The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 385 Upgrade Card

Chapter 385 Upgrade Card

Greer was standing on the edge of the pit, looking at the endless giant pit in front of him, feeling emotional. Suddenly, he felt a strong energy fluctuation behind him. Before he had time to think about it, Greer raised his left hand without hesitation, and the waist around his waist The knight card box glowed, and instantly condensed into a sea-blue card in Greer's hand, and inserted it into the driver at his waist with a flick of his hand.

"Attack Ride Dienddriver!"

In the sound of mechanical synthesis, Greer turned around quickly, a blue light flashed in the palm of his right hand, and a diend gun was condensed in the blink of an eye, and the muzzle of the gun pointed directly at the burst of strong energy sensed by Greer. direction.

When the trigger was pulled, a blue beam of light shot out from the muzzle of the gun, broke through the dust-filled void, and disappeared from Greer's vision.

The direction the gun is pointing at, the area that can be seen is empty, except for the dust flying all over the sky, there is nothing else, not to mention the strong energy felt by Greer.

"How is it possible?" Greer held the Diend gun, and looked at the empty space in front of him in confusion. He clearly felt an energy response that was a hundred times stronger than the energy response emitted when the town exploded. How could there be nothing? Woolen cloth?
No, it’s not nothing, Greer saw a card with a thin layer of dust on the ground ten meters away, raised his gun and walked over slowly, bent down to pick up the card , shaking off the dust on the surface, revealing the pink card.

What is depicted on it is a decade symbol composed of striped codes of different lengths. The few stripes in the center are magenta. Alphabet 'N, E, O' in magenta.

The style of this card is different from any knight card owned by Greer. It is not marked whether it is mask control, form control or attack control, and there is no pattern on the back, only the stripe symbol and three letters on the front, Nothing else, simple could not be simpler.

Such a crude card, in another place, Greer would not even be interested in taking a look at it, but appearing here is extraordinary, even unbelievable.In such a violent explosion, the bricks and stones of the house were blown away. How could such a light card lie quietly less than a hundred meters away from the center of the explosion? ""

And even if this card is so important that it wasn't blown away, it's impossible for it to only fall on such a little dust. Obviously it hasn't been here for a long time, but who sent it here?Could it be that the strong energy burst sensed just now is this card?

Greer's heart was full of doubts and confusion. Holding the thin card in his hand, he felt that he was holding a heavy burden. He was so heavy that he couldn't breathe. He just wanted to ask, why?
After standing there with his head in a mess for a while, Greer let out a long sigh and let out the depression in his heart. No one here answered his question, no matter how much he thought about it, it was useless.Looking at the card in his hand, and looking down at the drive at his waist, Greer had a whim and inserted the card he picked up into the drive at his waist to see if it could be read.

If it can't, it means it's just an ordinary card, but if it can.
Greer hadn't thought about what would happen if he could, the driver on his waist automatically turned back, and at the same time the familiar mechanical voice sounded: "Form Ride decade upgrade!"

"Decade upgrade? What the hell?" Greer, who was listening to the mechanically synthesized sound, almost rolled his eyes out. Greer was shocked that the card that appeared at the scene of the explosion could be read by the decade drive. I think the result of reading is still 'upgrade', what level to upgrade, how to upgrade?

Before Greer recovered from the shock, the decade driver at his waist lit up brightly, the ruby ​​in the center glowed with a strong magenta luster, and the decade symbol made of stripes could be clearly seen inside.

In this light, the decade drive underwent a huge change. The silver-white main body of the drive was stained with a magenta luster, and the eight different symbols engraved on it also silently changed to eighteen.

The metal frame wrapping the main body of the decade driver turned into pure black, exactly the same as the color gradient of the decade symbol depicted on the card Greer picked up, from magenta to pure black, highlighting the quality of the main body even more. red.

This is only a change in the appearance. The change in the inside is that many knight cards that cannot be redeemed have become convertible, such as the burning form of agito, what is it? ? ? , and now there are flashing cards.Before the 'upgrade', many card groups of the new decade were not open, but now all of them are open for exchange, as long as there are points, they can be exchanged.

An upgrade, an upgrade in the true sense.

This change made Greer stunned for a long time, unable to react. It turns out that his decade drive can be upgraded? !It turns out that the question mark in agito's shining form is not that the conditions have not been met, but that there is no driver and no upgrade, just like the game file is missing, and naturally the missing part cannot be read.

Why does the missing upgrade card appear here?
This is the biggest confusion in Greer's heart. It was originally here, and it sensed that Greer was coming, so it appeared automatically, so the strong energy made sense; but the problem is, if he never came If so, wouldn't it be possible to never get this upgrade card, and who put the upgrade card here?
Or it can be said that Greer met a certain condition, which is equivalent to completing the pre-quest in the game, so he was upgraded. In this case, what is the condition and whether there will be an upgrade in the future, for example, after the decade magenta form , there is also a form of 'ancestors' with N cards on top.If you want to become a full body form, you need to strengthen the item 'K-Touch'. Greer did not find this item in the card group, that is, it cannot be exchanged. Is it the same as the 'upgrade card'? After certain conditions are met, you can will appear automatically?

The card was real, and it brought more questions to Greer, but no one could answer them no matter how many questions there were, and it was impossible to tell outsiders about these strange changes. They could only bury them in their hearts and think about all of them silently.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, in the Sanqu Wing Building in the Huashengton Special Zone, a figure that was so fast that it slowed down ten thousand times and could not see its movements clearly arrived at the entrance of the Sanqu Wing Building from [-] meters away in an instant. .

The airtight defense of S.H.I.E.L.D., from the computer-controlled intelligent system to the artificial defense composed of guards and bunkers, has no effect. With the blink of an eye, he broke into the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and climbed up the stairs. There are more than 60 floors.

In a luxurious office, Nick Fury was typing on the virtual keyboard with his head down, dealing with the daily affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D. Suddenly, the door of the office was opened, and then quickly closed. In less than [-]:[-] seconds, the guard standing at the door did not respond at all, and did not feel that the door had been opened at all.

Nick Fury raised his head as if he had sensed it, and said to himself in the air: "I'm back, give him the things? That's good." As he said, his left hand on the virtual keyboard Turned up 180 degrees, with the palm facing up, a card suddenly appeared in the empty air and fell into the palm of Nick Fury, with a clear line of 'Hyper Clock Up Mode' printed on the bottom of the card—— Overdrive mode.

Nick Fury opened the drawer casually, stuffed this card into the drawer of the office, and continued to work as if no one else was there, dealing with the never-ending daily affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The scene returns to the small town, Stark has collected all the Apollinian metal he could find, discarded a few missiles in the steel suit, put the metal into the missile's position, and then flew out of the explosion area, returned to Arrived at the hill where Coulson was.

Captain America has long been impatient. If it wasn't for Coulson's persuasion several times, Captain America would have rushed in. When he saw Stark coming back, he hurried up to meet him and asked like a cannonball: "Stark , what's going on inside?"

Stark opened Mark17's mask, didn't speak, just looked at Captain America with a look of 'you understand', which shattered the last spark of hope for Captain America.Even though he knew it was extravagant, he still had a glimmer of hope, but the reality is always so cruel, just like when he almost grabbed Bucky back then, but only a little bit, it was the distance between life and death.

Stark then turned his head, looked at Coulson, and said: "This is just an ordinary abandoned town, there is no Extremis soldier laboratory at all, I think you should check, where did the information come from, wrong It’s really too reliable, it’s an obvious trap, a trap specifically aimed at us.”

As soon as Stark's words came out, the temperature at the scene dropped several degrees in an instant. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you with doubts in their eyes. What the hell?

No one wants to face these two words, but they have never been lacking in vocabulary since ancient times. How many battles ended in failure because of the existence of traitors, and how many people died on the spot because of the betrayal of traitors. Whether in war or peace, Spy is a never-ending job.This point can be seen just by looking at the frenzied spending and manpower transfer of intelligence agencies by various countries. The US imperialists alone have set up three intelligence agencies: the FBI, the CIA, and the SHIELD.

As for the intelligence department, you infiltrated me and I infiltrated you, and now it is very likely that SHIELD has also been infiltrated by spies. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there is intelligence showing that this dilapidated town is the test site for AIM's desperate soldiers. What kind of information was given to them, and the bomb was planted in advance, waiting for their arrival.

And just after the special forces entered the town, the bomb exploded immediately, indicating that the other party had been paying attention to them and knew their whereabouts, so they could detonate the bomb in such a timely manner, blowing up dozens of elite special forces members into fly ash.

Coulson pursed his lips and said, "I will report the situation to the headquarters immediately."

Daisy walked over and looked at the dust-filled town in the distance, looked at Stark, and said, "Mr. Stark, where's Greer?"

Stark asked with a strange face: "Has he not come out yet? Jarvis's radar scanned the town, but he was not found."

"Impossible." Before Daisy finished speaking, a motorcycle rushed out of the dust blown away by the wind in the distance, or a flying motorcycle would be more suitable, because this motorcycle is 20 meters above the ground. , flew over at a super fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of everyone, allowing people to see the style of the motorcycle clearly.

The front and rear wheels were missing, replaced by injectors of different sizes, but no flames or air flow could be seen, but the motorcycle was just suspended in the air, carrying Greer who was not wearing the Kamen Rider armor, running The speed is almost breaking the speed of sound.

Greer jumped off the motorcycle, and the moment Greer jumped off, the huge decade motorcycle immediately shrunk toward the middle, turned into a card, flew into Greer's palm, and was captured Greer picked up the hem of the windbreaker and inserted it into the driver at his waist.

Stark took a deep look at Greer, lowered his eyes slightly, turned his head to look at the distant town, and asked inadvertently, "Where did you go just now? Jarvis's radar didn't find you .”

"I've been in the town all the time," Greer glanced at Stark, and said absently and perfunctorily, "Maybe the radar was interfered by the explosion, oh, yes, I'm wearing armor, and the radar can't detect me."

"Oh!" Stark accepted the explanation, nodded, said nothing more, and turned to Coulson, asking him to report the situation here immediately and ask where such outrageous information came from.

While Captain America looked at the town worriedly, the people in Coulson's team were whispering about 'insiders, spies' and other issues, no one cared about Greer's absent-mindedness, only Daisy could see that Greer was full Thoughts, but did not ask, but pulled Greer out a distance, and then asked in a low voice: "What happened? How do you look full of worries?"

"Too many things have happened, I don't even know where to start." Greer smiled wryly, glanced around from the corner of the eye, and then unzipped the windbreaker, and showed Daisy the decade drive at his waist Look, and said: "Here, I found a decade card in it, upgrade the special card for the decade drive, and then it becomes like this."

Daisy just saw the brand-new magenta decade driver, and she just froze in place, her eyes widened, and many flashing images suddenly appeared in her mind, as if the movie was played at a hundred times faster speed , People who are watching are dazzled, let alone remembering what content, but Daisy has grasped the most conspicuous and most appearing thing from countless pictures - the magenta set off by the black.

"That's it." Daisy said dreamily, raised her head abruptly, and said excitedly to Greer, "That's what I saw, that's right, that's it."

(End of this chapter)

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