The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 370 Evidence

Chapter 370 Evidence
Greer, who was full of food, sleep, and refreshed, came to the Stark base not far away again. After being blown up that night, Greer gave up on continuing to investigate the AIM experiment base. Intend.

He and that hopeless soldier had just matched a move, and when he was at a disadvantage, the N bombs planted were detonated. It was like a game of chess. As soon as a pawn was made, the opponent overturned the chessboard and surrendered. up.

This made Greer guess that it was likely to be detonated from a long distance. Maybe the desperate soldiers guarding the base did not know that there were bombs under the base. , so there is no shortage of explosives, it is too easy to destroy evidence or something.

According to the movie, the attack on Aliosalim Air Force Base was only the first wave, and there were several more in succession. These are trivial things, but the problem is that Killian's target still has Tony Stark.

Stark is not wearing a steel suit all the time, a bullet can kill her, the plot has collapsed like this, if something goes wrong, what to do if Stark hangs up, this is the most important thing .

Sure enough, Dr. Banner was still in the laboratory, doing experiments that would never be finished. There was no surprise about Greer's visit. He just stared at the screen in front of him, and picked up a pen and paper from time to time. Write down lines of numbers and formulas.

Greer walked to a nearby computer, turned it on, and said into the microphone, "Jarvis, are you there?"

As soon as Greer finished speaking, Jarvis's polite voice came from the loudspeaker: "Yes, sir, what are your orders?"

"Can you contact Mr. Stark for me?"

"Okay, Mr. Russov."

The conversation between Greer and Jarvis was heard by Banner, and he turned his head slightly, wondering why Greer suddenly contacted the busy man Stark.He hasn't been to this base for several months, and Greer also lives in the castle, Parker is busy with school and dating, and Dr. Banner is in charge of the entire base.

Only the name of the Avengers is left, which is as loose as sand, but no one thinks there is anything wrong with it. Individuals have their own lives, companies, experiments, studies, etc., and things like the army are really acceptable. No way.

More than ten seconds later, the holographic projection system lit up, and Stark's figure was condensed. He didn't look at the camera at all, but focused on the front with his hands still clicking on the virtual keyboard.

"Hey, BOY, what can I do for you? I heard that you have been checking AIM recently, have you encountered any difficulties?" Stark was busy with his own affairs, and could still chat in a relaxed tone.

"Did you watch the video of the terrorist attack two days ago?"

"There should be no one who doesn't know," Stark in the holographic projection held his chin with his right hand, thought about it seriously, and deleted a program. While thinking, he could still talk to Greer smoothly: " What? Did you find any clues? Or do you remember the picture you saw on the time train?"

"In the past two nights, I went to a base in the wilderness under the name of AIM. There were four desperate soldiers there, and there were countless bombs buried in the ground. It was like a powder keg. I ordered it. "

"Hmm!" Stark's eyes were still fixed on the screen in front of him. What appeared on it was a complex design drawing. It looked like a repeller on the chest of the steel suit, but its size was astonishingly large, almost like that of other steel suits. The clothes are twice as big.

Greer didn't bother to make detours anymore, and said bluntly: "Ario Salim Air Force Base was bombed by Killian, and the bomb was his desperate soldier."

Stark finally reacted, turned his head, looked at Greer on the screen next to him, and asked: "Evidence, AIM is now the military's largest supplier, a well-known arms company, there is no conclusive evidence, no one I'm going to believe he did it."

"I'm looking for it, otherwise why don't you stay up in the middle of the night and run to the wilderness," Greer tried to look serious instead of joking, "I don't know what that lunatic wants to do, but he will If there is another attack, he still wants to take revenge on you."

"Me?" Stark said with a look of surprise, "I've stopped making weapons a long time ago. I'm not a colleague. Why do you want to kill me?"

"I'm going to ask you now. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for more than ten years." Greer didn't bother to show off, and directly helped Stark recall that more than ten years ago, he played Killian and let the other party After a night of cold wind blowing on the roof, now that he has developed, he wants to take revenge on the guy who insulted his personality and dignity.

After listening to Greer's narration, Stark's face remained unchanged, and he commented leisurely: "What a narrow-minded guy, is there anyone in the Aliosalim Air Force Base who has offended him?"

"I don't know that."

"Then how do you know he wants to take revenge on me? Did you see the picture of him talking to himself and swearing to take revenge on me on the time train?"

"I" Grayton was at a loss for words. Could it be that I have seen your movie?
Stark spread his hands and said with a smile: "BOY, things can't be believed just by talking about them, you have to produce definite evidence. Now there are a lot of intelligence organizations and countless agents looking for clues all over the world. Leave things to professionals.

The college application period is coming to an end in May. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t take the SAT or ACT, but at least tell me which school you want to go to, so I can write a letter of recommendation and arrange for you to enroll. This is what you should care about . "

Before Greer could speak again, Stark said, "Tell me when you think about it", and hung up the communication, making Greer angry and helpless. What he said was the truth, but why didn't anyone Believe it.

In the Marbury villa in California, Stark turned off the remote communication, but instead of looking at the huge repellent design on the screen in front of him, he turned around and looked at the rows of holographic projection screens behind him. Arranged in an orderly manner, filling half of the room, all about Killian and AIM,
The information is very detailed, including Killian's test scores over the years, shopping records, and posts posted on the Internet when he was young. It can be said that Killian's hobbies, speaking habits, etc. are all covered in it.There are also AIM's expenditures of every sum of money, employee rosters, detailed lists of purchases and shipments, and so on.

Most of them are confidential information, which cannot be obtained by conventional means. Obviously, Stark 'hacked' into the relevant server to get it.Obviously, such a large amount of information was not collected on a whim, but it took a lot of time and effort to obtain such detailed information and information.

(End of this chapter)

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