The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 116 The Powerful Destroyer

Chapter 116 The Powerful Destroyer

Laufey and his frost giant guard behind Loki walked, looking around vigilantly. This is the palace of Asgard. There are so many troops stationed here that they can be overwhelmed by numbers alone. If there is a fight, the only result is the annihilation of the entire army.

When he was in Jotunheim, no one agreed that Laufey would lead the team to Asgard in person, but Laufey insisted on this, and he only brought about twenty frost giants, and went deep into the heavily guarded Asgard. Gard.I just don't know if it's because of my trust in Loki, or if I'm crazy to seek revenge from Odin, even ignoring the danger.

Loki looked away from the Destroyer, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have transferred the guards of the palace, and they are still searching for the intruding Frost Giants elsewhere. You have plenty of time and Austria Get along with Ding, walk forward fifty steps, turn right and you will reach Odin's sleeping place, I will get you the Frost Box, once Odin dies, the Frost Box will be yours."

"I hope you mean what you say." Laufey took a deep look at Loki, and led his men to walk in the direction Loki said. Frost giants scattered along the way one by one, looking around vigilantly. Even if the situation changed, they could hold on to this retreat channel so that Laufey could leave here safely.

Loki walked into Odin's treasury step by step with the spear of eternity. The moment the door closed, his body shattered like a broken shadow and then disappeared, and then appeared next to the room where Odin was sleeping.

At the same time, on Bifrost, Greer had already jumped onto the high platform, grabbed the guardian sword that was constantly bursting out with lightning in his right hand, and pulled it out of the slot with a sudden force.

After the tip of the sword completely left the slot, the lightning immediately retracted back into the sword body, and the fast-rotating golden gears began to slow down as if they had lost power, and finally stopped completely, and the Rainbow Bridge was completely closed.

Ignoring Heimdall lying motionless on the ground, Greer hurriedly turned his head to look at Thor, only to see that Thor's face was flushed from suffocation, and he was holding the short handle of Thor's Hammer with both hands. All the veins burst out, but Thor's Hammer remained motionless.

Greer said anxiously: "Why do you lose the chain and hammer when you shut down the phone? The Destroyer is coming soon. Can it work?"

The mobile Pegasus that Greer summoned was flying back and forth in the air at an extremely fast speed. The bullets fired by the Gatling machine gun precisely hit the shell of the Destroyer, making a detonation like roasted beans, splashing silk Sparks come.

It is said to be an attack, but actually it is too light to tickle the Destroyer. It can't even stop the Destroyer from advancing, just like a fly flying around an elephant. is so powerless

The Destroyer was bored, and turned his head. His head, which looked like a lighted lantern, shot out a dazzling beam of light instantly, hitting the Pegasus flying in the air with incomparable precision and constantly changing positions.

The strong impact caused the mobile pegasus to be blown away like a leaf in a flood, pushing it to one side. The high heat energy contained in the rays made the mobile pegasus unable to bear it, and it actually began to melt. In just a few seconds, the mobile pegasus was penetrated, and then exploded.

And Greer has turned into a FAIZ burst form, and is flying towards the Destroyer at a high speed, but he has witnessed the scene where the mobile Pegasus being pushed by the high-heat energy ray explodes into a ball of flames, although the mobile Pegasus is not destroyed in this way, but returned. Replenish energy in the knight card box, but don't even think about using it in a short time.

What shocked Greer even more was that the Pegasus mobile was made of the same Apollo metal as Faiz, and it was so easily penetrated.If it were me, I'm afraid I would end up in the same way. Is it really worthy of being the strongest weapon in Asgard?Rays are so powerful.

Greer couldn't help but think about how powerful Thor, who easily defeated the Destroyer in the movie, must have, and how strong Thanos must be, who can pinch the head of Thor, who has awakened Thor's power.

Thinking in his heart, but Greer's movements did not stop, the jetpack behind his back suddenly accelerated, and he swung his left arm down, inserting the attack card that launched the explosive crimson electric drill into the driver.

"Attack Ride Exceed Charge!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, all the blood of light on Faiz's armor flowed to Greer's right foot to launch the strongest knight kick.

The piercing sound of the rapid flight made the Destroyer turn his head, and he saw Greer flick his right foot, kicking out a short beam of light and rushing towards the Destroyer, after touching the raised arm of the Destroyer , unfolded immediately, and turned into a rapidly rotating red electric drill.

Immediately afterwards, Greer also rushed into the fast-rotating electric drill, and all the gathered photon blood energy exploded forward, and the impact force caused the huge and heavy Destroyer to rush forward. Later, it moved half a meter.

But the effect is nothing more than that. Faiz's knight kick or most of Kamen Rider's knight kick itself is not very powerful, but the reason why it can cause the horror and destructive power of a nuclear explosion is that the knight kick is not pure physical strength. There is also a large amount of energy gathered, just like hitting people with a grenade and detonating a grenade are completely different things.

In order to achieve the power of a nuclear explosion, not to mention the massive amount of energy required, one must be able to precisely control so much energy, otherwise you will blow yourself up before you kick it out.This is also the reason why Greer exchanged agito, step by step to strengthen the body, spirit, and soul, and then integrate the three into one, blooming the most dazzling light, allowing human beings to evolve into the existence of "God".

But here lies the problem. As the strongest weapon in Asgard, the Destroyer lacks divine power. It easily offsets the photon blood energy of the Exploding Crimson Electric Drill, leaving only thirty tons of pure power. The Destroyer stepped back a little and stabilized his body.

The moment it shattered the exploding crimson electric drill, the Destroyer's huge left hand swung over, grabbed Greer's right leg with lightning speed, and slammed it violently towards the ground.Greer was pulled down from the sky by a huge force, and he slammed heavily on the Rainbow Bridge, making a 'bang! ' A loud bang.

Greer, who had fallen all over the place, hadn't recovered yet. The Destroyer raised his left leg and stepped on Greer's back in front of him, preventing him from moving. Then he raised his head and looked at Thor who was still trying to lift the hammer.

"Goodbye, my dearest brother!" Loki, holding the gun of eternity, had a gentle smile on his face, but said creepy words in his mouth.The Destroyer's head lit up, emitting a chopstick-thick beam of light, which accurately hit Thor without destroying Bifrost, penetrating his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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