The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 122 The Broken Rainbow Bridge

Chapter 122 The Broken Rainbow Bridge
Originally, the Rainbow Bridge seemed to be just transparent ice, but now it exudes an incomparably bright light, and a large amount of energy of different colors flows through it, like a colorful river of light connecting Asgard and Bifrost.

Even though he was flying in the air, even if he was not wearing agito armor, Greer could still clearly feel the amazing energy contained inside the Rainbow Bridge. If so much energy exploded all at once, even a planet would be easily destroyed. Blow it to pieces.

But now, this destructive energy forms a rainbow bridge, which runs through the void of the universe and reaches Jotunheim in the extreme distance.

Even if the thick layer of ice is hit with a hammer, it can only produce a white spot, but in front of the Rainbow Bridge, it is as fragile as tofu, and it shatters into slag with a light touch, and spreads towards the surrounding area. Numerous gaps caused the ice field, which had a multi-layered ice structure like a building, to collapse rapidly.

Countless frost giants living near the touch point of the Rainbow Bridge screamed and fled in horror, but compared to the speed of the ice cracking and collapsing, they ran slower than snails, and they fell off the Rainbow Bridge before they could run far Drilled out of the bottomless abyss.

The expected crash into meat sauce did not come, these frost giants have been falling, and the speed of the landing is not as fast as the drilling speed of the Rainbow Bridge. After falling one meter down, the Rainbow Bridge can drill More than two meters, making these frost giants fortunate or miserable to witness their planet being drilled, and even see the planet being drilled all the time.

Greer, who was flying close to the Rainbow Bridge, only hated himself for not flying fast enough. Even after using all the photon energy on the jetpack, the speed had already broken through the sound barrier, but Greer still felt that he was flying too slowly. , can't wait to teleport directly to Bifrost.

In the unspeakable anxiety, time passed by little by little, and finally saw Bifrost and the two black spots on the bridge. Before he could be happy, he saw Thorgao raised Thor's hammer and gave it his all. It hit the cracked Rainbow Bridge underfoot.

'boom! With a loud bang, the Rainbow Bridge finally split apart as if it could not bear the burden, and endless energy spewed out from the crack. The Rainbow Bridge, which was strong enough to withstand the seven or eight attacks of Thor's Hammer, was as fragile as tender tofu in front of this energy. In the same way, it was instantly crushed into powder, allowing more energy to flow out, forming an energy light ball with a brightness comparable to that of a small sun, expanding at a speed of [-] meters per second.

Anything that touches this ball of light, whether it is the fragments of the Rainbow Bridge or the sea water, immediately vaporizes and disappears. Fall into the bottomless abyss together.

At the same time, Odin in Asgard forcefully opened his eyes, mobilized his divine power to span [-] kilometers in an instant, and arrived at the collapsing Bifrost. Thor's feet fell, and Thor grabbed the eternal gun in Loki's hand.

Another extremely silly scene.
"Loki, I've caught you." Thor looked at Loki below with a joyful smile, happy that he had caught Loki.And Loki said to Odin at the top with a sad face: "Father, what I can do, what I could have done, completely wipe out the enemies of Asgard for you."

Odin, who couldn't stop panting heavily, couldn't hide his disappointment with his single eyes, slowly shook his head, and said weakly: "No, Loki, this is wrong, if I could do this, I would have done it long ago. "

The expression on Loki's face gradually turned into shock and astonishment, and finally fell into despair. With a sad smile, he let go of his right hand holding the gun of eternity, and fell towards the bottomless abyss below, and was swallowed up in the blink of an eye. .

"No, Loki." Thor yelled sadly, and Greer, who landed on the Rainbow Bridge, could hear him clearly even a hundred meters away. There were violent hurricanes everywhere, like a passenger plane flying at high speed. It was like a hole appeared, if he wasn't wearing Faiz armor, he might have been involved in it long ago.

"How should I go back to Earth?" Greer stood a hundred meters away and looked at the broken bridge in front of him, feeling powerless in his heart. Is it possible that he really has to wait a year or two before returning to Earth?But if it doesn't follow the plot of the movie, Loki will hang up like this. If he doesn't go to Earth, the Avengers plot will not happen. How long should we wait until the Nine Realms overlap event in "Thor 2"?
Wait, the Nine Realms overlap?
Greer's heart moved, and he immediately thought that in "Thor 2", Loki took Thor and Jane to Water Alheim through the secret passage, and the Frost Giants in Flushing and the small town of New Mexico also came through the secret passage. Arrived on the earth, so does Asgard also have a secret passage to the earth?
My heart was full of complicated thoughts, and I didn't figure it out until Odin and Thor came in front of me.

Seeing Greer standing on the Rainbow Bridge in Faiz armor blankly, Thor said with some guilt: "Sorry, my friend, you can't return to Midgard for the time being, and I will definitely urge the craftsmen to return to Midgard as soon as possible." Repair the Rainbow Bridge and let you go back."

"Secret passage," Greer repeated the word, looked up at Odin who was leaning on the spear of eternity, didn't know how to call it, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty (the English is just a King), Do you know where there is a secret passage leading to Earth in Asgard?"

Odin has been watching Greer since he walked here. Although his eyes and expression have not changed, there is a storm in his heart. While sleeping, he can clearly hear and see what happened in Asgard. Everything, yet completely unaware of Greer.Even now, with Greer standing in front of him, he still couldn't feel Greer's presence.

After hearing Greer's inquiry, Odin walked to the Rainbow Bridge, looked at the rough sea below and said: "The explosion just now made [-]% of the energy accumulated in God's Domain go away, and the rest can't even maintain the barrier. Difficult, the Rainbow Bridge is easy to repair, but if it is not driven by energy, it is just a beautiful building. Although I don’t know where you learned about the secret passage, there are indeed countless secret passages similar to the Rainbow Bridge in the Nine Realms , There are big and small, if you don’t enter it, you don’t know where it leads and when it will disappear.”

It was also the first time Thor heard that there was such a thing in the Nine Realms. He patted Greer on the shoulder and comforted him: "When Heimdall wakes up, I will let him pay attention to whether there is such a secret near Asgard. aisle."

(End of this chapter)

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