The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 376 Battle of the Small Town

Chapter 376 Battle of the Small Town
Two rockets passed by Hulk's left and right sides, with hot flames spraying from the tail, allowing the rockets to pass through the void at an extremely fast speed, and precisely hit the speedboat in the middle of the river, 'Boom! 'With a loud bang, the flame column rose into the sky.

The expensive speedboat turned into countless fragments, splashed in all directions, and made countless splashes in the river. The farthest metal fragments even hit the houses on the bank, and were deeply embedded in the walls. It can be seen that The impact is strong.

And the next second after the explosion sounded on the river, the front window glass of an armed helicopter was hit by a rocket thrown by Hulk. The cabin exploded.

The helicopter exploded into a fireball in the air, and fell down with raging flames. It fell into the Hudson River and disappeared without a trace. Another armed helicopter, which escaped by chance, hurriedly raised its altitude to avoid repeating the same mistakes. .

Hulk leaped high and landed on the Mid-Hudson Bridge across the Hudson River. With a weight of more than 600 kilograms plus gravitational potential energy, Hulk made two huge footprints on the asphalt road.A large person blocking the road suddenly fell in front of him, causing the driver to step on the brakes quickly, and the friction between the tires and the road made a screeching sound.

When it stopped, the front of the car was about ten centimeters away from hitting the Hulk. The driver finally stopped the car and was about to yell at him. He opened his mouth and couldn’t close it anymore. He looked at the driver in front of the car stupidly. A big green guy with arms thicker than his waist.

The piercing sound of brakes reached Hulk's ears, making his face irritable. He turned his head to look to the left, grinned, and stared at the driver with light bulb-sized eyeballs, which made the driver tremble all over with fright. Once soft, the brake and clutch loosened.

The car rushed forward, 'Kang Dang! 'It hit Hulk's leg with a sound, and Hulk's leg didn't move at all, but the bumper of the car was bent, and large and small debris fell under Hulk's feet.

Hulk glanced down at his legs, and then looked up at the driver who was about to faint from fright. Before he could do anything, the Gatling gun under the helicopter gunship spun, and bullets went 'whew!call out! ' pierced the void, hitting Hulk on and around him.

The front of the car carrying Hulk's legs suddenly had more than a dozen bowl-sized holes, steel fragments flew across, and half of the car fell apart.But the pouring bullets hit Hulk's body, but only broke through the epidermis, and was pinched and squeezed out by the muscles that were too strong. The wound healed instantly, without bleeding a drop.

Roaring machine guns plunged the Central Hudson Bridge into chaos. Cars braked suddenly to avoid being caught in the metal storm, while more cars stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, trying to escape from the wrong place as soon as possible. .

But in the panic, he couldn't control the car smoothly at all, causing a car to collide with each other, and the originally smooth traffic was suddenly blocked like a sausage.

Hulk's huge palm covered his eyes, he was carrying the metal storm hard, his mouth let out a roar, and the other hand scooped back, grabbed the steel skeleton of the bridge, and easily lifted the metal storm, which was twenty or thirty in length and width. A section of the [-]-centimeter steel beam was torn off, and the steel beam in his hand was thrown out like a javelin.

The twisted and twisted steel beam almost broke through the sound barrier, passing by another round of rockets fired by the helicopter.The steel beam pierced through the tail of the armed helicopter, causing the helicopter to lose its balance, and crashed crookedly towards the bridge, while the rocket hit Hulk, and the burst of flames engulfed Hulk.

In the rising flames, countless asphalt stones and steel fragments flew randomly, and more than a dozen crowded cars were detonated, making the explosion stronger. Before the flames subsided, the out-of-control armed helicopter crashed towards the Central Hudson Bridge .

A large group of people on the bridge were running towards the shore along the gap between the blocked cars, but their speed was too slow compared to the rotating armed helicopter, and the armed helicopter was about to hit the bridge after only three or four steps. .

Especially the crowd near the impact point was so frightened that they were scared out of their wits. Those with a better heart hid behind the car, but their weaker legs couldn't control them, and they almost couldn't stand still, let alone run.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed down from the sky and hit the rotating armed helicopter in an instant, causing the rotating armed helicopter to go down. The main body brushed the bridge and the tail hit the bridge heavily On the ground, the helicopter immediately broke into two pieces and fell towards the river below.

Then the strong sonic boom reached everyone's ears. The bridge trembled, and the glass of the car nearby shattered. Many people lost their hearing and fell to their knees in agony.

Many people looked at Iron Man suspended in the air, cheered loudly, and thanked Iron Man loudly for saving them.As soon as Stark arrived, he saw the scene of the helicopter crashing into the bridge, and rushed over without hesitation to prevent the collision. However, the consequence of the rapid collision with the armed helicopter was that the palm armor of his hands was deformed, let alone launch The arc pulse cannon, even the stable flight is very reluctant.

Stark was no longer in the mood to read the damage report of the steel suit given by Jarvis, and his attention was all on the Hulk on the bridge. He sighed helplessly and said, "It's still too late, Jarvis , where is Parker?"

"54 miles to Poughkeepsie."

"It seems that there is no hope." Stark said, and the steel suit started to chase the Hulk who fled here.

Hulk jumped high, then fell, and jumped from the bridge to the shore in just one click, making two huge footprints on the soft grass. The terrifying size scared the townspeople to flee, but three A black car drove rapidly against the crowd.

Before the car stopped, the door was already opened, and the three jumped out of the car sixty or seventy yards away, rolled over on the spot to relieve the impact force, got up immediately, squatted on the ground, and the rifles in their hands had already been aimed. Far Hulk.

A series of movements were done in one go, and the skilled ones couldn't be more skilled, obviously a professional.The nine people who jumped down in the first wave were spread out widely, and even if they were attacked, they would not be wiped out. Then another nine people jumped down, more than ten meters away from the nine people in front, forming a dense firepower network. And the car finally stopped, a cover was opened on the roof, and three machine guns were mounted on it, aiming at Hulk from a distance.

Eighteen people squatted on the ground, and three cars were scattered among the eighteen people, presenting a fan-shaped formation, facing the Hulk from a distance, and the firepower net formed after firing was impenetrable, obviously it had been rehearsed more than once.

(End of this chapter)

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