Chapter 473
"I like this place too." Loki's voice suddenly sounded from the side, startling Greer, and when he turned his head, the elusive Loki was standing next to the hover car with his arms folded.

Greer said seriously: "Well, this is a gathering place for bad guys, so it really suits you."

Loki nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, there is no pressure to lie here."

"There will be pressure for you to lie to people in other places?" Greer couldn't believe it.

Sure enough, Loki said confidently, "No o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o."

"Ha ha."

Loki didn't care about Greer's cynicism at all, raised his right arm, and pointed to a series of strange symbols that appeared on the screen of the wrist watch-like instrument, which was the number of Saka, which had already reached seven digits.

Loki pointed to the number on it, and said, "I inquired about it this afternoon, the money is enough for us to buy a luxury apartment near the Colosseum, and"

"Are you planning to settle here?" This is the beginning of home buying, and there are plans in the future, which means permanent residence.

"I also want to leave quickly, but according to the news I heard in the afternoon, it is very difficult to leave Saka," Loki said, raising his finger and pointing to the 'black holes' haunting the sea of ​​clouds all over the city. : "Those wormholes throw all kinds of garbage and heinous criminals to Saka, and there are such wormholes all over the periphery of Saka, and these space passages are extremely unstable. Ordinary spaceships will be torn apart before they get close. broken.

You can ask, there are many courageous and smart people in the history of Saka, who wanted to leave Saka with simple spaceships made of garbage they picked up, but their fate was without exception, and none of them were close to the wormhole. It has been torn to pieces by the strong gravitational force. "

"Gravity?" Greer was puzzled when he heard the words, is there gravity in the space channel?He opened the space door so many times, and took the Rainbow Bridge many times, but nothing at all. Wait a minute, Greer suddenly thought of the feeling that every cell in his body was being pulled every time he took the Rainbow Bridge, Is it the gravitational effect?

With a look of surprise on his face, Loki pointed to the group of space passages haunting the clouds outside the city, and said, "How do you think these natural wormholes appear? When the ultimate celestial body collapses, the strong gravitational force is enough to tear apart the space, thus forming these wormholes." Wormhole."

"How do you know this?"

"I am more eager to learn. The books in the Asgard library are not only from Asgard, but also knowledge about other civilizations. I have read all the books in the library."

"...You are strong enough." Greer really admired Loki, not everyone has such perseverance to read the books in the library several times, although Asgard's library does not have many books, But it can also be called vast, and it is definitely ruthless to be able to look through it once.

Seeing this situation, Loki hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and said: "So we have to take a long-term plan, first find out the situation of Saka, and then confirm the coordinates of Saka in the universe, and find a spaceship that is sufficient for galactic navigation. Make all preparations before you can leave Saka.

Whether it is inquiring about news or preparing a spaceship for a long-distance voyage, a lot of money from Star Saka is needed, so I came up with a plan, you continue to participate in the gladiatorial competition, your competition today will definitely let many people pressure you to win, and I will pressure you to win. If you lose, I will use mirror magic to create an illusion to make you look like you lost, like this"

Loki talked about his big plan incessantly. Generally speaking, he relied on trading to get a lot of money, and then used the money to buy news, materials, and even spaceships. Greer was extremely bored hearing this, and called He yawned and said, "Since Saka has so many wormholes, why not just take these natural space passages, maybe there is one leading to the Nine Realms."

"Do you know which one leads to the Nine Realms? What if it is farther away from the Nine Realms?"

"I don't know, but going anywhere is better than being here." Greer smiled at Loki, then turned and walked towards the suspension car he won, wanting to experience what it would be like to experience this legendary suspension car.

Loki followed Greer and said, "I don't agree with this plan, it's too reckless, and the consequences are completely unpredictable."

"It's okay, you can stay here and plan slowly, I'll find a spaceship to explore the way first." Greer said that he was already sitting in the cockpit, and then began to stare blankly at a large number of buttons on the dashboard , As expected of Saka Star, where trebuchets and space battleships coexist, such a high-tech levitation car is actually controlled by buttons that have been eliminated on earth, and it doesn't even have an LCD screen.

Obviously, this car should be pieced together from the parts found in the garbage dump. Most of the complex technological products on Saka come from this way. throw away.

"Well, it should be this." Greer unsurely pressed the button closest to him, and then the window opened. Loki, who was sitting in the co-pilot at some point, looked at Greer with a frown. Er was pressing the button little by little, and he frowned and asked, "Can't you open it?"

"Why do you think I can drive it?" Greer said without raising his head, and tried to press something that looked like a start button, 'Whoosh! With a click, the car jumped forward, and the inertia of the forward rush caused Greer and Loki to lie back suddenly, and the whole person was pressed on the seat.

I saw scorching flames emanating from the rear of the suspension car, driving the car to accelerate to [-] meters per second in an instant, rushing forward, hitting the wall of the arena in front of it, and Greer was so frightened that he rushed forward Pressed the button indiscriminately.

I don’t know which button was pressed, the car that was about to hit the wall suddenly pulled up [-] degrees, perpendicular to the ground, flew straight towards the sky against the wall of the arena, and hit the outer wall of the arena all at once A protruding horizontal rail broke it into two pieces, and the soaring car continued to rush upwards.

Seeing that Greer was still trying to press, Loki shouted angrily: "You don't understand why you are pressing randomly?"

"Because this is my car, what do I want to do, who told you to come up." Greer immediately yelled back, not daring to press any more, and shouted at Loki: "There are words on it, do you know?"

"Don't press it indiscriminately. I've driven a spaceship before. I'll fix it." Loki poked his head, tried to recognize the characters marked on the quaint buttons, and tried to press a button that should be a turn. The car called ! 'It turned [-] degrees at once, changed from vertical to parallel, and hit the outer wall of the building next to it,'Boom! 'With one click, a big hole was knocked out of the outer wall, and the whole car rushed in

(End of this chapter)

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