The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 386 The Insight Project

Chapter 386 The Insight Project
"What is this?" Greer didn't understand for a while, but Daisy's face flushed with excitement, and she gestured with her hands and feet, and said, "I boarded a flying train when I was young, and the only thing I remember clearly is Your decade drive, but something always feels wrong. Just now I finally remembered, what I saw is your current decade drive, yes, it is now this one."

Greer suddenly understood that what Daisy saw in the past was an evolved NEO decade driver, so when she saw Greer's driver before, she would say "something seems wrong" because the color is wrong and the shape is also different.

It's just that the memory is fuzzy, and I can't tell what's wrong. Now that I saw the upgraded NEO drive, it touched my dusty memory, and I finally remembered it.

Greer's right hand rests on his waist, the metal belt of the decade drives 'swish! ' With a click, it retracted into the drive, let Greer pick up the drive, handed it to Daisy, and said very seriously: "Look clearly, is it this?"

Daisy took the driver and looked at it carefully for a long time. She had a panoramic view of every pattern, touched every groove, and tried hard to recall the extremely vague memory in her mind. She wanted to recall more details, but After watching and recalling for a long time, I didn't think of anything more.

In the end, Daisy shook her head with a face full of disappointment, handed the drive back to Greer, sighed, and said, "I can't think of anything more, I just know that this is what I saw at the beginning."

"Sure, that's enough." Greer took the drive, put it on his waist again, zipped it up, and covered the changed drive.Now at least he can be sure that he returned to the past in the future, so at least he is still the only Kamen Rider in the world.

It's just an upgrade card, how did it appear?There is also the enhanced item K-Touch. These questions linger in Greer's mind for a long time, and he can't get rid of it for a long time.

In the distance, most of the dust that was lifted up by the explosion and enveloped the sky and the earth has been blown away by the wind. You can vaguely see the situation of the town, or the big pit. The dilapidated buildings have all disappeared, and the rest is a flat land.Obviously, the rescue team that S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet arrived can return. Even the corpse collection team is useless, and there is not even a bit of scum left.

When the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents returned to the Airbus, S.H.I.E.L.D. support troops also arrived here, and began preliminary investigation and protection of the explosion site, in order to find out the explosives, trace the source, and find out where the explosives were placed. people.

Coulson returned to the air bus and walked quickly to his room, to ask the headquarters, who provided such outrageous information that caused dozens of special forces to fall into the trap and all died in battle. If they followed in I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

Captain America took off the helmet that covered most of his face, put it on the table with the shield, sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, bowed his head in silence, keeping Fitz and Simmons away from the original plan to sign, and stood in the corner of the room Get together and whisper.

Ward, who was passing by, was stopped by Fitz, pouted at Captain America, and asked, "How many moves can you make with him?"

Ward gave Fitz a blank look, and didn't even bother to respond. He directly ignored Fitz's teasing question, walked towards the living room, walked to Captain America, and said, "Captain, Agent Coulson asked you to come over."

"Hmm!" Captain America nodded, stood up, grabbed the shield in his hand, bent his arm back, hooked it to a device behind his back, and walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

The Avengers stayed in the test area of ​​the Airbus, which is quite similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Dr. Banner was staring at the microscope wearing myopia, Stark next to him was also busy, and Mark 17 was like a guard. Standing motionless at the door of the laboratory.

When Greer and Daisy walked towards the laboratory, Mark17 silently sent a signal, causing Stark in the experimental area to immediately clamp the sesame seed-sized metal on the test bench into a small box with tweezers, Then close the small box and put it in your pocket.

Then he turned around and looked at Greer and Daisy who came in from the door, and Dr. Banner also straightened up, typing on the keyboard casually, clearing the experimental records without leaving any data. on the airbus.

Stark folded his arms in front of his chest, and said in a rather casual tone: "Why did you come to the experimental area? The instruments here must not be moved."

"The plane is only this big, enough to visit other places." Greer stopped at the door, reached out and touched Mark17, and asked, "Mr. Stark, do you want to continue to follow S.H.I.E.L.D.? Their information seems to be"

"New information has been transmitted," Stark said, taking out his mobile phone, pointing the screen at Greer, and said, "This is new information from 5 minutes ago. In Miami, Florida, a base Ryan's trace."

"Are you sure this time?" Greer was skeptical. Just an hour ago, he had witnessed an earth-shattering explosion and got an upgrade card by the way, but he didn't even look at the Extremis Soldier. arrive.

It was just messed up, and new information came so quickly, it was really hard to believe, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was another trap.

"Just look at it." Stark spoke in a relaxed tone, as if he had just walked out of the explosion scene. When did he believe in S.H.I.E.L.D. so deeply.

In Coulson's room, Coulson and Rogers were standing in front of the screen, listening to Nick Fury's words: "Most of the Special Forces lost half, and I'm trying my best to coordinate the rest to support you"

"No," Rogers immediately rejected Nick Fury's proposal before he finished speaking, and said, "Director Fury, whether the accuracy of this information can be guaranteed, and the trap just now, I need an explanation. "

Nick Fury said expressionlessly: "Captain, this matter is still under investigation. When the results come out, I will give you an investigation report. Until then, please continue with the mission."

"We will carry out the mission, but we will not die."

"Neither will I!" Nick Fury stared at the resolute Steve Rogers on the screen with his only remaining one eye, and said: "People make mistakes, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Someone will bear the consequences for this mistake."

"What about the dead soldiers?"

"They will get the treatment they deserve, and their families will also receive pensions." Nick Fury's light words made Rogers, who has always been well-mannered, couldn't help showing a little anger on his face. Such a light word can understand Dozens of living lives have passed away?
"Captain, I think you understand that there will always be sacrifices in war."

"Yes, I understand, but the sacrifice should not be in vain."


After the quarrel-like discussion with Rogers was over, Nick Fury rubbed his temples with some headaches. Arguing with this upright soldier is the hardest thing. He is standing on the moral high ground to 'despise you' and catch you. sore spot.

But soon Nick Fury cheered up and came to the top floor of the Tricurved Wing Building, talking about another plan of his - the Insight Plan, using three sub-orbital new-generation space carriers for a long-term suspension In the sky above the earth, monitor the movement on the earth.

The World Security Council has approved this plan, and three space carriers have also been built, and various weapons are being inspected and installed. The rest is to determine the date of going to heaven and the supporting facilities and personnel are in place, and the insight plan can be officially launched.

In the bright room of hundreds of square meters, Nick Fury's gushing words echoed: "... just an hour ago, I received a bad news. I went to deal with a group of terrorists. The special operations team was attacked.

Terrorists crazily planted countless explosives in the town, blowing up the town and dozens of well-trained special forces into fly ash. Today I have one more job, which is to give their families Write a death notice.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents also received a new mission to send the letter I wrote and the relics of the special forces members to their families and tell their families the sad news.Parents lost their sons, wives lost their husbands, children lost their fathers, and a whole family was destroyed. "

When it comes to the topic of sacrifice, whether it is true or not, the five representatives of the Security Council showed grief on their faces, as if they felt the same.However, Nick Fury became more and more energetic: "I was still thinking in the elevator that if there was a space carrier full of weapons floating in the air at that time, that small town would also be within the strike range of the space carrier." , then there is no need for these special operators to venture into the town at all, they only need to send the coordinates, and the space carrier can accurately eliminate every terrorist in the town, and no one will be sacrificed.

And such a situation will still appear in many places, and the terrorists will be killed before they get out of the trenches. Do I need to provide you with a list of the victims of anti-terrorism every year?And once the space carrier goes to the sky, no new names will be written on this list. "

"Director Fury, we agree with the role of the space carrier, but the supervision issue still needs to be discussed. After all, there are three space carriers fully loaded with weapons. If there is no perfect system and strict supervision, the public will sleep. Not feeling well."

The representatives of the World Security Council are still cautious. After all, such a powerful space carrier, attacking with full firepower, can easily destroy a city. How can people feel at ease just floating above their heads.Because of the issue of the space carrier, the five major powers have held hundreds of meetings individually or jointly, but they have never discussed why. The date of the launch of the space carrier is naturally being dragged day by day. .

The delay made Alexander Pierce very anxious, but there was no rush for this kind of thing, and he couldn't use the means of assassination to threaten it. After all, these are representatives, and what really decides is the country behind them, so they can only hold meetings again and again. Party, connect, and say good things about insight planning.

Sure enough, today's meeting ended with 'Need to discuss further', the holographic projection of the five representatives dimmed, Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce seemed to be running a marathon, they breathed a sigh of relief, their faces were full tired.

Alexander Pierce picked up the water glass, added water, and said: "I also want those three big guys to go to heaven as soon as possible, just like you were eager to form the Avengers, but there is no rush, it will come naturally when it succeeds." succeeded."

"You mean the breach of contract? I don't want to do it again." Nick Fury shook his head and said, "The ruins of Manhattan are still being cleaned up."

"Stark has made a lot of money. The company he co-founded with the government has monopolized the extraterrestrial materials in Manhattan. That stuff is more expensive than gold on the black market."

Nick Fury grinned, showing his full white teeth, and said: "The thread I pulled in the middle is not beneficial. Alien materials are too dangerous, and it will be very dangerous if they are used in other ways. Therefore, we must not allow other people to participate in cleaning up the ruins, and eliminate the possibility of circulation and trading of alien materials from the source, so that the world will be safe."

"Isn't it okay to hand it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Alexander Pierce asked as if wondering: "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s job is to control this."

"We have enough things to do, and cleaning up the garbage is not what the intelligence agencies should do. It is degrading, very degrading." Nick Fury said in a joking tone, completely ignoring Alexander Pierce The meaning of the stubble, a pair of "I didn't hear it, you are talking about why the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is not allowed to intervene in alien materials".

"It seems that Stark has really benefited you, it's not 01:30 days," Alexander Pierce also laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes when he looked at Nick Fury. It was full of coldness, but he hid his eyes very well, chatted and laughed happily with Nick Fury, and could not see any dissatisfaction.

The same is true for Nick Fury. The two of them are fighting to get the acting skills of the statuette. Unfortunately, there are only the two of them in the room, and no one else appreciates the explosive acting skills.The two separated with a smile, each took the elevator and left. When the elevator door closed, they were still smiling and waving at each other, but when the elevator door closed, their expressions immediately changed, and there was no smile anymore.

Especially Alexander Pierce, he can no longer be described with a gloomy face, even his ferocious face can't reflect how bad his face is. The special forces team that worked so hard to form suffered heavy losses, and there is only a little scum left, which has not been put to great use. It's almost the end of it, it's really that he died before he left the school, and he was depressed and wanted to cry.

Back then, for the sake of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I tried my best to transfer a large number of Hydra's elites to the western base. The clinker wanted Loki to forcibly open the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The aftermath of the energy destroyed the western base. Few people escaped, and most of them were buried. All Hydra agents.

Two accidents have greatly reduced his power. You must know that Hydra has more than one leader. Since Arnim Zola started to develop Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D., he implemented a split management system, and The difference from Nick Fury is that Hydra's split management is that only the leader knows other leaders, and the leader's subordinates only know his upper-level leader and the lower-level subordinates he developed, and so on .

In this way, even if a certain person is caught, he can only find out his three levels of superiors and subordinates, and he will not make a big list. Even if he follows the vine, it will take a long time to find the melon. response.And Alexander Pierce led the Hydra in North America, but two accidents caused heavy losses to his power, how could he not be angry.

What he wanted to know most about this matter was what happened to the explosion in the town. It was obviously just false information, but how did it turn into an explosion? This made Alexander Pierce full of doubts.The question of who planted the bomb became a fact that Alexander Pierce desperately wanted to find out, and he was determined to find out, otherwise he would not be able to sleep well.

In the other elevator, Nick Fury was sneering, looking at the sparkling river below through the glass, and said to himself: "In the dark forest, the dormant poisonous snake is the most dangerous , Once it moves and is discovered, there is no danger."

The elevator went all the way down, and came directly to the huge underground factory. Three hill-like space carriers were on the berth, sparks were everywhere, and countless intelligent mechanical vehicles were transporting a large number of standard large-caliber high-precision electromagnetic acceleration machine guns. One by one installed at the lower end of the space carrier.

The construction of the space carrier has almost come to an end, the main body painting has been completed, and the rest is the installation of weapons and equipment, as well as finishing work such as ammunition storage, Quin-type fighter jets boarding, etc., plus subsequent tests and inspections.At most two years, these three space carriers can go to the sky, enter suborbital, and then
"You will have nothing to hide." Nick Fury stared at the three space carriers armed to the teeth, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, in an old castle-style villa in Miami, Florida, a tragic fight was going on, and bullets 'whoop!call out! ' cut through the air, and drill holes one after another on the stone wall full of ivy, making it very lively.

The bodyguards guarding the villa hid behind stone walls and trees with their guns, stretched out the guns in their hands, and fired towards the outside, not even daring to show their heads, absolutely hitting blindly.And they didn't even see who their opponent was, and they were knocked down seven or eight people. Regardless of the lively fighting of the house guards, they didn't know where the opponent was or how many people there were. They only knew that they would be shot if they showed their heads .

Such fierce gunshots echoed in the sky, frightening the residents in the vicinity, tremblingly hiding in the basement and cellar, desperately dialing '911', when they heard a large-scale exchange of fire, the police station in Miami immediately called the patrol personnel in the vicinity Go to investigate, and at the same time notify the police to go to support.

Several police cars were blown into fireballs by rockets before they approached the battle zone. The flaming wreckage of the police cars fell from the sky and hit the middle of the road, throwing the orderly streets into chaos. It was a crowd fleeing in terror.

The heavy weapons of the gangsters made the police in Miami stop in unison. They were going to wait for more people to come, and then go there together. The number is ten police cars. Before ten police cars are gathered, they will not be killed I will go one step further, after all, my life is my own.

The chaos in Miami was quickly reported to the relevant departments. The S.H.I.E.L.D., as the intelligence department, naturally knew the situation there immediately. Coulson, who has many years of experience as an agent, immediately noticed something was wrong. When they went to the town in the morning, there was a change It became a trap, and now Miami, which is about to arrive, has a large-scale exchange of fire in broad daylight. Is this a coincidence too coincidental?
The onlookers were still looking at the latest information on the screen. Stark had already taken out his high-tech mobile phone and began to operate on it. This action made Coulson tense immediately. Stark has done things like hacking in without consent. It can be said that he has a lot of criminal records, which is really not reassuring.

Sure enough, Stark once again hacked into the Airbus system, turning the screen on the big screen into the monitoring screen of the metropolitan management system. The closer to the firefight point, the more chaotic Miami becomes. Cars together, and crowds of people fleeing in all directions.

At this moment, the chaotic picture on the big screen suddenly disappeared, and everyone turned their heads to look at Stark, only to see Stark put down the phone in his hand, shook his head, and said, "The signal has been interrupted." , Someone destroyed the server of the metropolitan management system in Miami, it seems that there is something that cannot be photographed."

Coulson nodded, raised his hand and pressed the headset in his right ear, and asked, "May, how long will it take to arrive in Miami?"

"10 minutes!"

When the server of the metropolitan management system in Miami was blown up, the battle situation at Killian's terrorist video shooting base also took a new turn. Six unarmed 'ordinary people' came out of the old castle, and fought on the battlefield under the hail of bullets. Take a stroll in the courtyard, seeing the bullets flying around as nothing.

A few stray bullets flew in and hit three people, piercing their clothes with small holes, but not a single drop of blood spilled out, and the three people didn't respond at all, they exchanged a few words with each other, and walked towards different The direction ran up.

The running speed was so fast that they could even catch up with the car. A casual jump was seven or eight meters high. When the bullet hit them, they were immediately dissolved by the high temperature in their bodies without leaving any traces. In two or three seconds, this The hopeless soldier rushed to a sniper.

The sniper immediately dropped the sniper in his hand, rolled to one side, and at the same time lowered his arms, trying to pull out the dagger tied to his leg, but he turned sideways, and the desperate soldier kicked him in the chest, 'Click! With a sound, the bones of the sniper's chest shattered and sank, and he flew out like a rag bag.

As soon as the desperate soldier kicked out, he immediately ran to the next target. When the sniper kicked by him fell down, he had already run to the next target and shot down the killer again.The six hopeless soldiers seemed to be in the land of no one. These experienced mercenaries were crushed to death like ants in front of them, without any power to fight back.

The one-sided massacre only lasted for 3 minutes and ended. After the last mercenary was knocked out with a punch, the offensive and defensive battle was declared over. The battlefield, which had been noisy for seven or eight minutes, finally returned to calm. The mercenaries were all wiped out. Few of the guards in the courtyard were dead, and they were stunned by the superhuman desperate soldiers, and they extremely suspected that they had gone to the wrong set.

The bald-headed desperate soldier Savin shook his jacket that was sieved by bullets, his face was full of displeasure. This was his favorite piece of clothing, and it was ruined just like that. Holding the stunned 'living mouth' in his hand, he walked forward. Walked towards the castle, ready to ask who sent them here.

But just as he turned around, a purple ray flashed behind him and hit Savin's back. Before his right foot hit the ground, the part of his back that was hit began to petrify, spreading across Savin's body in an instant. The whole body, the right foot of the stone fell to the ground, the stone statue fell forward, rolled down the ground, hit a big stone, and was smashed to pieces.

This turn of events stunned the other five leisurely desperate soldiers. They hurriedly turned their heads to look around, trying to find out where the attackers came from, but their necks just started to twist, and there were roads of different colors. The ray pierced the air and precisely hit the five hopeless soldiers.

A desperate soldier was hit by the sky-blue light, and his body was immediately covered with a layer of frost, like pouring cold water on hot iron, causing the desperate soldier to explode immediately; It trembled all over, and immediately exploded.
It took less than two seconds from Savin's fall to the explosion of the sixth desperate soldier. The six desperate soldiers who had completely wiped out a group of mercenaries were wiped out.The self-detonation of the five desperate soldiers razed all the buildings within [-] meters of them to the ground, and the few remaining guards were also involved in the explosion and were blown to pieces.

The soaring flame column can be clearly seen even a thousand meters away, and the large and small gravels thrown up by the shock wave smashed all around, scaring the actor 'Mandalin' in the big yard to cover his ears and hide tremblingly. under the bed.

He just came to perform a show to earn some money, but he encountered a real battle with real swords and guns. As soon as the gunfire ended, there was a deafening explosion, which shook the room's glass and shattered the mandalin. The other film and television personnel from Hollywood were so frightened that they could only hide in a place they thought was safe, not daring to show their faces, for fear of being hit by stray bullets.

When the Airbus finally arrived in Miami, what they saw was a land that was so messed up that it was covered with black smoke. The large craters on the ground were clearly visible from this high altitude. All the houses around the craters disappeared. Surrounded by the earthquake is a large castle-like courtyard covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters that has been mostly collapsed by the earthquake.

Two armed helicopters were parked in the open space of the castle, and a group of people were coming out of the castle, preparing to board the armed helicopter. In the ultra-high-definition probe images, one could clearly see those who appeared in those terrorist attack images. that old man.

"It seems that we have found the right place." Stark immediately turned around and walked towards Mark17. The armor of Mark17 opened quickly, allowing Stark to step into it, and then closed it again. The dress was completed in five or six seconds. Mark5 is even faster.

"He's going to run away," Coulson made his own judgment based on the situation, but immediately raised questions: "Why is he in Florida? And why is there a shootout, and these big holes, what happened? thing?"

"Is Killian transferring this actor?" Greer almost frowned. Could it be that another intelligence agency found Killian's actor and launched an offensive, and Killian's desperate soldiers were paying After paying some price, the attacker was eliminated, so he hurriedly wanted to transfer the actor away.

Thinking about it this way, it made sense, so Greer hurriedly followed Stark to the rear hatch, preparing to intercept the two armed helicopters, and finally found Killian's shooting base. The staff ran away, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Stark, wearing Mark17, tapped the red button on the bulkhead, and the alarm sounded immediately in the rear compartment, and the rear hatch door slowly opened, and the pressure difference between inside and outside formed a hurricane, which blew loudly After the hatch opened to a width of two meters, Stark jumped out immediately.

Greer followed closely behind and jumped down. Seeing Stark activated the Mark 17's thrusters to accelerate and dive downward, Greer raised his left hand, called out the Dragonrider card, and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at the waist.

"Form Ride Ryuki Survive!"

The ruby ​​in the center of the Neo driver lights up, and the stripes form a conspicuous dragon head. A raging flame bursts out, spreads quickly to Greer's whole body, turns into a ball of flames and dives down. When the flames subside, he has already transformed into a body A survival form of Kamen Rider Dragoon in flame armor.

The fiery red card held in the left hand was inserted into the driver at the waist the moment the flame dissipated:

"Attack Ride Wildfire Dragon"

A pillar of fire tens of meters long rose abruptly from under Greer's feet. As soon as it appeared, it immediately shrank towards the middle. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ten-meter-long fire dragon, allowing Greer to land steadily. On the dragon's head, the Fiery Dragon opened its mouth and let out a roar, then lowered its head, and swooped down at full speed like an arrow leaving the string.

Kamen Rider and Iron Man, one big and one small, one fast and one slow, fell rapidly from a height of thousands of meters, and the sound was thrown behind, but the whole body of the underground one who was bending down and lowering his head to get into the helicopter gunship was wrapped in The person in the white robe stopped suddenly, and looked up at the sky.

A black spot rapidly expanded in his eyes, and within three or four seconds, it had expanded enough to see its figure clearly. A hoarse voice came from the tightly wrapped white robe: "Iron Man and Kamen Rider, all of them Once it’s all here, there’s nowhere to find it if you break through your iron shoes, and it’s easy to get here.”

As soon as the words fell, Iron Man's arms turned forward, spraying out a scorching plasma stream, Iron Man's falling speed began to slow down, and several direction-adjusting jet ports on the waist and chest also activated, making Iron Man turn 180 degrees , turned feet down, and landed firmly on the ground.

'click!Click! '

The weapons on Iron Man's body were all turned on the moment he landed, pointing at the two armed helicopters, and the people who hadn't had time to get into the helicopters. The loudspeaker that came with the suit came out with a cold voice: "You are surrounded! Alright, surrender."

(End of this chapter)

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