Chapter 1070 Choice
With the disappearance of the soul-like Ancient One mage, the sound of the howling wind rang out again in the silent surroundings, blowing up countless dust and flying into the sky, making the already gloomy sky even darker, but also making the sky darker. The light at the feet became more and more dazzling.

Even though the dust was piled high up to the knees, it couldn't stop the golden and green rays of light from shining through it, shining into the dim air, shining extraordinarily.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, more and more dust is being blown up, and the sky is getting darker and darker, almost to the point where you can't see your fingers. There is a faint thunder sound from the clouds, echoing in the world, mourning for a long time.

Greer bent down, stretched out his hand into the thick dust, reached his shoulders, and didn't even get more than half of his head in it. When he straightened up again, a large amount of dust was stained on King Den's armor, which made the original red almost disappear. dyed black.

On the palm, quietly floating two small luminous bodies exuding green and golden light, becoming the only light in this dim world.

'Patter!Patter! '

Drops of water fell from the sky and landed on the soft dust pile, crushing it all at once, leaving only deep holes one after another.

The thunder was getting louder, the rain was getting denser, and the rapidly increasing humidity caused the flying dust to fall back to the ground, making the sky, which had been chaotic for an unknown amount of time, become clean.

In just seven or eight seconds, the drizzle developed into a downpour. Countless drops of water gathered to form streams, washing away the thick dust all over the city, gradually exposing the ruins that were originally buried under the dust.

The black stream flowed downhill along the terrain, and finally merged into the Hudson River, which made the Hudson River, which was already floating with a lot of dust, even more black, and even the mouth of the sea turned black. .

Greer let the rain fall on his body. On the road under his feet, the black water was flowing rapidly. After a while, the low-lying places accumulated into puddles, but no amount of rain could extinguish it , these two luminous stones, the infinite gems that Gu Yi guarded with his life.

She is willing to believe that she is the only hope, but Greer doesn't know how to end it all.

When Thanos had only one mind gem in his hand, he gathered the strongest combat power on the earth, but failed to stop Thanos. Now, on his side, it seems that only himself and Carol in his heyday are left; Thanos's The strength has expanded to the point where it can easily destroy the earth and take the initiative to fight Asgard.

One ebbs and another, is this battle still going on like this?

Greer looked at the two Infinity Gems in his hands, and fell into extreme confusion. Once again, the warning that the Ancient One Mage once gave him appeared in his mind: change does not necessarily lead to a better future, maybe it will. make the situation worse.

Just like now, the arrival of him and Thanos changed this time and space a lot, the earth was destroyed because of this, and billions of people died.Thinking forward, because of his arrival, the time and space in which he lives has undergone too many changes, which led to this time and space journey, and caused the destruction of this time and space earth.

No, it's not just Earth, Thanos went to Asgard a long time ago and continues to collect Infinity Stones, endangering the life of half the universe.

The roulette wheel of fate turned back again, on the track of Thanos collecting all the infinite gems, snapping his fingers, and destroying half of life in the universe.

And Greer's previous experience also proves this point, no matter what Greer does, no matter how twists and turns things become and how much changes are made because of his arrival, the final result will not be too big Changed, the war of twisting the contract broke out, and Asgard was still destroyed
It's like the snow water flowing down from the high mountains converges into a river, and finally flows eastward into the sea. What you can do is to change its course and make it make a few more bends. The scenery along the way will change accordingly, but your meager personal The power is far from being able to stop the river from continuing to flow.

The downpour washed away all the dust on the street, and it fell on the bricks and rubble, making a sound of 'crash! '' and the disappearance of the thick dust made it easier for people to see the dilapidated walls and the explosion pits everywhere, silently telling the tragedy of the massacre.

The Kamen Rider Den-O armor on Greer's body disappeared at some point, and the cold rain poured on him mercilessly. He wanted to use this to wake himself up. Think carefully, what should I do?How to stop Thanos, and how to end it all.

The ruined walls in front of him have clearly told Greer that his every move affects not only himself, but also many people who have nothing to do with him at all.

What's wrong with ants?Weak!
The human beings on the earth are too weak to resist the invasion of Thanos, and they are slaughtered like pigs and dogs.

Greer doesn't blame Gu Yi for being cold-blooded. After she handed over the Infinity Stones, maybe Thanos will keep his promise not to slaughter, but it is the most stupid way to hand over fate to the enemy, even if Thanos temporarily spares the earth, But after he collected all six gems, he still had to destroy half of the lives.

Back to the question again, the train is coming, should it save one person, or save the six people?
The ancient one made her choice, she would rather kill the earth than let Thanos gather all six infinite gems.

But she didn't make the choice dead, but handed over the choice to Greer. These two infinite gems are the new choice.

Whether to do the only hope, to end it all.

"I can end it all, can I do it?" Greer laughed, this self-deprecating laughter was extraordinarily weak amidst the sound of thunder, wind and rain, and no one could hear this sentence, but Greer But amidst mocking laughter, he slowly clenched his right hand tightly, holding the two infinity gems tightly in his hand, raised his head, and looked at the cloudy sky.

The dark clouds cover the sky and the sun, and from time to time there will be lightning flashes, briefly illuminating the world, and endless rain falls from the clouds, washing the dusty earth. I believe that after this heavy rain, this city is full of Many sprouts of plants will grow among the ruins of the ruined city.

Among the clouds, a meteor fell, exuding a dazzling light, breaking through the thick dark clouds, fearless and ferocious lightning, not afraid of the pouring rain, and landed not far from Greer, the light on the body gradually converged into the body, revealing Carol's figure.

Needless to say, the appearance of Carol here already means that those donut spaceships in outer space were blown up by her, which can be regarded as revenge for the dead.

In the bottom of his heart, Greer thought to himself mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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