Chapter 313 Trust
Although it was one step late, Stark was not without gain. The satellite collected more data when Gordon teleported several times, so Stark can now carry out further research, the content of which is more precise positioning Gordon's position.

The program carried by the satellite before can only roughly delineate a range, but now Stark has adjusted the tracking program based on the new data, and Unicom is a private satellite signal belonging to Stark Industries in order to obtain more accurate positioning data .

Think about it, when Stark and Dr. Banner were on the space carrier, it took only a few days to track the gamma ray signal emitted by the scepter. It seems that Stark made a program to track Gordon's signal. It's very simple, but the difficult thing is that Stark was able to come up with a tracking program without detailed data. This is no longer a genius, but against the sky.

Greer's understanding of Stark's quantum tracking theory is not as good as Stark's understanding of magic theory. Regarding elements such as wind, fire, water, and earth, Stark always feels that he is listening to "the sky is round and the earth" lecture.

In Stark's understanding, the so-called elements are just the energy or dark energy contained in various rays that fill the universe. His steel suit is driven and attacked by energy, and magic is to turn the human body into The Iron Suit, collects, contains and uses these energies.

Stark just listened to Greer's brief explanation of the magical world view, and left magic behind. He didn't burst out with eager interest in learning and research, maybe because he didn't have time.Especially after hearing Greer say that the magician of Karma Taj needs to learn for three to five years to get started, and it takes seventy or eighty years to cast simple magic, so I never asked Greer about magic.

Magic is a thing that is very particular about talent. It doesn’t mean that you can reach the top by being diligent and studious. There are many people who have studied magic in Karma Taj, but there are very few people who can become the supreme mage since ancient times. There are very few archmages.

Being able to cast magic that transforms energy into shields and weapons is already amazing. More people can only enter the door and rub some sparks before they can go any further. Otherwise, Kama Taj would not have only a few magicians.

In this regard, science is also very particular about talent. Since the development of science, there have been several figures such as Einstein, Newton, and Edison. 99% of sweat is not worth 1% of talent. This is reflected in Stark. Hearty and hearty, people worked hard all day in the laboratory, but they couldn't compare to the few minutes of thinking of Stark, who was drinking and drinking.

Greer has a decade drive, uses agito to strengthen the body, soul and spirit, uses Kiva to infuse the power of the demon emperor into the body, and uses dragon riding to open up the space ability, which is higher than the starting point of the former doctor Stephen Strange. How many.

But it only took him a year or two to change from an ordinary person with zero foundation to a supreme mage. Greer was driving and hung up, and he was still learning the basic theory after half a year.There must be Doctor Strange and his brothers who have such thoughts. Doctor Strange can drive the time gem only a year or two after he came here, and even became the supreme mage. He is silently talking about the difference between a fool and a genius.

It's like the protagonists in a lot of fantasy and fairy tale novels, no matter how late you start, you can soar all the way, slap your face, and finally squeeze out the senior brother, marry the junior sister, take over the sect, and become the leader of the alliance, while the senior brother becomes doomed due to jealousy and resentment. The villain defeated by the protagonist.

After Jarvis finished explaining the knowledge related to the quantum world, Greer also ended his daydreams in his mind and pulled his soul back to reality from beyond the clouds. What is shown on the screen is exactly the fight scene that happened on Route 278 half an hour ago.

Although the video taken by the monitoring probe on the highway has been deleted and the hard drive has been taken away, Stark had Jarvis break through the defense and make a copy of it long before he rushed there. Take a look at the battle at that time.

Even though the surveillance probes are cheap, and because of the distance, the pictures taken are not very clear. In addition, the vehicles parked on the road are blocked. See how intense it is.

But after the arrival of the crystal, the battle situation escalated immediately. The car was either blown up or blown to pieces. Only then did the two sides of the confrontation reveal themselves. The Black Bolt and Medusa who came later were even more surprising. As flexible as an arm.

After watching all the videos, Stark closed his phone, looked up at Greer who was flipping through magazines with Daisy, and asked, "Where did this group of people come from?" Although he was asking, he seemed sure Greer knew the answer was average.

Stark's words sounded very loud in the silent room, causing everyone who lowered their heads to do their own things to raise their heads. Greer seemed to have known this question a long time ago, and closed the magazine in his hand, no matter what. The magazines in Xishou were also collected.

During this period of time, Stark studied the steel suit and Gordon's teleportation. By the way, he also sorted out the secret information of the SHIELD in the basement. After all, there must be relevant information on the obelisk. Only by knowing more , so that you will not be fooled and deceived by others, whether in business or in life, this is the case.

For Greer, Stark has always maintained three points of doubt and four points of caution, only three points of belief, mysterious origin, mysterious ability, knowing a lot of things, but there are many things he doesn't know, which is easy for people to see through. But it is also unpredictable.

So two months ago, when Daisy activated the ability, Gordon appeared to ask for the obelisk, and Greer took the obelisk, Stark didn't say anything or ask much, because he didn't know anything, Can't tell if the answer is true or not.

In the past two months, Stark has studied the materials in the basement, which also allowed Jarvis to focus on collecting data on people with special abilities, and gained an understanding of abilities. It is only today that he asked the question buried in his heart.

"Inhumans, they are Inhumans, and Daisy also has the genes of Inhumans," Greer leaned on the sofa, talking eloquently: "A long, long time ago, the Cree came to Earth and conducted genetic experiments on humans. , in order to obtain fighters, and later the Cree withdrew, but the people who activated special abilities multiplied on the earth, calling themselves Inhumans."

"Those people are the Inhumans," Daisy continued. "Before the fight started, the old man who could teleport came to me while Greer was leaving, and told me that they were the Inhumans, and came to take me out of here." The control of human beings also said that they would take me to the homeland of the Inhumans, so that they could untie the chains for me, restore my freedom, and teach me how to control the abilities.”

(End of this chapter)

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