The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 416 Dragon Bone

Chapter 416 Dragon Bone
This situation looks like a military parade, especially with the black smoke covering half of the sky behind him and the desert earth city that collapsed in the fire, the proper game promotional video looks very imposing.

But the video didn't end there. The last half minute was Stark's solo monologue. Iron Man suspended in the sky, with the destroyed Holy City of the Ten Rings behind him, shouted provocative words: "This is the first Lesson, no one can act recklessly. The so-called holy city of the Ten Commandments Gang no longer exists. The leader of the Ten Commandments Gang, the Mandarin, has also been arrested. He will accept a fair trial and pay the price for his crimes.

I am Iron Man, and I maintain world peace. "

Finally, there is a photo of a manacled mandarin at the end, and the video ends here abruptly. Ke did not expressly imply that the Avengers destroyed the Holy City, and it also made people watching the video think that the Holy City was destroyed by the Avengers.

Hundreds of surface-to-surface missiles are worth more than one billion U.S. dollars, but the credit goes to the Avengers. The Security Council wants to use the smallest price to let the Avengers be the vanguard. The credit has been taken over.

Although the countries issued a statement immediately, the United Fleet launched missiles to destroy the holy city of the Ten Rings, and how many terrorists were eliminated. However, there are already preconceived ideas of the Avengers. Not many people pay attention to this, and they are busy praising the Avengers. Who? Still following your statement.

Especially the Avengers didn't say who destroyed the Holy City at all, "The people who eat melons are wrong, what does it have to do with me", even the responsibility of the Avengers can't take credit, the coalition forces are really angry, Immediately spread this fire on the Ten Commandments Gang on the opposite side.

The destruction of the Holy City and the arrest of the Mandarin, can be said to have blown up the Ten Commandments Gang's outer tender and inner coke. Before the fighting started here, the lair was blown up, and they were playing with wool. People were panicked. Those who were beaten by the coalition forces were defeated. , not even a decent resistance.

But all of this has nothing to do with the Avengers. Their mission has been successfully completed. As soon as they landed, Coulson brought the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel to receive the Mandarin, and started the interrogation work directly in the coalition camp. Killian, who asked about AIM, hired him to shoot violent and terrorist videos, and was snatched away by the Mandarin. He continued to shoot such videos in the Middle East
At Mandarin's words, the eyes of all the officers of the coalition headquarters who were watching in amazement almost popped out. Almost everyone's eyes were on the US imperialist delegation. The number one member, 'Mandarin', is an actor from your side.There are also arms companies that bomb their own bases in order to sell arms. This operation is really suffocating and has no bottom line.

The representatives of other countries are still restrained, and the representatives of the polar bears almost wrote 'disdain' on their faces. If it weren't for the fact that the Ten Rings Gang hadn't been completely wiped out and the overall situation was the top priority, they wouldn't be ridiculing in their hearts, and they would definitely say BB .

Mandarin knows very little. Whether it is in the hands of Killian or Mandarin, his range of activities is very small, and people follow him when he goes in and out. He explained what he knows in just 10 minutes. , I can’t ask any more questions.

After Coulson asked him to sign the interrogation record, he left in a hurry with these items, and reported to the headquarters, requesting the arrest of Killian, who had been under surveillance for a long time. There is no way to catch this billionaire who is famous and has a lot of connections in the military, Pentagon, but now with the witness and testimony of Mandarin, it is enough to get it under control first.

Another agent took over the Mandarin, and the organizers let the Mandarin continue to shoot the video, but this time it was a surrender video, and a recording of the surrender was also read.The current Mandarin is recognized as a "Mandarin" by the whole world. His surrender and surrender can not only defeat the Ten Rings Gang, but also greatly boost the morale of the country. Doesn't it mean that our side is strong?
Sure enough, after the video and audio of the Mandarin's surrender were sent out across the band, the morale of the Ten Rings immediately plummeted, making the advance speed of the coalition forces faster again, and even batches of surrenders appeared. According to this speed, they will soon be able to Completely wipe out the Ten Rings Gang.

The war progressed quickly, but there were not many casualties. Too many surrendered, not only the civilians who were forced to join the Ten Rings Gang, but also many former Ten Rings gang members. They all raised their hands and surrendered. The bosses stopped fighting. Also play a woolen ah.

But the Avengers and the Allied Forces Command are not so optimistic. The territory of the Ten Rings Gang has been compressed by more than half, and the core area is within the range of the Allied Forces' cannons, but the real Mandarin has not shown up so far, either Seeing that the situation was not good and ran away, or a bigger conspiracy was brewing.

Therefore, the coalition forces slowed down the speed of advancement, and dispersed a large number of troops into more teams, transferred more armed helicopters from the country, and purchased more high-precision temperature difference detectors produced by Stark Industries. Patrol around the camps of various armies day and night to prevent the Ten Rings from repeating their tricks to attack the camps.

The prudence of the coalition forces seems to be quite effective. It has been half a month since the war started. The means used by the Ten Rings to deal with the US imperialist base and the OPEC coalition forces have not happened to the armies of various countries so far. Back to various countries: Which deep-fried dough sticks and oil refineries were captured yesterday, and how many Ten Commandments gangs were eliminated today.
The front is busy fighting, while the rear sends people to repair the oil fields and refineries in their respective occupied areas. It is called to restore production and supply the army for consumption. Their intentions can be imagined with the duodenum, and occupation will not be easy. After leaving, after all, we need to clear up the remnants of the war, help maintain law and order after clearing out the remnants, help rebuild the city after maintaining law and order, and rebuild the city. Well, there will always be a reason to stay.

With the smooth progress of the war and the restoration of the first batch of oil fields, the price of oil finally began to drop, which made the people of all countries rejoice. Only the oil dealers and the elites of the Ten Commandments who broke the contract were unhappy. The Mandarin also took them with him when he left the Middle East. The 'Pro-Guards', which is equivalent to taking away the bones of the Ten Rings Gang, naturally limp and beaten on the ground by the coalition forces.

Looking at the video clips from the front-line reporters, the flag of the Ten Rings Gang was stepped on the ground, and the members of the Ten Rings Gang were walking into the prisoner-of-war camp surrounded by barbed wire at gunpoint by coalition soldiers with their heads in their hands. The gang's city flies the banner of evil forces
What angered them the most was the video and recording of the surrender released by the fake 'Mandarin', which is definitely insulting their 'god', and they wish they could go back immediately, catch this fake, and let him be torn to pieces, not in Here, every time after an earthquake, they would drive around in a car with a broken machine all over the street.

But Master Mandarin was not moved by it, whether his power was falling apart, his territory was being invaded, or fake products were ruining his reputation everywhere, he didn't care at all, he just urged his subordinates to be on call [-]/[-], as long as If there is an earthquake, drive out immediately.

Fortunately, the increase in oil prices has reduced the number of cars on the street. Otherwise, we will change the previous traffic conditions, not to mention half a month, even two months have not been sent to complete this work. A lot of data Converge to Kahn Industry for in-depth analysis.

After obtaining the detailed location of the earthquake, the Mandarin took more than 20 men by his side and headed for the Midtown at the fastest speed overnight. The seven cars had just left from Kahn Industry, and two black cars came quietly. Followed up, hung far behind, and manipulated several palm-sized drones to track this group of strange guys.

After the earthquake, everyone was in a hurry to evade. Only these people drove around, once or twice, five times or six times, which naturally attracted the attention of SHIELD agents who were also investigating in Manhattan. After the deployment was complete, it was discovered that they were leaving late at night, and the surveillance agents followed up while reporting to their superiors.

Two groups of people with different purposes came all the way from Queens to the headquarters building of a financial company in Midtown. The security guards were about to go up to inquire about these unregistered vehicles when the window of the car in front was rolled down, facing The security booths just fired at each other, knocking down several security guards to the ground, lying in a pool of blood.

The gunshots like fried beans were extremely loud at night, which alarmed the staff on duty of the financial company. Just as they were about to press the alarm button, there was the sound of a roaring engine at the door of the lobby on the first floor, followed by a car going crazy. It rushed over like a cow, smashed the glass door of the building, and rushed in with countless broken glass.

Immediately afterwards, three cars crashed in from the left and right sides, and the originally spacious and bright lobby on the first floor suddenly turned into a parking lot. The doors of the seven cars opened, and more than 20 big men with Central Asian faces stepped on the floor. Broken Glass came down, all carrying rifles in their hands, wearing bulletproof vests filled with bullet clips, and surrounded an old man in a hood.

Amidst the harsh sirens, the mandarin slowly raised his head, glanced around, opened his lips and said in a low voice: "Find me the passage down, they must have dug to the place where the keel is sealed, and want to open it by force. That would cause an earthquake."

"Yes!" The twenty burly men quickly dispersed, and only six people remained beside the Mandarin. The guns in the hands of these six people were different from those of other countries on the earth, and they were very sci-fi. In the style of the movie, they did not look for the underground passage like others did, but spread out and pointed their guns at the door to prevent people from entering the building. As for the Mandarin, they stood in the hall with their hands behind their backs, He didn't care about being exposed to the camera at all, and he was a different person from his behavior of hiding and not showing his face during this period of time.

On the opposite side of this building, there are five S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing on the top of the building, holding two bird listeners in their hands, and the other two are holding computers to process the collected sounds. The voice was clear and audible, which shocked Jimmy Wu who was wearing a headset. He quickly took off the headset, took out his mobile phone and started dialing a number. He said urgently: "Sir, the Mandarin is breaking an appointment. He is looking for the keel. , he has found the keel"

(End of this chapter)

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