The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 314 The Conspiracy Appears

Chapter 314 The Conspiracy Appears
"Control?" Stark grasped the word keenly, thinking a lot in an instant, why the person with the teleportation ability would say 'control', obviously he has seen aliens being controlled before, and it should be more than once, so That's why there is such a set of rhetoric that is very tempting to the controlled aliens.

Covering self-introduction, pointing out the topic of the conversation, the purpose of the explanation, the role of self-interpretation, and the situation of the other party, everything is clearly explained in a few sentences. If Daisy is really an experiment controlled by a scientific team For the little white mouse, he would definitely grab this life-saving straw and get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

There is also the homeland of the Inhumans mentioned by the other party, and the schools where humans impart knowledge can teach how to control abilities. This shows that the Inhumans have a stable base and a fixed social structure. Obviously, they have existed for a long time, but they have not been exposed so far. In the eyes of the public.

If you think about it in this way, the Inhuman race is absolutely isolated from the world, otherwise, no matter how hard SHIELD tries, it will be impossible to cover up a group with superpowers. After all, the more people with superpowers, the probability of villains appearing the higher.

Just like today, the Inhuman race has such a strong destructive power. It is easy to cover up the Route 278 incident once or twice, but it can happen a hundred times a thousand times. The more times it occurs, the harder it is to cover up.A race that has existed for a long time, but is unknown to the public, and can only be done in isolation.

There are also Cree people. In the information in the basement, there is an autopsy report of the Cree people. The time is still in the last century. Obviously the Cree people are still paying attention to this planet. Are people haunting the earth to find Inhumans?
There were countless thoughts in his mind, but Stark still maintained a calm expression on his face. After listening to what Greer and Daisy said, he took a sip of the wine in the glass and said, "The one who was able to teleport last time The person who came to ask for the prophet, I read the information left by my father, Hydra called it an obelisk, and it was found by the Roaring Commando from a base of Hydra in Austria in 1945."

"But Hydra had already retreated at that time, and many materials were destroyed. No more information about the obelisk was found. It was only said that it was excavated from a pyramid in Egypt, and it was very old."

Rhodes finally understood a little bit, and said in shock: "You mean, that Inhuman race has multiplied and lived on the earth for thousands of years? Wait, the pyramid was not made by that Cree, right? "

Stark said irresponsibly: "Very likely."

Rhodes raised his hand, expressing his astonishment. Before the event of signing a contract, almost no one believed in the existence of aliens. It's worth the fuss.

After all, there are even aliens, and it’s not a big deal if anything happens again. Just like now, the religion of Thor has appeared in the Nordic region. The various gods in Nordic mythology, which ones exist and which ones don’t exist, are Europeans. Regional Network Debate Hotspot

The last time Stark attended the press conference of the Twisted City Government, the most asked questions were not the Avengers, but the Nordic mythology. Annoyed Stark just wanted to pull Greer over to answer.

"As you can imagine, the obelisk can activate the abilities of the Inhumans," Greer said without waiting for Stark to ask, and said the question that Stark should be most concerned about: "Before the Inhumans activate their abilities, what should they do?" , just like human beings, the coming-of-age ceremony of the Inhuman Race is to activate abilities, but not everyone can succeed, and there are many losers."

"Those who fail are normal people, and those who succeed are aliens. It seems that the obelisk is a gene editor, no, it should be a key or a controller." Stark nodded clearly, and made his own My guess: "If you control the ability, you can control these people with special abilities. The obelisk is a safety device."

In Stark's guess, this is not a defect, but a deliberate effort by the Kree people. If they want to obtain superpowers, they must rely on the obelisk. The lifeblood of the human race.

"Safety device?!" Greer couldn't help but startled when he heard Stark's guess. He really didn't think about it. The function of activating abilities was shown in the TV series, which made Greer feel There is only this one function, and I have not thought about other aspects at all.

Now think about it according to Stark's thinking, if the Inhumans transformed by the Cree are perfect and can pass on their abilities from generation to generation, and more and more people have abilities, will they be willing to stay under the control of the Cree?
The more powerful a person is, the more unwilling he is to be controlled by others, so the Cree left this defect. Without the obelisk, they cannot activate the ability. The Cree can easily control the Inhumans who activate the ability Quantity, and when the ability is activated, the person who activates the ability can be registered. No one can escape their monitoring, and all their abilities are known, so naturally they don't worry about rebellion.

Sure enough, the cosmic empire, which looks down on the universe, does not have a fuel-efficient lamp. At the beginning, Asgard's magic soldiers came from the sky, helping humans drive away the Inhumans, and it was logical to include Midgard into the Nine Realms, just like a script. .

While Stark and the others were chatting, Gordon in the abandoned factory finally 'recovered', stood up with difficulty leaning on the wall, and said to Black Bolt King and Medusa very weakly: "I can probably send them off first. Back to the moon, but very reluctantly, after the teleportation, I am afraid it will take a long time to return to the earth, and then bring you back, after all, it is a round trip."

Black Bolt King, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, nodded, gestured quickly with both hands, and Medusa on the side followed the translation: "Gordon has worked hard for you, Crystal and the others are begging, we must return to Attilan safely, For us, you don’t have to worry, humans won’t come to your door for a while, after you return to Attilan, don’t force yourself to pick us up, rest well and come back again.”

"Yeah!" Gordon nodded, and with the help of Medusa and Black Bolt, he moved the crystal, Gorgon and Tetanus to one place, and then stood among the three of them, activating his ability. The electric light flashed, forming an electric light shield in an instant, covering the three people and one dog inside, and then disappeared, leaving only Black Bolt and Medusa, waiting for Gordon to return in this abandoned factory.

When Gordon activated his ability, a large number of particles dispersed at the speed of light, and were captured by satellites in outer space, and the detected data was quickly transmitted to the Stark base. Relying on Jarvis' powerful computing power, the Comparing the properties of these particles, calculate the original position of these particles.

(End of this chapter)

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