The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1071 Destruction

Chapter 1071 Destruction
"Thanos is not on Earth," Carol strode towards Greer stepping on the ankle-deep black 'stream' flowing wantonly in the street, his tone could not hide his anger, and said: "Only some Zetas Rui's soldiers were all killed by me."

"He's gone to Asgard with his army."

"Asgard? How do you know?"

"The ancient one left the last memory, and there are more." Greer opened his right hand, revealing two small glowing stones in his palm, and said: "Take her, no, the life of the earth creature in exchange for these two Infinity Stones, now I'm on the same page as Thanos again."

"Starting line?" Carol didn't understand what he heard.

"As I said, Thanos and I come from the future, and it may be another universe. The only infinite gems there are reality gems, power gems, and mind gems. Thanos will never be able to get them together, so he tries to find them. Travel to other planes to collect Infinity Stones.

I came after him, so each of us has an infinite gem that does not belong to this universe, and now we both have two infinite gems that belong to this universe. Greer roughly talked about the current situation, and said: "So now there are two options, go to Asgard to find Thanos now, you may see the ruins, or you may encounter Thanos' army .

Or go to collect infinite gems, collect six infinite gems one step earlier than Thanos, and then come to a showdown with him. "

Carol nodded thoughtfully and said, "What are you going to do?"

".I don't know!" Greer shook his head. At this moment, his heart was full of various questions, waiting for him to think and figure it out. He really didn't know how to choose.

Greer has not forgotten his ultimate mission, to straighten out the timeline and prevent the shattering of time and space. He didn't quite understand it before, but now he understands a little bit. Just like this journey, he and Sarah who broke into this time and space North has become a variable in this time and space.

Every move of the two of them is having an impact on this time and space, and the Infinity Stones magnify this impact countless times, and also accelerate the "butterfly effect" countless times, making the storm appear extremely fast, and the result is that the earth becomes ruins, and Asgard is also at risk of becoming ruins, and even this universe is at risk of becoming ruins.

This is the change, the drastic change caused by the displacement of the infinite stone, and the change as far as we know now has expanded to at least three time and space. I believe that as the person carrying the infinite gem travels through different time and space, there will be more time and space. Great changes occurred, so the timelines are entangled together, causing time and space to be on the verge of shattering.

Rather than saying that the source is those who travel through time and space, it is better to say that it is the infinite gems that are the rules of the universe. Because of the existence of infinite gems, the impact of time and space travel is infinitely magnified, so I want to replace infinite gems with ten elements.

Greer suddenly understood the painstaking efforts of the creator. It is easy to repair time and space with transcendent power, but it is very difficult to change the people in these time and space. Unless they are stationed here for generations, creatures with seven emotions and six desires will always Can't help but collect infinity gems.

But the invisible elements are full of every corner, but they can solve this problem very well. No matter how strong you are, you can only master the elements of this time and space. Going to other universes is like a keyboard man who has lost the Internet and is immediately beaten. Returning to its original form, it became extremely weak.

"Ten Elements" Greer clenched his right fist, trying to figure it out, but he still didn't know where to start, and even now he doesn't know where the so-called ten elements are?
Just talk about the body?Can you control your own cells?
At this moment, Carol suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. The moment the lightning fell, a group of Zeta Swiss soldiers riding small aircraft flying in the air were reflected, making Carol's face darken suddenly, and said: "It turns out that there are still fish that slipped through the net."

"These are for looking for the Infinity Stones." Greer glanced at the two gemstones in his hand, and said, "We don't need to go to Asgard, Thanos will come by himself."

Before he finished speaking, a beam of colorful light broke through the thick dark clouds and landed on the ground more than 20 meters away. This familiar color and shape made Greer blurt out: "Rainbow Bridge!"

"What is it?" Carol felt like a bumpkin, who didn't know anything, didn't know anything.

"Asgard's space teleportation device," Greer immediately clenched his right fist, cast a spell, hid the two infinity gems, then took out the Electron Knight Pass, summoned the Electron Belt, and transformed Kamen Rider Den-O.

Just after completing the transformation, a group of people came out from the colorful beams of light. The first was a tall purple figure, wearing a set of thick dark gold armor, and carrying a pair of huge bibs that were almost as tall as him. bladed knife.

"Thanos!" Greer yelled out the name that represents nightmares, and this guy used the Rainbow Bridge to come to Earth, doesn't it mean that Asgard has fallen?
Greer was a bit unwilling to believe this. In his mind, Odin and the Ancient One had always been like ceilings, but the myths were shattered one after another, explaining a truth with facts: no matter how powerful they are, they cannot match the rules. Compete.

"He is Thanos." Carol closed his helmet suddenly, and with his glowing eyes, he looked at a group of people who came out of the colorful beam of light. There were two tall purple figures on both sides carrying long guns and pointed spears. A man and a woman, and a group of elite soldiers armed almost to the teeth.

Greer didn't answer, because he saw a golden glove on Thanos' right hand, with three shining gems inlaid on it.

The Infinity Gauntlets stored in Odin’s treasury were all worn by Thanos. It is now completely certain that Asgard was indeed breached. Even Odin could not stop Thanos who had three Infinity Gems. ?

To what extent has Thanos researched the Infinity Stones, and has he been able to exert such powerful power?

"It's you, I didn't expect you to come here." Thanos looked at the icy armor that was so familiar and annoying, and said: "It's a pity, you came too late, everything is over."

As he said that, he glanced at his infinity glove intentionally or unintentionally, showing the three infinity gems on it.

"Is it over? I think it's just begun." Greer raised his right arm as he spoke, and in the open palm, three stones exuding purple, gold and green light were slowly turning, each infinite A large number of fine magic lines are wrapped on the gemstones, which firmly bind the three infinite gemstones inside.

(End of this chapter)

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