that the Valkyrie Valkyrie noticed his gaze, and then said: "This pattern .”

Valkyrie Valkyrie' Shua! ’ He bent his left arm to hide the pattern, raised his sword with his right hand, pointed at Greer’s neck, his eyes became very cold, and said: “If you don’t want to leave, don’t leave forever.”

"Are you a Valkyrie? I saw the totem of the Valkyrie in Asgard. Every Valkyrie will have this pattern engraved on their body. It shouldn't be. The Valkyrie has disappeared two times in the Asgard sequence. It's been three thousand years." Greer said pretending to be puzzled.

Sure enough, Valkyrie's eyes dimmed a lot, the long sword in his hand drooped, and said: "Leave my room quickly, before I poke a few holes in your body."

"I just want to know if you are a Valkyrie?"

"Wait one more second, and I'll poke a hole in your body." Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, took a step forward and put the tip of her sword on Greer's stomach, as if she was about to poke it in at any time.

Greer didn't wait any longer, and directly released his big move, saying: "I thought the Valkyries were wiped out in Heim's Underworld? I saw a lot of undead Valkyries, Undead Pegasus, and Valkyries there." cemetery"

Before Greer finished speaking, the Valkyrie Valkyrie's face became extremely ugly, the sword in his hand hung down, he took a step forward, grabbed Greer by the collar, and roared extremely angrily: "What are you talking about? Undead, Are they undead?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, and I was deceived by the Valkyrie turned into by Hela." Greer roughly recounted his experience after he strayed into Helm's Underworld, and described what Hela called the Valkyrie Appearance of the valley of the cemetery.

"Hela. It must be Hela." The Valkyrie Valkyrie let go of Greer in a daze, staggered back two steps, slumped on the chair, her eyes were red, and she was holding the long hair in her hand tightly. The sword, the force is so fierce that the fingers turn white.

Greer folded his arms on his chest and began to tell the whole process of the battle of Asgard, saying: "Hela has returned to Asgard, Odin is dead, Thor and I tried to stop her, but failed In the end, I can only use the eternal fire to completely destroy Asgard. In the end, I fell into the abyss of the world, and then I woke up and came to Saka. I don’t know if Hela is dead. I want to hurry up Go back to the Nine Realms, do you have a way?"

(End of this chapter)

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