The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 113 Thor's Help

Chapter 113 Thor's Help

"It's this again." Jane sighed helplessly. She had been with Thor for five months, and Thor talked the most about Asgard and the Nine Realms under Asgard's rule. Always talking about his brilliant achievements in leading the Asgard army to conquer the Nine Realms with great interest.

In Thor's series of victories, he was always inseparable from the hammer named 'Mjolnir'. After Thor was deprived of the qualification to use Thor's Hammer by Odin, he immediately became a mortal. Jane is very skeptical, who is Thor, Thor or Hammer?How do you feel about the latter?

Looking at Thor who was full of hope, Jane sighed slightly, quickly interrupted Thor's reverie, and said, "But Thor, didn't you try it last time? The security must be stricter now, how do you go in?" Woolen cloth?"

What Jane said made Thor stunned. Now he is just a relatively strong human being. It took a lot of effort to break into that rudimentary camp last time. Now there are probably high walls, electric grids, A gun tower was built and wolf dogs were tied up. I am afraid that they were shot down without even approaching the periphery.

Thor lowered his head, sitting on the edge of the bed in great frustration, and couldn't help recalling the scene he saw in his dream: a group of frost giants stepped on the rainbow bridge and walked towards the palace step by step.He could feel the biting chill like falling into an ice cave, it was definitely not a dream, but something that really happened.

Reminiscing that in the past few months, Midgard has seen several frost invasions one after another, and even a large number of Kiritas appeared last time, but Asgard has not responded, and has not even sent a soldier .

Could it be that the Frost Giants attacked Asgard crazily after he left, making it impossible for Asgard to come to Midgard? Maybe the Frost Giants had already broken through Asgard's defenses, that's why he dreamed of Frost giants set foot on the rainbow bridge in groups.

"Thor, that's just a dream, it's not real. Didn't you say that Asgard's army is invincible?" Jane hugged Thor from behind, trying to comfort Thor, but it seemed The effect is better than nothing.

Thor shook his head and said, "Jane, I have to go back to Asgard. I can only feel at ease when I see with my own eyes that Asgard is fine."

"But." Jane showed eagerness, trying to persuade Thor to give up this idea. The location of Thor's Hammer is absolutely heavily guarded. Last time, he finally found an excuse to fish him out. Now if he tries to break in again, it will be death.

Thor patted Jane's hand, and said softly, "Don't worry, Jane, I won't be foolish enough to force my way in. If I don't succeed, I won't even have a chance to come out."

"Then you?" Jane was full of doubts, not understanding what Thor meant.

Thor said with a smile: "Have you forgotten him? His power is top-notch even in Asgard, not to mention Midgard, as long as he has his help, he will definitely be able to take me in. Put me in touch with Mjolnir."

Jane also thought about who Thor was talking about, but she was not as optimistic as Thor, and asked with some concern: "But will he help? This is against the government structure, and even Eric dare not mess with them. He dislikes government agencies' interference in scientific research the most, but last time he didn't even dare to say anything."

After living in Midgard for so long, Thor's mentality has changed a lot. Here he is not the prince of Asgard, the future king of Asgard. There are not so many people around him, no matter who he is. Whatever he wants to do, people will follow him to do it.

Thor clenched his fists, and said very firmly: "You have to try anyway." It's just that he didn't know whether he was talking about lifting Thor's Hammer, or inviting Greer to help him break into the place where Thor's Hammer is located. place.

Thor was really eager to go back to Asgard, and he called Greer immediately after dawn. This was the result of Jane's persuasion, otherwise he would have called in the middle of the night.

After listening to Thor's words, Greer, who was sleepy, woke up suddenly: "Huh? Do you want to lift your Meow Hammer?"

"Meow Meow Hammer?!"

"Uh, it's okay, are you sure you can lift it?" Greer sat up, looking at the slightly bright sky outside, feeling like vomiting in his heart, the Destroyer hasn't come for more than half a year, Thor wants to do two things Thor's Hammer, the plot of the movie seems to have no reference value, so as the "prophet" of the time traveler, wouldn't he want GG.

"No, I'm not sure, but I want to try. Asgard has been invaded by frost giants, and I have to go back."

Greer opened his mouth and gave up complaining. Although he didn't know how Thor knew about Asgard on Earth, he was determined to raise Thor's Hammer twice, and he wanted to drag himself along. Break into a place taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Can you help me? You are the only person I know who can help me."

Greer knocked unconsciously on the side of the bed with his right hand, thinking quickly, and said, "Well, wait for me for 2 minutes, I'll make a call, maybe we can go in without using our hands."

After hanging up the phone, Greer found Coulson's phone number, hesitated for a moment, and dialed.Thor's Hammer must be closely guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D. If he is alone, he can easily enter from the mirror world, but if he takes Thor with him, he can only fight all the way in. He will definitely fight with S.H.I.E.L.D. Forge a death feud.

So Greer is going to discuss with Coulson first, and let Thor go in and try it out. If Thor can't lift it up, S.H.I.E.L.D. has no loss. If he lifts it up, then things will be easier. Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot afford to offend anyway.

This will not only avoid a big fight with the current extremely powerful S.H.I.E.L.D., but also increase Thor's favorability, so why not do it.

In just two seconds, the call was connected. In a few words, Coulson readily agreed to let him and Thor go in to touch Thor's Hammer, which made Greer feel unreal, God When did the Shield Bureau talk so easily.

Telling Thor the 'good news' made Thor, who had been frowning, happy like a dick, and immediately drove to Kennedy Airport with Jane, where Coulson sent a special plane to pick them up and headed to base in New Mexico.

Leave Daisy alone to go out for two or three days. If she doesn't come back on Monday, ask her to ask for a leave note and stick it on her door. Then Greer turns around and walks to the window, opens the window and jumps directly. It fell to the ground lightly like a cat.

Inserting the card in his hand into the driver, he summoned Decade's motorcycle, twisted the accelerator, and rushed out immediately.Early in the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and there were not many cars on the road, so Greer could drive towards Kennedy Airport at the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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