The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 112 The Promise Between Loki and Laufey

Chapter 112 The Promise Between Loki and Laufey
Therefore, it is kingly to let Stark create the new elements discovered by Howard.He didn't say it just now, because he couldn't explain how he knew that Howard, who had been dead for nearly 20 years, had left a legacy of new elements. After all, he and Stark only met a few times, and it didn't add up to two hours.What if a stranger you've only met a few times comes up to you out of the blue and says, "Your dad left you a big inheritance, and I know where he is."

Anyone with a little brain would think, 'Is this a liar?' How can you, a stranger, know something that even a son doesn't know.Empty words have no basis, unless you pile piles of money in front of him, why should people believe you.

Let everyone believe unconditionally in one sentence, that is the treatment only for the protagonist who wears the halo of "speaking and following".A genius like Stark has no actual evidence, even if you say it for a day, he will not believe it.

Before, he saw Greer's "dress change" with his own eyes, but he still felt that it was done scientifically. Even though Greer said it was not scientific and introduced it in detail, Stark still didn't mean to believe it. The concept of science has been deeply rooted in his heart, and letting him accept magic is simply to reshape his three views.

And in the movie, Howard's new elements are hidden in the huge planning map placed in Stark's office, but the original plot has gone berserk and can't be seen, what if there is no such map?What if it was just an ordinary painting?Isn't it embarrassing.

I'm afraid they will think that this is not willing to take out Kamen Rider's energy system and make it up randomly, and it also involves the other party's deceased father. No matter how good his temper is, if it involves the dead, he will probably turn his face and be kicked out.

The Stark Building in the midtown circle has not been built for a long time, and the decoration has not yet been completed. Naturally, it is impossible to move the headquarters here. It is still in Los Angeles, California, so Greer plans to go to Los Angeles on the weekend.One is to visit Mindy, and the other is to go to the headquarters of Stark Enterprises to look for the blueprint to see if it is in Stark’s office like in the movie, and then talk about new elements. Sensitivity.

And in Asgard, which is so far away that it can only be reached by space leap, the rainbow bridge that runs through the universe quickly retracted, bringing back Loki, Laufey, the king of frost giants, and his guards, a total of 22 people.

Loki, who was leaning on the gun of eternity, said to Laufey with a smile on his face: "I'm not lying to you, Odin has fallen into a deep sleep, and now I control Asgard."

"Hehe!" Laufey 'truly' sneered a few times, spewing cold air out of his mouth, scanning the golden and magnificent starting point of the Rainbow Bridge—Bifrost, saw the frozen gatekeeper Heimdall, and the The Destroyer of Dunheim's carnage spree.

Laufey looked beyond the Destroyer, looked at the extremely tall palace complex in the far distance, and said softly: "Odin fell into a deep sleep so soon, I didn't have time to meet him last time. Talking about the yearning of more than 1000 years, this time he should have time to listen to me carefully."

Loki raised his empty left hand, cast phantom magic, turned Laufey and his guards into the appearance of the Asgardian army, walked forward with the eternal gun, and said: "Let's go, go The place where Odin sleeps, as long as you help me get rid of Odin, I will return the box of frost to you and bring it back to Jotunheim."

"Aren't you afraid that I won't keep the promise? Isn't it easier to let you do it?"

"The people of Asgard will not support a man who killed the father of the gods as king. It is most appropriate and reasonable for Asgard's mortal enemy, the Frost Giant, to do it. After all, the Frost Giant broke in last time." I have entered the palace, and if I do it again, it is also the negligence of the guards, and then I will be able to replace the guards with my own people, and completely control the Asgard palace." Loki said his plan to Laufey while walking.

After listening, Laufey said coldly: "The contract is established. I will help you get rid of Odin. I hope you can keep your promise."

"Am I afraid that you will sell me? Letting the frost giant into Asgard is a serious crime. If the people of Asgard find out, they will definitely overthrow me." Loki snorted coldly and walked past Heimdall Glancing at it, he made sure that the freezing was still effective before continuing to move forward.

Laufey and his frost giant guard walked past Heimdall one after another, heading towards Asgard.This scene was reflected through the ice into the eyes of the frozen Heimdall, making him extremely angry and anxious, but he couldn't stop it from happening.Even if he broke free from the freezing, the Destroyer was still watching him. He was severely frostbited, and he was no match for the Destroyer at all. The only hope was Thor of Midgard.

Thinking of this, Heimdall worked hard to allocate a portion of the divine power used to resist the cold and used it on his eyes, making his eyes shine brightly. Even if his body was invaded by the cold air, he still had to take what he saw across the vast expanse. The space spread to the sleeping Thor's mind.

A group of frost giants stepped on a rainbow bridge made of ice, fire, and air towards Asgard in the distance. The Destroyer, the guardian of Odin's treasure house, stood by and did not move. This terrible scene made Thor Er exclaimed, and suddenly woke up from the dream, opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and broke out in a cold sweat.

'Clap! '

The bedside lamp was turned on, and the sleepy-eyed Jane sat up from the side, and said to Thor weakly: "Thor, what are you shouting in the middle of the night? Does God also have nightmares?"

As if he didn't hear Jane's words, Thor sat on the bed in a daze, staring at the opposite wall, as if he was looking at something.This made Jane, who was rubbing her eyes, wake up, patted Thor's shoulder with her hand, and asked with some concern: "Thor, what's the matter?"

"I dreamed of Asgard. The Frost Giant was stepping on the Rainbow Bridge and was walking towards the palace." Thor's voice was a little low, his hands clenched into fists, and his muscles tensed.

Jane comforted softly: "It's just a dream. Speaking of which, you have been away from Asgard for a while, and homesickness is inevitable."

"No, it's not just a dream. Something must have happened to Asgard. I have to go back." Thor wanted to get out of bed, but Jane hurriedly grabbed his arm and said, "It's night now , and how do you go back? Didn’t you call Heimdall many times? There has been no response, so are you going to Asgard on foot?”

Jane's words made Tolton very depressed for a while, but after only being depressed for a while, he thought of a way, and said eagerly: "As long as I raise Mjolnir, I can get back my divine power and become Thor. The time will surely bring the Rainbow Bridge."

(End of this chapter)

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