The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 377 The Crazy Hulk

Chapter 377 The Crazy Hulk

In the calm and peaceful town, gunshots sounded like fried beans, echoed in the sky, and spread throughout the town, causing the leisurely residents to panic. They hurriedly closed the doors and windows, picked up the bullets, and their faces were filled with uneasiness. Look out through the gap.

But only the residents of the small town near the Hudson River and the Middle Hudson Bridge knew what had happened. Eighteen rifles and three vehicle-mounted machine guns fired as many as thirty or forty rounds per second. The system that is more than ordinary people makes every bullet hit the Hulk accurately.

The bullets hit Hulk, although they didn't cause too much damage to Hulk, but with so many bullets, the feeling of mosquito bites was also extremely uncomfortable, which made Hulk more irritable and roared, Facing the hail of bullets, he ran in great strides.

The Hulk ran over like the wind, the weapons in his hands were useless, but these people didn't panic at all, they still fired steadily, letting every bullet hit Hulk, causing Hulk's anger to soar all the way , ran forward three or four steps to speed up, jumped up, and smashed into one of the cars like Mount Tai.

The person in charge of driving immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out suddenly, causing the falling Hulk to smash into the air, the ground shook violently, and Hulk stepped on a huge dent, half of his leg They are all stuck in the soil, and when they are pulled out with force, a lot of dust is brought up.

Hulk fell into the 'array', and the trunks of the other two cars were opened immediately, revealing an instrument the size of a suitcase inside, from which several syringes the size of chopsticks were fired, moving forward at an initial speed of 500 meters per second , stuck on Hulk's body, the needle pierced Hulk's muscle, and the internal fluid was injected into Hulk's body.

Nearly ten 'needle tubes' were pierced on Hulk's body, the pain made Hulk roar angrily, he slapped the needle tubes with his big hands like a millstone, and the big hand grabbed a roadbed next to him, and threw it , smashed into a car, and smashed the car into iron sheets, from which wisps of bright red liquid flowed out.

When Stark came, what he saw was the scene where Hulk was chasing and killing these unknown gunmen, but what was strange was that they were obviously not Hulk's opponents, but these people had no intention of running away. The Hulk and Hulk trembled, looking like delaying time.

Soon Stark knew why these people were delaying time. Hulk's movements became slower and slower, and his strength became lighter and lighter. Ke suddenly understood that attacking Hulk was to make Hulk move, speed up blood circulation, and let the anesthetic take effect as soon as possible.

The anesthetized Hulk, who spent so much time and effort, regardless of the loss, came for the Hulk serum.Stark dived down in a hurry. Although the Mark 16 was designed for stealth missions, and it was still an engineering prototype without weapons installed, the cluster gun on the chest was enough to deal with these people.

Stark thought so, and he did the same thing, but after he started fighting, Stark realized that these people were unusual, the arc pulse cannon, which was enough to seriously injure ordinary people, hit two people, but they were knocked into the air. Just come to a carp to stand up again, nothing happened at all.

The powerful cluster gun needs time to accumulate energy, but there is no time to gather energy in the fierce battlefield. In addition to the large number of opponents, the Mark 16's weapon power is not enough, so that Stark loses sight of the other, and just knocked two super soldiers who rushed over. A few more rushed over from behind, forcing Stark to fly into the sky.

On the other side, the Hulk finally fell. Samuel Stern tried his best to mobilize all the vibrating gold in the military, made it into a syringe, and prepared him according to the antidote that made the Hulk return to Banner last time. The completed anesthetic was injected into Hulk's body, causing Hulk to temporarily lose his mobility.

The four super soldiers in the vicinity immediately rushed up, took out a syringe made of vibrating gold from their clothes while running, pierced it into Hulk's blood vessel, and took a blood sample from Hulk.Last time the antidote that suppressed Hulk for more than ten minutes, this time it only took effect for just over a minute, Hulk regained his ability to move, slapped a super soldier flying, and shattered most of his spine , swallowed on the spot.

The remaining three soldiers retreated immediately, one of them was kicked in the chest by Hulk, his ribs were broken immediately, and his body flew upside down 30 meters, knocking a big hole in a wall.But the remaining two super soldiers escaped safely with Hulk's blood sample, jumped into a black car without looking back, and left here, the remaining car and super soldiers desperately intercepted Hulk and Stark, He even deliberately lured Hulk to places with dense buildings.

Stark really wanted to chase the car, but the situation didn't allow him to get away. The furious Hulk completely lost his mind, chasing and beating these super soldiers crazily, throwing everything he touched, cars, light poles, Trees are like toys in his hands.

But for ordinary people, these things that hit them are fatal. There are two or three-story small buildings nearby, most of which are made of wood, plywood, light steel and other materials.However, these super soldiers ran to places with dense crowds and buildings, and Hulk chased after them. No matter what was in the way, they would be smashed by him. The typhoon passing through the border is terrible. I want to find a complete wall It's all extravagant.

If things go on like this, it is only a matter of time before the town is flattened, without any technical difficulty. Stark has seen more than a dozen people and their houses being trampled under the feet of Hulk, forcing Stark to use this set of low-level tools. Defense, low attack power, high speed, high stealth steel suit to stop the crazy Hulk.

'call out! '

A cluster cannon bombarded Hulk's back from behind and exploded, causing Hulk who was running wildly to stagger and almost fell to the ground. He stopped and turned his head, staring at Stark hovering in the control with red eyes. The ferocious eyes looked at Stark and felt trembling, but he still turned on the loudspeaker of the steel suit and shouted: "Banner, calm down, the enemy has been eliminated by you."

As soon as Stark mentioned Banner, Hulk let out a roar, grabbed the street lamp next to him, jumped up, and rushed to Stark in the air, interrupting Stark's next words, and hurriedly dodged.

Hulk, who jumped high, immediately threw out the light pole in his hand. Stark dodged one part, was hit by another part, and fell from the sky all of a sudden, hitting the ground. Looking up, he saw Hulk was falling with the momentum of Mount Tai. If he stepped on this foot, his steel suit might turn into steel skin.

Before Stark could do anything, the visual system captured a clenched purple fist protruding from the side of the falling Hulk, hammering heavily on Hulk's abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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