Chapter 442 Lies
Odin, who had been decadent before, unknowingly straightened his back, and glanced at him majesticly. Loki and Thor said very seriously: "You have seen the glory of the king, and the burden of the king. Do you want to be king, Loki, do you think you can take on the people of Asgard?"

"Can Thor do it?"

"So he is still not the king of Asgard." Odin couldn't help but sighed, facing the helplessness of these two sons, plus the previous ones, none of the three children could be at ease.

Regarding his father's evaluation, Thor said that it doesn't matter. He really wanted to be the king of Asgard before, enjoying the support and cheers of all people, but after walking around Midgard, he thought he was far away from becoming a qualified king. Not even close.

At this moment, Thor only cares about whether Greer is really in Heim's Underworld, and how to enter Heim's Underworld. Faced with Thor's inquiry, Odin said without hesitation that no one can break through the barrier he has laid down with all his strength. The seal entered Heim's Underworld, and he also took out Heimdall's inability to see Greer, so as to prove that Heimdall could not find them, but it did not mean that they entered Heim's Underworld.

As soon as Odin's voice fell, Loki immediately followed up and said: "Walter Alheim was the center point where the nine realms overlapped last time, and now the nine realms are about to overlap again, so it's not surprising what happened, your seal can block Is it the power of the Nine Realms overlapping?"

Odin glared at Loki with anger in his eyes, and said, "Loki, no matter what you're thinking, don't touch Helm's Underworld. Once the army of death reappears, the Nine Realms will fall. If you don't want to become an undead , just stay away from Haim’s Underworld, for the safety of the Nine Realms, I have already sacrificed a daughter, and I can give up another son.”

Loki's complexion became extremely bad in an instant, and even Thor felt that Odin was too ruthless, but Odin was no longer in the mood to talk to them, leaning on the gun of eternity, he moved towards the door step by step , When he was almost at the door, he stopped and said without stopping, "Thor, I will send troops to find your friends in other places. It is impossible for anyone to enter Helm's Underworld. Don't be fooled by a few words. "

The last words obviously refer to Loki. At the beginning, with a few words from Loki, Thor ran to Jotunheim angrily with only a few people, and fought with thousands of iceberg giants, as if he felt that Not enough, Odin added: "You have been fighting abroad for a long time, and you have a good rest in Asgard during this time."

Loki looked gloating, and said: "It seems that you are also imprisoned, but the range of activities is a bit larger than mine. Be obedient and obedient, but he said that you can give up another son, you have to be careful. .”

Thor glared at Loki, stretched out his hand, Thor's hammer flew up and fell into his hand, and then Thor chased Odin out of the prison, leaving Loki standing alone in the exclusive supreme VIP cell , Looking at the direction where Odin and Thor left, he said to himself: "You will come back."

Outside the prison, Thor caught up with Odin, opened his mouth and shouted 'Father King', but Odin raised his hand to stop his next words, Odin turned his head and said calmly: "Thor, A qualified king often has to make very difficult choices and even give up many things.

Don't say your friend is not in Helm, even if he is, you can't go, I'm old, Asgard can't lose the future king, if the army of death is released, it will be a disaster for the Nine Realms A catastrophe, which is more serious, I think you should know. "

"I know, but."

"No but," Odin said decisively, "For the sake of the safety of the Nine Realms, Asgard can abandon the Valkyrie troops who have made great achievements in battle, and Midgard only abandons one or two people. Big loss."

Thor was speechless. He understood that Odin had made up his mind, and it was impossible to be persuaded. Indeed, as Odin said, in order to seal the death army, Asgard and even the Valkyrie troops were still in Heim's underworld. It was impossible. Open the seal of Heim's Underworld for two people.

But Thor felt very uncomfortable. For the safety of most people, it seems that it is okay to let a small number of people die, but should that small number of people be sacrificed?He seems to have a long way to go to be the qualified king in Odin's mouth.

As night falls, the sky above Asgard, which is not covered by a thick atmosphere, is full of stars. Under the night, the "heavily guarded" prison is full of guards. After a group of patrolling soldiers passed by, there was a slight noise in the apparently empty passage. The sound of footsteps didn't disappear until Loki's cell.

Loki was sitting at the table, reading the new book Frigga brought him, without raising his head, he said, "My dear brother, have you also learned to be sneaky?"

Outside the laser net, Thor's tall figure suddenly appeared, but he didn't wear the beautiful fish scale armor, but a costume full of unknown symbols and lines. Thor wearing a hood stared at the book calmly. Loki, said: "Loki, why did you introduce them into Helm's Underworld? What is your purpose? The Death Army? Do you want the Death Army to help you conquer the Nine Realms?"

Loki closed the book, carefully placed it on the shelf, then stood up, and walked towards Thor with his hands behind his back, and didn't stop until it was almost pasted on the laser net, and said unhurriedly: "My dear brother Ah, you are really easy to deceive, you just believe what he says." The 'he' obviously refers to Odin.

"What about you? Is that sentence true and that sentence is false?"

"So don't trust anyone. I just investigated and discovered the facts of Heim's Underworld that are completely different from those recorded in history books. Do you really think that the Death Army is sealed in Heim's Underworld? Do you really think that the Valkyrie Troops are Was it sacrificed to prevent the army of death from leaving Haim's underworld?"

Loki uttered a series of questions like a cannonball, successfully ignoring Thor who didn't know this history at all. His understanding of this covered history all came from the conversation between Odin and Loki in the afternoon. He didn't know whether it was fake or not, and now Thor suddenly felt that Loki's words of "investigating the truth by himself" made sense, at least he didn't have to worry about whether what others said was false.

"Don't you know? Then let me tell you that the Army of Death was created by Odin and your sister. Otherwise, how do you think Asgard defeated enemies that were stronger than Asgard one after another? These are the most tenacious undead warriors who never die, do you know what is under the Hall of Valor? The Hall of Valor, if you change it, it will be the Hall of the Undead."

(End of this chapter)

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