Chapter 194 Choice
Daisy was dumbfounded when she heard it. She never thought that there was such a passage in the past. Mr. Hyde never mentioned his mother, even if she was crying, he just coaxed her and never mentioned it.

It turned out to be the reason, so the six years I lost were kidnapped by those soldiers?But what does this have to do with being 22 or 16 years old?It is obvious that he looks immature at all.

"I've always expected SHIELD to bring you mother and daughter back, but every day passed without any news. For six years, I was almost desperate, but SHIELD suddenly brought you back."

Hyde looked up at Daisy, with a thick happy smile on his face, his eyes were a little red and he said: "Although six years have passed, I recognized it was you at a glance, but I couldn't believe it was you. Because You are still the same as when you were five years old, wearing the clothes your mother made the night of the accident, as if everything happened yesterday. I can't believe it, six years, how can you not change a bit? I did the DNA myself More than a dozen tests in a row have shown that you are indeed my daughter, and the bone age also shows that you are indeed five years old."

"Director Alexander made an exception and asked me to question the team of agents who brought you back. When they saw you, you were standing on the leveled hill next to the village six years ago, and you were wearing the same clothes you were wearing six years ago. Put on new clothes."

"No one knows how you appeared. Where have you been in the past six years? Why hasn't there been a little change? I have always believed in science, but I really don't know how to explain this. I can only think that it might have happened at that time. A space channel, allowing you to span six years." Hyde couldn't help shaking his head as he spoke, and muttered in a low voice: "It's too unscientific."

"I still have your inspection report at that time. The healthy ones can't be any healthier, but I don't have any memory of the past six years. I can't tell how it disappeared or reappeared on the night of the accident."

For some reason, what her father said made Daisy suddenly think of the trams flying in the air, the extremely blurred figures, and those words that she couldn't remember, and what he gave her. Could these be related to the six years she lost?

Mr. Hyde stared at Daisy, and said in a soft voice: "You are the treasure I have lost and recovered. I have rejected all further inspections and inquiries about you, and changed your date of birth to November 1994, 11. Just be that Nothing happened, everything was normal. If not. I would take this secret to God and not let it disturb your life."

"Dad." Daisy choked up a little. She accidentally saw how many potions Hyde invented and participated in for the S.H.I.E.L.D. from 1993 to 1999.I am afraid that Hyde, who lost his wife and daughter, put all his energy into researching the infinite potion to anesthetize himself: if the potion was strong enough that night, he would not have lost them.

Daisy cried, but Hyde, whose eyes were red just now, laughed and said, "Nick Fury is a guy full of secrets. He knows many secrets that the whole world doesn't know. He said that the six years you lost and Your little boyfriend is related, and it is by no means aimless. But you have to pay attention, Nick Fury let you go to Rusoff's side, it must be to achieve his purpose."

Speaking of this, Hyde said with a little coldness in his eyes: "I finally understand what this S-level mission has no mission report, no specific plan and content? Nick Fury made it very clear from the beginning, No planning is required, just be a normal girl, and by being around Rusov, you're getting the job done."

Daisy was confused when she heard it, and she tilted her head in confusion, really not understanding what it meant.

"In 1993, after I joined S.H.I.E.L.D., more and more research results were obtained, and S.H.I.E.L.D. paid more and more attention to me. As a result, there were many women who met me by chance and wanted me to start a family again. I can stay in S.H.I.E.L.D. and continue to study. After all, it is unknown what kind of things a person will do if he has nothing to worry about. Maybe one day I will think of you mother and daughter, and I will go to see God as soon as I feel sad. "

When Hyde said this, Daisy immediately understood that Greer didn't have any relatives, and with such a powerful force, he didn't have any scruples about what he wanted to do, just like when he usually rides a motorcycle or drives, he always thinks There is no such thing as a speed limit.

It's a trivial matter to ignore the traffic rules, but what if he comes to rob a bank in the mood?Arresting him and dispatching the army may not be enough. The loss will definitely exceed a hundred banks. If you don't arrest him, then the law can be thrown away. It is definitely a very embarrassing and embarrassing thing.

So the purpose of Nick Fury is to let Greer think about Daisy before doing crazy things. This is all the content and goal of this non-existent S-level mission. A person who has nothing to worry about, has someone to care about, and will not do things like destroy the world.

Nick Fury's goal has been achieved. The information on his desktop shows that Greer has not slaughtered gangsters on a large scale for a long time, which proves that his plan is successful. Belonging, just like Betty can always restore the crazy Hulk to Banner, now there is a second Betty.

What makes Nick Fury even more happy is that the second phase has officially begun. S.H.I.E.L.D. will have more and stronger weapons to protect the earth in the future. The wanton killing on their own planet has nothing to do but pray that they can win.

Daisy finally listened to what her father had concealed for ten years, but it brought more doubts and puzzles. Telling the secret that has been concealed made Hyde feel a sense of relief, and looked at Daisy seriously. Said: "You have grown up, I respect your opinion, if you don't want to stay anymore, we will leave, you go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy to continue studying, just pretend that all this never existed;

If you want to stay here, I will buy you an apartment in Manhattan, and you can move there instead of living here.Although old Jimmy has friendship with me, he is a standard agent. If S.H.I.E.L.D. ordered him to kill me, he would definitely feel sad, but he would execute it without hesitation. "

Daisy opened her mouth, and finally shook her head in confusion: "I don't know."

"It's okay, you think about it slowly, anyway, they can slowly make the third stage of the infinite potion, don't worry." Hyde comforted his daughter, looked at the time, and said: "It's very late, go back to the room to sleep .”

"Yeah!" Daisy stood up, said good night to her father, and walked towards her room in a daze, turned her head slightly, looked at the night outside the corridor window, and sighed involuntarily. Turn around and walk into the room, close the door, and shut everything out.

Although it was already twelve o'clock, Daisy couldn't fall asleep at all. She stood at the end of the bed and looked at the ugly graffiti hanging on the head of the bed. She couldn't help but wonder if the six years she had lost were related to this, could it be Is that invisible figure Greer?But why doesn't he remember?

No one could answer her, and after standing in a daze for a long while, Daisy fell asleep with her mind full.

 This is the full explanation of the S-level mission, so I really have to read it first before making a comment. After all, blind people can't 'see' comprehensively, and they get conclusions that are beyond recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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