The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 417 Kunlun defector

Chapter 417 Kunlun defector

Two Ten Rings soldiers came out of a room in the basement, the room behind them was turned into a mess, and this kind of behavior was staged everywhere in the basement, twenty soldiers were rummaging in the vast basement wantonly .

After looking through one room, go to the next room, put a small directional detonating device on the door lock, and directly blow the door lock open. The method is simple and rude but very effective, and does not care about the loss of the owner of the building.

'Snapped! ' There was another slight cracking sound, and the door lock opened in response. A soldier from the Ten Rings Gang stepped forward and pushed the door open, and the door opened a crack, and there was a sudden change.Under the illumination of the tactical flashlight, a gleaming silver Taidao protruded from the crack of the door, slashing across the soldier's neck with lightning speed.

The severed main artery sprayed blood like a fountain, dyeing the silver alloy door red all of a sudden. Behind the wide open door was a person wrapped in a black ninja suit, holding a sword in his right hand and throwing it with a flick of his left hand. He took out a shuriken and stabbed it precisely into the neck of another soldier.

A big hole was poked out of the trachea, and a large amount of blood poured into it. The soldier clutched his neck and couldn't speak. He subconsciously moved his fingers, making the gun in his hand roar, and his body fell heavily to the ground, convulsing a few times. Down, don't move.

The gunshot sounded like the horn of an attack. Ninjas wrapped in black cloth suddenly appeared in the dark and silent basement, holding a sword and using sharp hidden ninja weapons, and launched an attack on the soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang holding modern firearms.

The complex basement environment makes nimble ninjas like ducks in water, like a hunter in a dark forest who immediately dodges away after a successful blow. The soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang have never encountered such a situation. They fell one by one, but even the shadows of each other I didn't see it, let alone launched a counterattack, the bullet in the gun chamber was not fired, and I was already dead.

In the lobby on the first floor, the Mandarin and his six most elite subordinates stood quietly in front of the broken glass door. Ten minutes had passed since the raid on the financial building, but they did not hear the expected siren. Even the building was silent, as if no one was there.

The deathly silence, even a fool would feel that something was wrong, the man frowned, none of the subordinates sent to find the underground passage has come back to report the situation, what is even more disturbing is that the radio channel is also quiet , can not hear a little sound.

"It seems that we have found the right place." The Mandarin was not angry but happy. The person who can find the place where the keel is sealed is absolutely extraordinary. If there is no obstacle, it means that this is not the place where the keel is kept.

The Mandarin was about to go to the basement to see for himself, when he turned around, he saw six ninjas in black appeared in the corridor that was empty just now, holding bows and arrows in their hands, aiming at the Mandarin and his After a few strikes, ninjas with bows and arrows appeared on the left, right and behind, and surrounded the Mandarin and his subordinates from all directions.

The only six remaining subordinates of the Mandarin do not know where to aim their guns in their hands. There are thirty or forty enemies, and it is unknown how many are hidden in the darkness. At such a short distance, the guns and crossbows are the same Yes, shooting is a dead word.

"Long time no see, Zhang Tong!" An elderly woman's voice came from the group of ninjas, and the frontal ninjas parted, revealing an old lady wearing an old cardigan with a cane.

"Gao!" The Mandarin also called out the other person's name, turned his head and looked around, and said, "Are you alone?"

"The guardians have judged Kunlun, I really want to know how the elders look?" A short man holding a dagger came out from the group of ninjas behind.

"It seems that after escaping from Kunlun, you don't have enough dragons to delay aging." A middle-aged woman in a gorgeous dress came out from the right. .

"Let us experience the power of the iron fist again." A black man in a suit and a gentleman's hat appeared on the left.

"Why don't we cooperate to get enough dragons, and then fight Kunlun to snatch Shou Lao."

Four different voices came from the ninjas on three sides, and four more people came out, asking the Mandarin to read their names one by one: Alexandra, Murakami, Hiroto and Thorwand. A member of Kunlun's "Junior Student" Hemu Warrior Group, he has undergone inhuman training and gained supreme strength.

Once they only wanted to survive, but after gaining powerful power, other thoughts grew in their hearts. The temptation of longevity led them to steal the remains of Shou Lao, defected from Kunlun, and founded the Hand Association in the mortal world.

The mandarin said in a flat tone: "So, the earthquake in Manhattan was caused by you trying to force open the dragon's seal. Did it explode?"

The five didn't answer, and the Mandarin laughed heartily: "Only an iron fist can break the dragon's seal. Even if you blow up Manhattan Island, you won't be able to break the seal."

Gao suddenly said: "Cooperate, you can get a share."

The Mandarin said without giving in, "Half!"

"Impossible!" Murakami flatly refused. In order to dig out the keel beneath Manhattan, the Hand deliberately purchased the building built on top of the dragon's remains, and then began to excavate secretly. All the soil was transported out in a sealed truck, and the transportation cost extremely high.

To dig hundreds of meters down to prevent water seepage and collapse, the money spent on fixing and anti-seepage is an astronomical figure. After paying such a high price, the keel was finally dug out. Open your mouth halfway, how is it possible.

Alexandra and Thorwand looked at each other, and silently touched the sharp blade at their waists, but Botu shook his head slightly at them, listening to the two of Gao Man bargaining there, and finally paid Thirty percent of the keel, as a reward for the Mandarin to open the door, everyone happily prolongs life together.

After negotiating a non-binding verbal agreement, the tense atmosphere suddenly eased a lot. The firearms and crossbows were all put down, and they no longer pointed at each other, but no one put away their weapons, or walked to the opposite party. Inside the team.

The Mandarin wants to know where the passage leading to the keel is, and the Five Hands want to use the former Iron Fist to open the 'door' that seals the keel. , causing unnecessary trouble, after all, it is quite close to the building with the huge letter A hanging on the roof.

Once a fight starts, it will be a thunderbolt hitting the ground, and it will not be over until the sky is turned upside down. At that time, the passage leading to the place where the keel is located will not be a matter of collapsing, but a matter of seconds. The Hand held back the urge to kill the opponent, first opened the seal to see that the keel was indeed there, and then decided whether to kill the opponent.

The indoors are full of horses and horses, but the outdoors are busy. The conversation between the Mandarin and the Five Hands was overheard from a distance of 300 meters. It can be said that Jimmy Wu was shocked. The dragon that only exists in legends, It was actually underground in Manhattan, and it was dug up by someone. The recent earthquake was actually caused by this group of people blowing up the seal.

Jimmy Wu murmured in a low voice: "A big event is about to happen." Although he didn't know what the keel looked like and what its function was, it was obvious that these two groups of people came for the keel underground, to break the seal and unravel the keel. The next step is to fight randomly to decide who will take the keel alone.

The strength of the Mandarin is obvious to all. The ruins of Miami have just begun to be cleared, and the blowing of the seal will shake the ground. If they fight underground, it will definitely be a disaster for Manhattan.But it was too late to ask the headquarters for support. The scanning screen showed that the group of people had gone up to the fifth floor from the elevator, transferred to another hidden elevator, and then went all the way down, obviously going underground.

Jimmy Wu signaled his subordinates to report to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Operations Department—the Hub, while he walked towards the corner with his mobile phone, looked at the number on the screen whose last call was nine months ago, hesitated for two seconds, and pressed the down.

(End of this chapter)

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