The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 441 Odin's Black History

Chapter 441 Odin's Black History
Loki's tone was still full of sarcasm, and he said: "You have revised history, painted murals, and blocked news, and since then you have become the perfect king, the supreme lord of the nine worlds."

"Loki." Odin yelled, the voice was so loud that his roar echoed throughout the corridor, so that the guards outside the door rushed in and were directly driven out by Odin.

As if he didn't see Odin's anger, Loki jumped crazily on the verge of death, saying: "Is it so scary that people will hear it? That's right, if people know your past, it will indeed damage your glorious image, but you Can you deceive others, or yourself? Can you say that you have not done it?"

Loki's voice became higher and higher, and in the end it became questionable. Thor's eyes widened. People's affairs, and erase all this, so that no one will know.

This makes it hard for Thor to believe that Odin has always been a radiant and perfect character in his heart, and now he has a dark history. It's hard for my old father's personality to collapse.

"Loki, what nonsense are you talking about?" Thor stood on the old father's side without hesitation. After all, it is common for his younger brother to lie and cheat. People who believe in him are afraid that they will be betrayed. all over.

But what Thor never expected was that he stood up and spoke out, but his old father was speechless, as if he had lost his energy, as if it was difficult to stand up, and disregarded his image, he leaned on the gun of eternity and slowly Sitting slumped on the steps.

At this moment, Thor suddenly felt that his father was old, and he was no longer the God of War who galloped on the battlefield. Thor put Thor's Hammer on the ground and hurried to help him sit. Odin on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Odin, who was sitting on the ground with his head bowed, said in a low voice: "You are right, no matter how you try to hide it, you can't lie to yourself. If you do something wrong, you are doing it wrong."

Thor couldn't close his mouth in surprise. It seemed that he didn't know what he was talking about, and Loki actually told the truth, but his father lied instead.
Loki didn't seem to expect Odin to admit it, so he was stunned for a while, and couldn't speak out the following questioning, and looking at Odin who was sitting slumped on the ground, Loki felt a little uncomfortable, this is his childhood. The father who adored and respected him from time to time, the father who took him and Thor to play around, taught him carefully, and the father who picked him up from the battlefield and brought him up
It’s just that this bit of guilt was quickly suppressed by Loki. He wants to become king, let Odin know that he is the one who is most suitable to be king, Odin is wrong, he is the best and most suitable to be king. King's, not brainless Thor.

With Thor's support, Odin slowly stood up, looked at Loki, and said, "I don't know where you learned this, I really regret everything I did back then, but if I can do it all over again If it is not, I will still do that. A high-ranking king always has to give up a lot of things, including his own conscience and his own daughter."

"???" A series of question marks popped up on Thor's forehead, daughter?What daughter?His father has an illegitimate daughter?

Luo Ji was in the prison, with his arms folded in front of him, and he said with a blank expression: "We... you still have a sister, don't you know?"

"What?" Thor was really frightened. Why didn't he know anything, but Loki, the adopted son, knew everything about who was his own and who was adopted?

Odin leaned on the Eternal Spear, sighed deeply, closed his eyes and shook his head, said: "You do have a sister, she is very talented, she is only [-] years old and can lead an army in battle, her strength is almost as strong as Come on me, one-third of the Nine Realms was led by her, I thought Asgard would have its first queen, but..."

Odin couldn't continue talking, and Thor asked in surprise: "Then where is she now?"

"Heim's Underworld." Loki said coldly.

Odin nodded and said: "Her ambitions are growing day by day. She has fought repeatedly and suffered heavy losses. Asgard is exhausted and has lost the ability to continue fighting. She must rest and recuperate. But she doesn't want to stop. Unexpectedly, the souls of the Hall of Valor and the remains of the warriors were used to make undead, creating an army that does not need to rest, does not need to eat, and can fight until the bones are smashed to pieces."

This time not only Thor, but even Loki was shocked. The Asgardians are very particular about burial. Soldiers who died outside will not be buried on the spot but brought back to Asgard. Asgard has been enshrined for generations, and they believe that the souls of these soldiers will bless Asgard invincible.

Unexpectedly, this elder sister, who had never met before, dared to risk the dissatisfaction of the world and go to the Hall of Valor, no, she had already done so.Soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country, and their souls are still restless. They were dug out and made into undead. If their relatives knew about it, they might have to work hard. No wonder Odin wants to erase this dark history. It is true that people should not know, otherwise it will be shaken The rule of the Odinson family.

But Thor immediately felt wrong again. It was true that his father expelled his sister to Heim's underworld. Didn't he also be expelled to Midgard for his mistakes?Why would my father say that he did something wrong?

Faced with Thor's doubts, Odin seemed even more guilty. After a long silence, he said: "When I found out, her death army was already quite large, and all methods and methods could not make her change her mind. Solve it with war.

The Valkyrie prevented her and her death army from leaving in Haim's Underworld, and I took the opportunity to seal Haim's Underworld, sealing her and the Death Army inside, and could never leave. "

"This is the truth about the disappearance of Valkyrie and Pegasus?" Thor stared blankly at his father, really unable to believe such a fact.

"Why not kill her? As long as she dies, the army of death will cease to exist, and you will not use all your power to seal Helm's underworld like this." Loki suddenly said: "Don't you I had the heart to kill her, so I could only sacrifice the creatures living in Haim's underworld, as well as the Valkyrie who is loyal to you."

The Underworld of Helm was sealed by Odin, and the creatures there were slaughtered by the army of death, and there was nowhere to escape. It can be said that Odin sacrificed a world in this move.

"I can only do this. She is the most talented fighter I have ever seen. In Asgard, she has infinite power. Even I can't help her. For the sake of the Nine Realms, I have to give up. This is the king." Odin said incredulously.

(End of this chapter)

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