The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 389 Iron Fist

Chapter 389 Iron Fist
With the efforts of the driver Mei, the fallen 'bus' finally avoided the fate of falling to pieces, and left the densely built city in a gliding posture. After touching the ground, it slid forward for a long distance and plunged into the In the grove next to it, the big trees in front of them are as fragile as straw, breaking when hit, 'click!Click! 'The cracking sound is endless.

Sliding on the rough and uneven ground, the machine body shook violently, causing the things in the cabin to roll around and scattered everywhere, making the originally clean and tidy cabin messy.The people in the cabin were hit by the debris flying all over the sky and rolling everywhere.

After finally stopping the plane, Mei, who was holding the control stick tightly, let out a long sigh of relief, slowly let go of her ten fingers, and leaned heavily on the back of the seat, only to realize that she was covered in sweat. If there is a mistake, the plane crashes and people die.

Everyone in the cabin also hurriedly unfastened themselves from their fixed positions. Among them, Captain America Rogers was the fastest. He used both hands to grab the door frame and the edge of the railing, and fixed himself firmly. No matter how the plane shook, it couldn't get rid of it.

Therefore, after the plane came to a complete stop, Rogers jumped from the second floor to the rear cabin, ran two steps, tapped the emergency opening button next to it, and stretched his other hand to his back to fish out the vibrating gold shield. With hands in front of him, he ran out of the plane as fast as he could to prevent being blocked by someone.

In the cabin, a group of people who were dazed by the shaking didn't care about other things, and went to get weapons and equipment first, while Fitz and Simmons jumped in front of the holographic projector and clicked on it quickly. The top of the Airbus A steel plate in the cabin was opened, and twelve drones the size of ping-pong balls flew up in unison, at a thirty-degree angle to each other, and spread out in all directions.

Near the Airbus, with a panoramic view, if someone wants to besiege the Airbus, the movement will not escape the surveillance of these drones, but the surroundings are quiet, there is no imaginary enemy at all, but the situation of the castle-style villa in the distance is photographed.

Fitz and Simmons looked at the picture on the big screen, their eyeballs almost popped out, their mouths were wide enough to stuff their fists, Coulson, who was hurriedly putting on his bulletproof vest, caught a glimpse of the big screen, and was stunned. Slowly straightened up, and said in an extremely incredible tone: "Fitz, is your drone not damaged?"

"No, sir!"

"Then we have to go there immediately." Coulson said and immediately ran to the exit, and at the same time shouted loudly into the headset: "Ward, go to the back cabin immediately, Fitz, you contact the headquarters, ask for support, and follow up." The fleeing helicopter."

Daisy and Banner were attracted by Coulson's yelling, and before they could ask, they saw the picture on the big screen: the parts of the steel suit scattered on the ground and Stark on the ground, followed by The approaching drone captured Greer's Kamen Rider armor collapsing.

"What?" Dr. Banner's dizzy head was suddenly terrified by this scene. Kamen Rider's defensive power is strong. He has experienced it before. It's okay to be punched by Hulk a few times, but it's so easy. was smashed by the hide-and-seek person, this
Daisy turned her head and ran towards the exit, three points faster than Coulson. Dr. Banner sighed deeply, shook his head, took off the glasses he just wore and put them on the table next to him, and then Head towards the rear hatch.

Captain America, who looked around for a while, was about to return when he saw Coulson.Ward jumped on his beloved Laura in a hurry, quickly switched to flight mode, kicked the accelerator and flew out, shouting at him: "Captain, get in the car!"

It was the first time that Rogers saw Coulson so anxious. Before he had time to ask what happened, he ran two steps forward, jumped onto Laura, and flew towards the battlefield at lightning speed.As soon as the car left, Daisy ran out of the airbus. She could only look anxiously at the transported car, looked down at her hands, and swung her palms down abruptly, aiming at the ground.

"It's definitely possible!" Daisy encouraged herself, her gauntlets glowed, and she slowly controlled the release of shock waves. The invisible shock waves bombarded the ground, causing the lumpy soil below to be shaken away, and the grass stems , insects and ants were also crushed by the shock.

With the strengthening of the shock wave, Daisy felt the reaction force, as if someone was pushing her palm below. When the shock wave reached a certain intensity, Daisy took a deep breath, bent her legs and jumped up, and at the same time violently Greatly increased the output of the shock wave.

The reaction force made Daisy fly into the sky like an arrow from the string, jumping more than ten meters high, and just started to fall, the palm released the shock wave again, controlling the falling speed, and when it touched the ground, she staggered forward It took four or five steps to stand firmly, and when I looked back, I was already more than 40 meters away from the Airbus.

Dr. Banner looked at Daisy who jumped up again and again, and then looked at the uneven ground. Unless it was a suspended car, it was impossible to drive at a speed of thirty yards. He sighed again and said: "I hope this To feel better this time, come on, Hulk!"

In the distant water space, the power of the demon emperor in Greer's body poured into the diend gun continuously, and more than 20 water columns surrounding him quickly rotated, stirring up turbulent waves in the calm water space, the smallest The waves are also more than ten meters high.

Such a momentum can be described as earth-shattering, but Man Man has a calm expression on his face, he just steps forward with his legs, raises his hands, and puts on a fighting gesture, muttering in a low voice: "Everything in the world has Qi. It is equivalent to controlling everything, this special space you created does cut off my connection with magic power, but you can't cut off Qi."

"You will soon know what suffocation is." Greer gritted his teeth and said, he didn't have time to think about what the Mandarin was talking about. He spent half of the Demon Emperor's power to create this water space In order to separate the connection between Mandarin and magic power.

The ancient mages can change the reality by controlling the magic power, so as to cast all kinds of magic. Once they are cut off from the magic power, even the most powerful magician may not be able to beat the fighters, so Greer did not hesitate to spend a lot of money He used the amount of magic power, created a water space, and launched a fatal blow in a place that was beneficial to him.

The Mandarin ignored Greer, but maintained a fighting posture, slowly clenched his right fist, and the thin fist bulged little by little, as if inflating it, and the fist slowly lit up Pale golden light came.

Greer has already output the power of the Demon Emperor in his body, and the diend gun lights up like a [-]-watt light bulb. With a hook of his finger, he pulls the trigger, and a brilliant beam of light is emitted from the muzzle of the gun, surrounding the grid. As if receiving a signal, Riel's rotating water column swept towards the light beam in unison, and rotated rapidly around the light beam.

During the rotation, the water column merged into one, and 'grow' limbs and head, turning into a huge water dragon. The light beams wrapped in the body spread like vines, penetrating into every part of the water dragon's body. It looks like the veins of a water dragon.

The network of veins formed by the light beams emits light, making the transparent water dragon bright, like a big one-kilowatt light bulb, illuminating the surroundings as brightly as day, making the moon in the sky eclipsed.

"Qi governs all things, and breaks all things." The Mandarin finally finished his deep and difficult classical Chinese, his right fist was translucent, and he could clearly see the unidentified luminous objects flowing along the blood vessels, which made him His fist was as bright as gold.

But compared with the water dragon, his fists paled in color, not at the same level in terms of brightness, but the mandarin raised his fist to face the water dragon without fear, and when the water dragon, which was as big as a train, was about to hit him, With a loud shout, he swung his fist with all his strength, and hit the water dragon's head heavily.

'boom! There was a deafening bang, with the Mandarin and the water dragon as the center, the water surface was depressed by the shock wave, while the surrounding water surface was upward, forming a huge pit with a width of 30 meters and a depth of [-] meters. .

The mandarin's shiny golden fist sank deep into the water dragon's head, reaching to the elbow. With this as the center, cracks appeared on the water dragon's head, which expanded rapidly, and within two to three seconds, it expanded to the water dragon's body. whole body.

'Ping! ' With a soft sound, the huge water dragon shattered into countless pieces, and then turned back to the original water, falling downwards, as if a torrential rain had poured, instantly filling up the water that was pressed out by the shock wave before. That sunken pit.

The water space can no longer maintain the calmness before, and there are turbulent waves everywhere, which is more terrifying than a typhoon passing through. Even the moon in the sky seems to be short-circuited. There are gaps of different sizes in the middle, through which light shines through, and some large gaps can vaguely see the outside world.

In the heavy rain, the Mandarin maintained the posture of punching, staring at Greer opposite with piercing eyes through the water curtain, slowly retracting his fists and straightening his waist. If it was in a movie, it would definitely be a slow-motion shot, but here Only Greer can appreciate his graceful retraction.

"How is it possible?" Greer felt like he was talking in his sleep. Half of the power of the Demon Emperor plus the energy of the water space created a water dragon that could easily level a community, but he was forcefully punched by someone. Broken, this. This. Even Hulk can't say that he smashed his water dragon so easily.

There is also the fist of the Mandarin exuding golden light, which is very familiar to look at, and the 'Qi' that the Mandarin just said, it can't be an iron fist, but how can the Mandarin be an iron fist?Although he hasn't paid much attention to Marvel's TV series, he also knows that there is a TV series about "Iron Fist", and the protagonist is a white man at all.

Also, Iron Fist is from Kunlun. Only by defeating the gatekeeper of Kunlun, "Shou Lao", can you get the title of Iron Fist. Does it say in movies and comics that Mandarin and Kunlun are side by side?How can a Mandarin be able to control Qi into an iron fist? It's too outrageous.

Dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, isn't this the treatment only the protagonist has?How can adults do it?Could it be that he is the main character?
While Greer was being shocked by the wild thoughts in his head, the Mandarin raised his glowing right fist and said to Greer: "No one can trap me, because I can control Qi."

"I don't understand!" Greer finally answered, and at the same time, his brain was spinning at a high speed, looking for a new way to deal with the Mandarin.

"Controlling qi can control everything, so." The mandarin raised his fist and shouted suddenly: "Break!" At the same time as the words were shouted, the fist also hit the water surface under the feet, which was so soft that it could be broken with a poke On the surface of the water, unexpectedly received a punch from the Mandarin, but there were only the slightest ripples, in stark contrast to the raging waves all around.

The most central area of ​​the ripples suddenly turned into dry land, while the side was still clear water, and the water and the dry land did not affect each other, just like two worlds, the ripples spread rapidly, and the passing At this point, the water surface was transformed into the ground, and a piece of the bright moon in the sky was also "eaten". After the bright moon was completely "eaten", the water space was completely broken, and the Mandarin and Greer also returned to the real world.

"What?" Greer felt that the shock for a while was catching up with all the surprises in the past. The water space, the water space he created was broken just like that, or was it punched, or what kind of 'gas'? The theory is like listening to the bible.

The Mandarin is used to it, stepping on the ground with his right foot, the body suddenly rushes forward, like a whirlwind blowing on the ground, the fluttering robe rolls up a lot of dust, but it can't keep up with the super fast speed of the Mandarin.The Mandarin who attacked suddenly made Greer fire in a hurry, and the Diend gun fired short beams of light, heading straight for the Mandarin, intending to stop the Mandarin.

Although I don't know what he rushed here for, but he definitely wasn't looking for palmistry, so he stopped him from approaching him and said, while Greer quickly summoned Agito's Trinity card, and hurriedly inserted it into the driver at his waist.

“Form Ride agito Trinity”

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the ruby ​​in the center of the decade driver glowed brightly, and the stripes combined to form the symbol of Agito. The three colors of red, blue and gold spread on Greer's body, and quickly combined into the Agito trinity armor, wrapping Greer inside.

Facing the oncoming light beam, the Mandarin did not dodge or dodge, and his running speed did not slow down at all. He raised his glowing right fist and swung the right hammer. The light beam that could penetrate the steel plate hit his fist, unexpectedly There were sparks splashing, and the mandarin smashed them up with his fists, and diffused into the original energy without leaving any traces.

Greer had just completed his transformation, and the Mandarin had already rushed in front of him. Greer subconsciously dodged sideways, but compared to the Mandarin, his movements seemed to be in slow motion, and his right leg started to retreat. The Mandarin swung his right fist and hit Greer in the stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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