Chapter 388 The Ten Commandments
'Chila! '

The Ark Reactor emitting bright light was forcibly pulled down together with the fragments of clothes, revealing the big hole in Stark's chest. Stark felt the pain in his heart as if being pricked by a needle. The severe pain made his eyes black for bursts. Subconsciously waved, wanting to get back the Ark reactor.

It's just that he couldn't even touch the Mandarin in his steel battle suit, let alone now, he swung his right hand in the air, and slapped the ground weakly, almost falling down, big drops of sweat rolled from his face When it falls, it drips into the dry soil and is absorbed instantly.

The Mandarin held the Ark Reactor in front of his eyes, turned his palms, carefully grasped the exquisite Ark Reactor that looked like a work of art, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's really beautiful, like a blooming flower, but in the forest, beautiful things, Often a dangerous poison."

"Give it back to me." Stark tried his best to raise his head, but the stinging pain in his heart made him extremely painful. It was extremely difficult to even breathe, and he couldn't even lie on his half-lying body. The arms supporting his body were shaking like chaff. , a shaky look.

"The weak are not worthy of making demands on the strong. I hope your companions will let you live," the Mandarin said, turning his head, looking at Greer who had stood up, and showing it to Greer. With the Ark reactor in his hand, he said in a hoarse voice: "One dragon, one life for him."

Greer was ready to draw a card to change Agito's trinity form, taking into account strength, speed and defense, to deal with the Mandarin, but saw the ark reactor in the hands of the Mandarin, and what he said, but didn't understand for a while: "What? "

The Mandarin clenched the Ark's reactor with five fingers, glanced at Stark who had collapsed on the ground, clutching his heart in agony, and said, "Take your dragon for his life, hand over the control method, and I'll spare you." His life, otherwise"

Speaking of this, the five fingers of the Mandarin suddenly exerted force, squeezing the edge metal of the Ark's reactor.Click! ’ made a sound, slightly deformed, and said in a hoarse voice: “How long can he live without this?”

Greer didn't answer, and turned his head to look at the fire dragon in the big lump of ice on the left. The ice layer is fifty or sixty centimeters thick. Even the fire dragon will not melt in a short while. Just now Greer He wanted to take back the Fiery Dragon, but what the Mandarin said made him stop.

Although the heart has lost the protection of the ark reactor, it can still endure for a few minutes, but Stark is so close to the Mandarin, and he has lost his steel suit. , it was too late to save.

"You don't have enough time to think." When the Mandarin spoke again, the Ark Reactor was pinched by him and started to burst into sparks. Obviously, there was a malfunction. With a little more force, the Ark Reactor could be destroyed.

"Can you guarantee it?"

"You have to believe it!"

"Okay, I'll give it to you" Greer said, waving his hand at the fire dragon, and the fire dragon in the ice suddenly turned into a small and exquisite card, and it fell powerlessly downwards, which surprised the adults Just as he was about to turn his head to look at Greer, he found that the air in front of Greer twisted and disappeared.

Greer took advantage of the Mandarin's attention on the fire dragon that turned back into a card, immediately activated the space ability, entered the mirror world, and then immediately opened the space door leading to the real world, and jumped directly to the Mandarin It took less than [-] seconds before and after, which is more than ten times faster than opening the space door in the real world.

A big living person suddenly appeared in front of the Mandarin, and punched it with a fist. The attack was so sudden and fast, but the Mandarin still reacted, and the wind ring on the middle finger of his right hand was activated, forming a high-speed whirlwind, blowing the ground While the stones, dust, etc. rolled up to form a barrier, he was also supported by the wind and retreated, which was three points faster than Greer's fist.

"It's a very interesting ability, but you have no chance." The Mandarin still commented leisurely on Greer's attack. His five fingers clenched tightly like steel clamps, and the Ark reactor was squeezed into a twisted mess. Iron, before the internal energy burst out, it was absorbed by the ring on the Mandarin's hand.

"Ha!" The man who was lifted by the wind and suspended in the air shouted loudly, and thrust forward his clenched right hand. The rings on the five fingers all lit up, shining under the reflection of the sun. A multicolored beam of more than ten centimeters shot out from the Mandarin's fist and went straight to Greer.

When all the five rings on the Mandarin's fist were lit up, Greer wanted to get out of the way, but behind him was Stark, who was weak and not as good as an ordinary person. Launched before, opened the mirror world, and forcibly fixed the dimension wall in the real world.

The mirror dimension has just been completed, and the five-in-one ray of the Mandarin hit it. The ray that is enough to blow up a hill has no sparks splashed, and it is all absorbed by the mirror dimension. The number of cracks has only doubled, but it is still far from being completely broken.

Greer unsparingly output the power of the Demon Emperor in his body, maintained the mirror dimension, and said provocatively: "Isn't it just to divert other people's attacks? I will also do this trick." Trying to use taunts Pull all the hatred of the Mandarin on himself, lest he pay attention to Stark, who is barely breathing.

"Do you think you can fight against me?" The Mandarin raised his left arm as he said, the ring on his thumb glowed white, covering the mirror dimension, creating one source of gravity after another, unbalanced gravity, instantly Let the mirror dimension collapse.

But Greer did not create a mirrored dimension again, because the Mandarin stopped his five-in-one ray, and slowly fell from the air to the ground, looking very elegant, in stark contrast to the grey-faced Greer.Just standing on the ground, staring at Greer who was only twenty meters away, as if thinking about something.

Greer is not interested in accompanying him to think about life and ideals here, so he raised his left hand without hesitation, and the Fire Dragon card in the huge ice cube appeared in his palm instantly, and inserted it into the Neo driver at his waist with a wave of his hand .

Accompanied by 'Attack Ride Wildfire Dragon! With the mechanically synthesized sound of ', Greer's body was ignited with raging flames, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge red metal dragon, circling around Greer.

"This is the dragon you want, but you can't seem to take it away."

"Really?" At the same time as the Mandarin's voice sounded, the ice ring in his hand flickered, and a freezing ray shot out instantly, heading straight for Greer, intending to freeze Greer and the fire dragon together.

The fiery dragon, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately opened its mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a raging flame spewed out from its mouth, colliding with the freezing ray.

Greer, taking advantage of the fire dragon attracting the attention of adults, quickly took a few steps back, turned around and looked at Stark behind him, with his palm facing Stark's body, and the other hand turned quickly , said: "Mr. Stark, I will take you back to your basement right now."

As soon as the voice fell, a halo appeared on the ground under Stark. Stark fell down together with the soil in the halo, and fell on the spotless basement floor. Before Stark could speak, Garner in the center of the basement The entrance and exit of the warehouse are automatically opened, and a pair of steel suits are sent up by hydraulic props.

A mechanical arm protruded from under the steel floor, quickly removed the Ark reactor on the steel suit, moved it to the face of the fallen Stark, and then precisely installed it into Stark's chest
Here, Greer just opened the space door, and immediately kicked his legs, rolled in the air, jumped off the spot, his feet just left the ground, a laser beam hit the ground, and a raging flame exploded. Billows of dust were set off, and one of the dust hit a large lump of ice, unable to move forward, and the fire dragon was once again frozen by ice.

Greer, who jumped up in the air, was struck by a bolt of lightning before he landed. The dragonrider armor burst into violent sparks, and he was sent flying again. He rolled three or four times on the ground before stopping. Before he could stand up, the ring on the mandarin's right thumb lit up, emitting a material recombination ray, hitting the dragonrider's armor.

Silently, without any other big scenes when the ring was activated, a crack the size of a soybean grain appeared on the part of the dragonrider's armor that was hit, and the dragonrider's armor the size of a soybean grain disappeared immediately. If someone looks at the microcosm, they can find that the structure of the dragonrider armor has collapsed, leading to the disappearance of the dragonrider armor.

Decade's dragonrider armor is composed of dimensional energy, which is arranged and combined in a certain order, just like different atoms make up molecules, simulating the dragonrider armor, but the material recombination rays of the mandarin broke the stable structure, just like the most The load-bearing structure of the ground floor was damaged, and no matter how tall the building was, it would collapse.

This is how it is now, centering on the gap in the soybean grain, the dimensional energy 'collapses' one after another like dominoes, quickly losing the nature of the dragonrider armor, and returning to its original formless and substanceless appearance, disappearing without a trace .

It was too late and then too fast. In less than a second or two, the dragoon armor on Greer's body disappeared, leaving only the decade drive around his waist, which made Greer's eyes widen in shock, unbelievable Looking at his empty hands, he obviously still had energy, why did the dragonrider armor disappear.

"Without the armor, what else can you do?" The mandarin's voice lingered in Greer's ear, making Greer raise his left arm without hesitation, the power of the Demon Emperor surged, and Greer A compound magic circle formed on Er's left arm, which instantly condensed into a water shield, blocking Greer behind.

The water shield had just formed, and the laser of the Mandarin hit the water shield, causing the water shield, which was strong enough to withstand the sound wave attack of the Black Bolt King, to be covered with cracks, and it was overloaded and collapsed without even sustaining it for a second. It can be seen that the mandarin's The laser beam is powerful.

One second is a very short time for people, but it is the key to life and death for Greer. The water shield slightly blocked the Mandarin's offensive, allowing him to summon the card of Kamen Rider Kiva, and in the end Fast speed plugs into the Neo decade driver at the waist.

“Form Ride Kiva Basshaa!”

At the same time as the sound of mechanical synthesis sounded, endless water surged up from Greer's feet, covering the collapsed water shield, allowing the cracked water shield to "heal" quickly, and the defense power was strengthened several times, firmly blocking the Mandarin laser beam.

The water submerged Greer, and when it dissipated, he had already put on Kamen Rider Kiva's Pashar armor, and he was still holding two cards in his left hand, which were inserted into the drive at his waist one after another.

"Attack Ride Dienddriver!"

“Attack Ride Aqua Field”

When Diend's gun appeared in Greer's right hand, it also launched the water space. Water jets sprayed out from the ground in all directions, went straight to the sky, bent inward at a height of more than 30 meters, and converged to the same space. At this point, Greer and the Mandarin were all enveloped in it at once.The sun in the sky disappeared inexplicably, and the dry ground also turned into a sparkling water surface when the sun disappeared.

The mandarin no longer had the leisurely look of contempt for everything before, and became very serious. All ten rings lit up, and he kept turning his head and neck to look at the darkness around him and the water under his feet. He even fired a freezing ray, thinking Freeze the water.

But the freezing ray, which is omnipotent, hits the boundless water surface, but only freezes a small ice layer, which can no longer spread to the surroundings. The Mandarin tried to strengthen the output of the freezing ray, It still didn't help, the frozen area was only three to four meters around him as the center.

"Have you limited my attack range?" The mandarin whispered to himself, and while he was speaking, a bright moon rose from the opposite side, and the rising speed was very fast, within three to four seconds. In the sky, the bright moon like a jade plate exudes bright light, shining on the water surface, it is extraordinarily bright, and let the Mandarin see Greer who is a hundred meters away and is wearing another armor.

I saw Greer holding Diend's gun in his hand, pointing the gun at the mandarin opposite, the calm water surface churned, and more than a dozen chopstick-thick water jets flew out of thin air, blending into Pashar's armor, causing Bashar's armor to flood. The light came on, and under Greer's intentional control, this energy light flowed into the Diend gun along the Pashar's armor, making the body of the Diend gun light up, and then emitted a shining beam of light, heading straight towards Man Man.

Master Mandarin immediately activated the Ring of Wind, wanting Fengtuo to lift himself away, only to find that he was unable to absorb magic power from the surroundings, and could only use the energy stored in the ring to activate magic.

This discovery made the eyes of the Mandarin look at Greer brighter. When avoiding the attack, he still muttered in his mouth: "You really gave me so many surprises. I can't wait to see you." Unlock the secret of your power."

"Then go to hell and think about this secret slowly." Greer raised the gun again as he spoke, and the power of the Demon Emperor was continuously poured into the Diend gun, causing the water column around him to suddenly become the thickness of a bucket. It's time to scale up the move.

The man didn't even look at it, instead he raised his head, watched the full moon in the sky, and said, "Do you think you really trapped me?"

(End of this chapter)

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