The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 117 Marvel only has melee mages

Chapter 117 Marvel only has melee mages
Thor, who had been fighting against Thor's Hammer lying quietly on the floor, noticed the Destroyer who was fighting with Greer from the corner of his eye. The one-sided battle made Thor's face full of anxiety, and his hands were desperately pulling The short handle of Thor's hammer, leaning back, shouted: "Father, what do you want me to do to forgive me, I want to lift."

Before Thor finished speaking, a thin beam of light came in an instant, penetrated Thor's body from behind, and hit Mjolnir in front of Thor, splashing sparks, making Mjolnir The pattern shown by Neil lights up, and the brightness becomes more and more distant. With this as the center, the light spreads towards the surroundings.

It's just that Thor couldn't see this scene at all. At the moment he was hit, he felt the strength of his whole body fade away like a tide, his hands slipped from the short handle of Thor's Hammer, and his body fell back heavily on the dark golden On the ground, the last image seen by the eyes was the scene of Greer being trampled under the feet of the Destroyer, followed by endless darkness.
In the distant royal palace, a single crystal-clear teardrop flowed from Odin's tightly closed eye while sleeping, and slid down the wrinkled corner of his eye. Pushing away, Laufey and a frost giant strode in.

"We meet again, Father of the Gods!" Lau Fei whispered, but his face was covered with a smug smile, and he stepped barefoot on the delicate and precious carpet, leaving footprints paved with frost one after another.

The golden mask covering Odin couldn't stop Laufei's arm at all, allowing Laufei's hand to easily touch Odin's face, and he opened his closed eyelids to reveal some cloudy eyeballs.

Lau Fei bent down, looked closely at Odin's single eye, and said in a low voice, "I heard that you can still hear and see when you are asleep, so see and hear clearly, the one who killed you is Laufey, King of the Frost Giants"

As a villain, the first principle is not to talk too much. After Laufey said just a few words, a small door on the south side of this huge palace was pushed open, and Queen Frigg of Asgard walked in. I saw Laufey who was so close to Odin.

"Stay away from him." Frigga yelled angrily, raised her arm, and gathered a lot of magic power in her palm, turning it into a magic star bomb, which precisely hit Lau Fei, blowing away the unprepared Lau Fei , rolled twice in the air, and his back hit the wall heavily, and the solid wall made of unknown stone was smashed into a dent.

On the Rainbow Bridge, Greer, who was trampled by the Destroyer, did not see the scene of Thor being 'killed'. The photon blood in Faiz's photon blood vessels was nothing compared to the terrifying divine power reserve of the Destroyer. .Without the bonus of energy, relying solely on the strength of the physical body, it is impossible to compete with the Destroyer.

Especially now that Greer was being stepped on face down, and couldn't exert any strength. With his right arm supporting the ground, he tried his best to raise his upper body, raised his left arm, and opened the knight card box at his waist, and a piece of paper flew out of it. When the card came, Greer caught it and immediately inserted it into the drive.

"Kamen Ride agito!"

The moment the mechanical synthesis sound sounded, the Faiz armor on Greer's body turned into agito armor. With both arms vigorously supporting the Rainbow Bridge, he suddenly raised his upper body, allowing the Destroyer's left leg to follow Greer as if stepping on the air. The spine slides down.

Greer rolled half a circle on the spot, hugged the Destroyer's left leg with both hands, and jerked upwards, while the straight right leg stretched out to sweep the floor, and kicked the Destroyer's right leg's ankle with all its strength.The left and right legs were exerted upward and forward force at the same time, causing the heavy body and relatively slow Destroyer to fall backwards, and the back made of steel fell heavily on the Rainbow Bridge.

Greer, a scale fish, stood up quickly, and immediately opened his legs, and the horns on the top of his head were opened to become six. He was about to summon the knight to kick the attack card, and Greer was surprised, but he didn't feel it. The presence of earth energy.

The Rainbow Bridge is composed of three elements: water, fire, and air, which means that there are unknown systems or instruments that convert other elements into these three elements to supply the Rainbow Bridge. A huge amount of energy is required.In this case, the other elements around the Rainbow Bridge may be emptied, and only these three elements exist.

I don't know what element air is, and there is no way to talk about water element for the time being, so I can only choose fire element. Thinking of this, Greer gave up the plan of summoning the knight to kick the card, and immediately spent 1400 points to exchange for agito's flame form.

With the lifting of Greer's left arm, the knight card box opened a thin gap, and a small and exquisite card popped out from it. Greer held it in his hand and stuffed it into the drive in an instant.

"Form Ride AgitΩ Flame!"

With the sound of the mechanical synthesis sound, the shoulder armor on Greer's right shoulder immediately extended to twice its original size, and a raging flame burned in his chest, extending along his shoulder to his right hand, dyeing all the armor along the way. Red, except for the left arm, almost all of Greer's upper body armor was dyed fiery red, in stark contrast to the black and dark gold metal rings on the lower body.

When the flames in his chest were burning, Greer had an indescribable feeling. If he had to use one word to describe it, the novels he had read before were 'enlightenment' or 'epiphany' more appropriate.

If the shape of the earth can only vaguely feel the existence of the earth's energy through the frosted glass, then now that the 'frosted glass' in the middle has been shattered, you can clearly feel the existence of the flame, which is flowing rapidly down the long road under your feet. In the long Rainbow Bridge, the reserves are huge, and the divine power in the Destroyer's body is only a drop in the bucket in front of it.

In the palace of Asgard, after repelling Laufey, Frigga ran forward in a hurry, pulled out a light sword from the scabbard on the wall, and stopped at Laufey and the sleeping Odin In the meantime, he stared at Lau Fei with great vigilance, and at the same time sent out a signal for the palace guards to come here immediately.

Is it true that every mage in Asgard dreams of a warrior?At this time, Frigga turned out to draw his sword to meet the enemy. Loki likes to play with weapons such as daggers, and it seems to be passed down in one continuous line.

And it seems that the mages of the ancient line didn't see magic wands or anything, they were all light strings, transparent sword blades, etc. For melee mages with water, it is no easier to find a long-range one than to find water on the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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