The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 369 Declaring War

Chapter 369 Declaring War
While Greer was thinking about it, Daisy tapped the keyboard a few times, and played the video that she had watched several times again. At the beginning, it was still a normal TV picture, and suddenly the human voice became a no-signal beep!drop! 'The sound, and the picture also changed to a blood-red flag, ten black rings, crossed swords and symbols of unknown meaning.

'drop!drop! ' The sound didn't last long, and the picture came back again, but what was played was not a soap opera, but an endless desert, with piles of sand of different heights filling the screen.

The camera slowly rotates from left to right. When it is in the middle, the voice-over sounds, a slightly old voice, very deep and full of vicissitudes: "Mesopotamia is an ancient land, the Tigris River, The Euphrates River nourishes the land here, and countless civilizations have been born, such as the Hassuna culture, the Haraf culture, the Samarra culture, and the ancient Babylonian who tried to build the Tower of Babel.

But the invaders broke into here, wantonly trampled on the ancient land, enslaved the people here, and frantically plundered everything of value.It has brought endless wars, poverty, and diseases. But from today, we will no longer suffer all of this silently. We have lived in this land since ancient times. We are the masters of this land, and no one can enslave us. "

Speaking of this, the camera also turned to the far right, taking in the military base in the desert, and the tone of the voice-over became passionate: "This is a nail that the invaders nailed to Mesopota. Nails in Mia."

Before he finished speaking, a column of flames rose suddenly from the military base, and the barracks were blown down like paper, followed by dust storms and soaring black smoke rolled up by the shock wave, destroying the huge military base. Swallowed up, you can no longer see what's going on inside.

"Now, the nails have been pulled out, and this is just the beginning. The warriors have stood up until the aggressors have paid enough. Mr. President, this is the first lesson I will teach you. Blood for blood." After the awkward Chinese finished speaking the idiom, the screen disappeared immediately, and after a pause of two or three seconds, the soap opera broadcast on the TV station resumed.

Greer stretched out his hand, covered Daisy's catkin holding the mouse, clicked play again, carefully watched the video that was absolutely not in this movie, listened carefully to the voice-over, and worked hard to match the impression in his mind. Shallow compared to the movie Mandarin.

And in a slightly quaint palace-style villa, Killian sat comfortably on the sofa and watched the video on the TV with a smile on his face. After the video was played, he clapped his hands in satisfaction and said, "Very good, But I think the depth is not enough, the lack of humanistic care, it is necessary to dig out the hearts of the characters.”

Standing beside the sofa are more than a dozen professionals from Hollywood, including screenwriters, directors, editors, dubbers, etc., listening carefully to the benefactor's request, in order to make a video that the other party is satisfied with, and to get the large amount that Killian promised. sum of money.

Killian said a lot of demands, and then he stopped talking, patted the director on the shoulder, and said: "I am a person who pursues art, and money is not a problem. I must make a good film. Do you understand?"

The director nodded hastily. Although he didn't know what this rich man was doing to shoot such a video with obvious terrorist attack tendencies, as long as he was given money, enough money, it would be no problem for him to take part in the shoot.

No matter what he does with the video, the rich have more eccentricities, and the things ordinary people pursue, they are almost throwing up, and they start looking for excitement.It's just a trivial matter to shoot such videos with drag racing and turntables.

Killian also instructed the clothing team to quickly produce suitable clothing, gorgeous and low-key. The tailors in the clothing group heard helplessness and just wanted to roll their eyes, but they still patted their chests in front of the big boss to promise Make satisfactory clothing.

Walking out of this slightly dark and dilapidated castle, Killian stretched his waist, and glanced around from the corner of his eye. A large number of black-clothed bodyguards surrounded the big house, all from different security companies. Guarded by desperate soldiers.

Without his permission, no one can go out of this big house. Even if the situation changes, the N bombs buried in the ground are enough to destroy everything. Not leaving any evidence is for safety. He doesn't want to involve himself.

"It's not good to be too peaceful. In a peaceful world, how can you sell arms?" Killian said to himself, "I really want to see the face of Mr. President."

Killian said and walked towards the tarmac. This video is just an appetizer. There are still many things to do later, such as the president's special bodyguard. He needs to thoroughly understand the performance of the steel suit made by Stark. , and then a revenge plan can be formulated.

As Killian expected, this video, which hijacked television signals across the United States, was spread all over the world along the Internet, causing an uproar. In just 1 minute after the video was broadcast, the 'terrorist attack' became Google's Search hot words.

The site of the explosion in this very war-declaring video is the Ario Salim Air Force Base, and it was indeed bombed there more than ten hours ago. The entire base was almost razed to the ground, causing countless casualties.

Originally, this was strictly confidential news. Except for the intelligence agencies of various countries, it was impossible for ordinary people to know about it, but the video made everything public, and crowds of parades appeared around the White House.

A large number of family members of the garrison shouted hoarsely to the TV cameras that they could not get through to their loved ones. By the way, they cursed the bastard White House dignitaries and demanded that the truth be revealed. They wanted to know what happened to their loved ones.

Not long after he took office, President Ellis was woken up in the middle of the night. Up to now, he has been discussing with his think tank for more than ten hours on how to deal with the terrorist attack. As soon as he figured it out, the terrorists hijacked the TV signals across the United States and issued a 'declaration of war. video'.

This is still a hammer secret. The hustle and bustle outside the White House can be clearly heard in the round table room. The secrecy work has just begun and it is over. The next thing to do is how to deal with the angry crowd and make a guarantee.

The think tank quickly came up with a solution. Five minutes after the video was broadcast, President Ellis waved his fists with red eyes and was extremely angry, announcing the terrorist attack on the Ario Salim Air Force Base. However, they did not announce the death toll. They just said indignantly that the U.S. imperialists would never compromise and would retaliate, and they would definitely do a good job in dealing with the aftermath.

The following is a series of work done more than ten years ago, such as lowering the flag, mourning, and commemorating. What President Ellis has to do is to make an extremely sad appearance in various public places, and say something like going to the end.

But after returning to the White House and closing the door, President Ellis's face became ugly. The other party's behavior was Hong Guoguo's declaration of war, and he slapped the US emperor hard.First and foremost, it is necessary to find out the assailant, and then "pay with blood", no compromise, no weakness, otherwise let alone re-election, maybe you will be kicked out.

The plan that the think tank spent more than ten hours before can be thrown into the trash can. To make a new plan, President Ellis drank cups of coffee one after another, trying to resist dozing off, and discussing with the think tank.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and an official ran in in a panic, and said with an extremely ugly face: "Mr. President, the TV signal was hijacked again, and the method was exactly the same as yesterday."

"What?" Everyone in the room was stunned, the secretary quickly turned on the TV, and as expected, the bloody flag, ten black rings, and crossed swords were displayed on the screen again.

President Ellis cursed angrily. He really wanted to smash the TV. The other party hijacked the signal with great fanfare. It must not be advertising. Could it be that the base was bombed again?Thinking of this, President Ellis quickly shouted: "Contact all bases immediately."

Before the work could start, the TV came on: a rough wall of sand, common in the Middle East, nothing to be surprised about.But what is frightening is that there is a row of people with bound hands, wearing US military desert camouflage and black hoods squatting by the wall.

The familiar voice-over sounded again: "Mr. President, I taught you the first lesson yesterday, and today is the second lesson: these demons survived the punishment of God, but they still cannot escape the judgment, because no one can Those who escape trial will be punished."

Before the words were finished, gunshots sounded like roasted beans, and the people standing by the wall had blood holes in their bodies, and screamed one after another, and fell to the ground one after another like cutting wheat. No more sound.

This scene made all the politicians in the White House tremble. This is forcing the US emperor to start a war. The lights are not so rampant that the execution of the surviving soldiers is broadcast live across the United States. They can imagine seeing this with their duodenum. How angry the people in the scene will be, whoever dares to say 'no' will definitely be torn to pieces.

After the gunfire subsided, several gangsters in Arab costumes stepped forward, began to sprinkle gasoline and then set fire to it. In the raging flames, the camera began to turn around, photographing the thugs holding AKs who were extremely excited, and the thugs full of hangers. Ten Rings banners all around.

After taking a panoramic view, the picture flashed again, and an old man with a beard appeared in the camera, his face was wrinkled like old bark, and he said calmly to the camera: "Mr. President, you must be very angry now, but we Angrier than you, and this anger has been accumulated for tens or hundreds of years.

Now these holy flames break out and burn away all injustice.I know you will use all means to find me, but I have no fear, because you don't know where I am, but I know you are there. "

The old man in a navy blue robe stretched out his hand and pointed at the camera, revealing five simple rings of different styles and colors on his hands, raised his neck slightly, and made a proud look, saying: "I see you!"

The video stopped abruptly and was replaced with the banner of the Ten Rings Gang. Then the signal of the TV station was restored, and "The Big Bang Theory" continued to play. The laughter of the characters in the play echoed in the office, and everyone stared wide-eyed. The look of small eyes.

This silence lasted for seven or eight seconds, and the White House security director immediately said: "Mr. President, please board Air Force One immediately, the White House is no longer safe."

"What?" President Ellis said angrily with a look of surprise on his face: "You want me to escape from the White House at this time, it's impossible, immediately notify the FBI, CIA, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Find this madman for me.

All bases immediately put on wartime alert. I don't want to see this lunatic show off on TV again which base he bombed us again? "

The director of NCTC (National Counter-Terrorism Center) thought for a while and suggested: "Mr. President, I think it is necessary to temporarily suspend all flights across the United States, and the security forces in various places should be strengthened, especially the White House."

President Ellis hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He didn't want to repeat the old case ten years ago, and asked, "Where is Colonel Rhodes?"

A senior official of the Ministry of National Defense said: "Sir, Rhodes has retired, and his steel suit is not equipped with lethal weapons."

"What?" President Ellis felt that he had heard some joke. The once largest arms chief did not equip his strongest individual equipment with weapons. orchard.

The White House security director hurriedly said: "Stark refused to let go of the suit system. For safety reasons, Rhodes was not equipped with lethal weapons. The steel suit itself is already very destructive, and if there are weapons."

I didn't finish the sentence, but I knew what it meant. Adding weapons to a steel suit is like adding wings to a tiger, which would cause a lot of trouble for the security of the White House. After all, Rhodes has retired and is no longer a soldier. Naturally, he can't be trusted as before. .

"Contact Stark, tell him that the people need the protection of the Avengers, install enough weapons for Rhodes as soon as possible, once you find this lunatic, let Rhodes catch him back immediately." President Ellis immediately made a decision, Steel The battle suit is the best assault weapon. Once you find the trace of this lunatic, you can start immediately, which is much faster than sending special forces.

And in an unremarkable earth city in the Middle East, a dilapidated TV was playing two videos, and the light on the screen barely reflected an old face in front of the TV, with ten shimmering rings on both hands, It is particularly conspicuous in this dark house.

When the Mandarin on TV raised his hand and revealed five rings, the TV was paused, and the old man in front of the TV also raised his right hand, looked at the ring on his hand, and then looked at the one on the TV. He said hoarsely, "The imitation is very similar, so what do you want to use my name for?"

After talking to himself, the old man stood up and walked towards the door, ignoring the darkness inside the house, strode outside, looked at the banners all over the city, and faced the militants guarding outside the house He ordered: "Put away the conspicuous flag first, and tell Jackson Norris to find out who is using my name."

(End of this chapter)

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