The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 123 People Who Can't See

Chapter 123 People Who Can't See
Odin pointed the Eternal Spear in his hand at the surging ocean below, and fired a thin light beam, which penetrated the deep sea water and irradiated the Destroyer, causing the Destroyer to move immediately and fly upwards.

Hearing Thor's words, Odin said without turning his head: "Heimdall cannot see, the omniscient eye is not the omnipotent eye, there are many things that cannot be seen, and there are still many mysteries in the universe. Thor, be in awe at all times, Asgard is just a corner of the vast universe."

"Is there something that Heimdall can't see?" Thor's face was full of surprise. It was the first time he had heard of it. Loki has found many secret passages leading to all parts of the Nine Realms, and he also knows how to block the sea. M'dar's all-seeing eye, but these Thors have never even heard of them, and their focus is always on fighting, fighting and fighting.

The Destroyer had already flown out of the sea and headed towards Asgard by itself. Only then did Odin turn his head and said lightly: "The reason why these passages are called secret passages is because they are difficult to find. The World Tree supports In the Nine Realms, these secret passages extend from the World Tree, even I can’t see where there are secret passages and where they lead.”

After saying these words, Odin breathed a sigh of relief, and said earnestly: "Thor, you can't be a competent king if you only know about fighting. You have to learn more. Sigh!"

Odin sighed deeply, stared at the broken Rainbow Bridge with the Spear of Eternity, turned and walked towards Asgard, took two steps forward but stopped, turned his head and said to Greer: "Since you are Thor's friend in Midgard, you should follow Thor during this time in Asgard. Asgard still has a lot to learn."

After finishing speaking, Odin turned his head and walked towards the Asgard Palace step by step with the Spear of Eternity. His hunchbacked figure looked like an old man in his dying years, not the father of the gods revered by all.

"My friend, my father Wang Enzhun you to stay, what do you want to learn? Swordsmanship, magic or healing." Thor introduced enthusiastically.

"I want to be quiet!" Greer is really not in the mood to understand this now, waved his hand at Thor, and said: "Thor, you have been away from Asgard for half a year, you should have a lot of things to do, wait Let me know what to learn before I decide what to study, you can go about your own business, I want to enjoy the beauty of Asgard here."

"Yeah!" Thor nodded, he did have a lot of things to do, he started to turn the hammer in his hand, and said: "I will find a way to send you back to Midgard, for sure!" After finishing speaking, he swung the hammer The hammer suddenly flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Greer was the only one left on this two-hundred- to three-hundred-kilometer-long rainbow bridge. It was very quiet, only the howling sound of unabated waves hitting the bridge piers. Greer sat down directly with his legs dangling. Outside the Rainbow Bridge, looking at the sea water 50 meters below, the oncoming breeze blows Greer's slightly long hair. Such a quiet environment is very suitable for thinking about something.

It wasn’t long before I arrived on this world’s Earth from another world’s Earth, and now I’ve moved to Asgard again. For Greer, who doesn’t like the new environment, there is a slight irony. If you don’t like changing places, then Change the world and the planet for you, forcing you to adapt.

The facts were in front of him, he would not be able to return to Earth in a short time, and no matter how reluctant he was, he would have to stay in Asgard for a while.Since Odin said that he can learn something in Asgard, let's make up for what he lacks in fighting skills such as swordsmanship, knife skills, and fists.

Following the big daddy, I didn't know who to learn from after I didn't have a good foundation, so I kept putting it on hold.Since you can't go back, let's treat it as closed special training, and learn how to kill with the elite of Asgard.

Thinking about it this way, Greer's mood suddenly improved a lot, but Uncle Jimmy and the others must be very worried, so he left a note with Daisy saying that he had left for a few days, now it may be months or even years, go back I don't know if the house will be rented to others, he is used to and familiar with it.

"Alas!" Greer, who had been in a daze for an unknown amount of time, sighed deeply, stood up with slightly numb legs, walked to the broken part of the Rainbow Bridge, and looked down. The vast starry sky, just can't find the familiar constellation.

The sun above is shining brightly, but below is the vast starry sky, which is extraordinarily weird, not to mention the surging sea water flowing down towards the dark starry sky, which is more spectacular than any waterfall on the earth. In the world of cognition, the sky is round and the place is round, the ocean surrounding the continent is the end of the world, how similar it is to this place.

"It's such a strange place. Stark should really come to see this huge land suspended in the universe, surrounded by stars and scorching sun. Will he still insist on the science that is regarded as the truth?" Greer Talking to himself.

"Every civilization has its own unique development system. There is nothing wrong with insisting on science. There are many powerful forces and civilizations in the universe that develop technology." A thick male voice sounded from behind Greer, making Greer turn his head to look Go, it turned out to be Heimdall.

In other words, when Greer came to Asgard, this old man was lying on the ground in a very weak state, so why did he come out for a stroll now?It is also said to believe in science, and the characters in mythology believe in science, which is even more ridiculous than Taoyuan sworn brothers and worshiping Guan Gong.

Wearing majestic full-body armor, Heimdall walked step by step to the end of the Rainbow Bridge with the Sword of Guardian. Standing at the break, he stared at the vast and boundless space in front of him, and said softly, "I can see the world of the Nine Realms." Everything, I can see wherever I am, but"

Heimdall suddenly turned his head, staring at Greer with dark golden eyes, and said, "I can't see you, why?"

"Oh?!" Greer was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes, and his heart was full of turmoil: Heimdall said he couldn't see me?Is it because the soul comes from another universe? Wait a minute, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find information about this body, and neither can Heimdall. Could it be that the body doesn't even belong to this universe?Was he really this handsome?
In the fairy palace far away, Odin, who had removed his heavy armor and replaced it with a soft one, stared at the direction of the Rainbow Bridge and listened to the words from the end of the Rainbow Bridge.Queen Frigg of Asgard stood aside and asked in puzzlement, "Why did you leave this Midgardian in Asgard?"

"Because I can't see him, who is he? Where did he come from? And why did he appear in Midgard?"


Odin turned his head and comforted him: "Don't worry, if it was them, they would definitely show up in Midgard openly to see if Asgard fulfilled the agreement, and they wouldn't stay in Midgard for such a long time .”

(End of this chapter)

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