The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 195 Stark's Warehouse

Chapter 195 Stark's Warehouse
A small and exquisite helicopter is flying in the blue sky and white clouds at a speed close to Mach [-]. Below it is the endless green mountains and green waters, with touches of withered yellow in the middle. The bleak autumn wind and the chill of early winter have scattered clusters With dead branches and fallen leaves, a thin layer of golden yellow carpet is spread on the ground.

Looking down from the sky, you can have a panoramic view of everything on the earth. Daisy and Greer, who were sitting in the helicopter, kept taking pictures with their mobile phones along the way, enjoying the scenery of the mountains and rivers in the late autumn and early winter. A little bit of beauty.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Greer was also thinking secretly: "Sure enough, I will take the fire dragon outside for a while if I have nothing to do in the future. There are still many beautiful scenery in this world." In the past, the house was because of poverty, but now the house is purely from the past. I'm used to it, and I haven't changed it for a while.

This unmanned helicopter was sent by Stark to pick up Greer to the test field. A week ago, in the Stark Tower, Stark said that he would find a place, but he did not expect to find it so soon, and the grade I went up too. I used to send luxury cars, but this time I sent helicopters. What about next time?spacecraft?
After the helicopter took off from New York, it flew all the way north, at a speed of nearly 300 meters per second, faster than the fire dragon.The land below has changed from scattered high-rise buildings to sparse and low-rise houses. Now it is a tree-lined path. It is far away to see a few small buildings of farmers. It is absolutely vast and sparsely populated. .

This is still a coastal location. Like the last time Greer crossed the United States from Los Angeles to Tuyao, many areas were completely deserted, otherwise he would not have ran out of gas when the motorcycle ran out, and had the idea of ​​throwing it away. Because it is too far away from the gas stations before and after.

The helicopter continued to fly forward, passed a small hill, and suddenly appeared an area in the forest below that was completely different from the forest. In the middle was a huge three-story white building, covering an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters. , surrounded by several buildings slightly taller than it.

The roofs of these five buildings are all equipped with helipads for helicopters to take off and land. There is a large open space near the Hudson River on the east side, covered with various weeds, and almost the only road leading to here is no more than three meters wide. The concrete road was covered.

"This is the testing ground Mr. Stark found for me?" Greer looked at the buildings in the distance with some uncertainty. I thought it was an abandoned building.

"This is a warehouse of the Stark family. Forty days ago, Mr. Stark decided to turn this place into a test site for steel suits. It is currently being remodeled, and the decoration has not yet been completed." Jarvis dutifully said Confused Greer.

"Warehouse?" Greer's heart moved, and he took a closer look at the familiar big white building, and suddenly remembered, isn't this the second base of the Avengers?First Base is, of course, the Avengers Mansion that was sold off in Spider-Man Homecoming.

Unexpectedly, before the renovation was completed, this place is so dilapidated, and the Stark family is too extravagant, they put things in a storage room, they put things in a huge warehouse, really rich and willful .

Jarvis is still dutifully explaining to Greer: "The land of 1961 kilometers nearby is owned by the Stark family. It was bought by Mr. Howard as early as [-] as a hunting ground for leisure. Stark Mister used to come here to hunt occasionally, if you want to hunt, I will arrange everything for you."

"." Greer really didn't know what to say. Such a large piece of land twice the size of New York City was actually used for hunting. It can only be said that rich people really know how to play.That's right, the rich Stark family only has money left, so they can do whatever they want?
Looking at this large piece of land belonging to the Stark family on the helicopter, Greer suddenly had an idea, leaned into Daisy's ear, and said: "There are mountains, waters, and forests here, and it will be beautiful in all seasons. How about putting the castle here?"

"Here? The castle?" Daisy was taken aback, and turned her head to look at Greer carefully. It really didn't look like she was joking, he really had a castle.The more time I spent with Greer, the more secrets I discovered about this big boy. Before I had any clue about the lost six years, another castle popped up out of thin air.

Greer was already lying on the window of the helicopter and started surveying the terrain. After scanning around, he pointed to a 500-meter-high hill about [-] meters away from the Stark family's 'warehouse', and asked: "Daisy , What do you think of that hill? It’s the tallest nearby, and you can overlook the surroundings from there. The snow and ice all over the mountains in winter must look beautiful.”

Greer's words made Daisy's mind involuntarily appear. Standing on the balcony and admiring the endless ice-capped snow, this scenery is definitely thousands of times more beautiful than the city.

While the two were imagining, the helicopter slowly landed on the roof of a five-story building. After Greer and Daisy got off the helicopter, the helicopter took off again and landed in the nearby helicopter garage, letting the ground crew on standby personnel for inspection and maintenance.

This building has been remodeled and renovated. Compared with other buildings, it looks like a new building, and everything: lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, water, etc. are all controlled by Jarvis, with a sci-fi feel. It is in stark contrast to the other slightly dilapidated buildings.

The room where Stark is located is two or three times larger than the basement of his villa in Marbury. There are all kinds of unnamed instruments everywhere. In the far corner is a high-temperature furnace. Obviously, after the experiment is completed, The experimental materials will be destroyed to prevent his technology from leaking out.

Seeing Greer and Daisy coming in, Stark beckoned to Greer and began to introduce his test site, whether it was lasers or micro-missiles and other weapons, they would be tested in a large open space nearby.

There is a very wide firebreak dug between the building and the forest, so there is no danger of igniting the forest, and the forest fire will not affect the base.Although it has not been renovated for a long time, many facilities are still complete.

Now that he has come to the test site, Greer is not polite. The previous battles were all in the city, and he did not dare to let go of the fight.But in Asgard, when facing thousands of troops during the battle, every bit of physical strength and energy must be saved, so the attack is just enough to kill the enemy, rather than attacking with all its strength. As for Asgard He hasn't been to Gard's training ground since he defeated one of the three warriors of Asgard.

So now Greer himself doesn't know how powerful and destructive it will be if he let go of the attack, so as soon as Stark said it, he readily agreed to skip class and bring Daisy here up.

(End of this chapter)

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