The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1036 Future and Past

Chapter 1036 Future and Past

Outside the town, Carol Danvers raised his hand and fired a photon shock wave, blasting the ground into a deep pit. The corpses of three Cree people were put into it one by one, and then thrown with the photon shock wave. It kicked up a lot of dust and buried it inside.

"You really value feelings." Greer stood far away, twirling the delicate Den-Knight Pass with his five fingers. He didn't want to step forward to stimulate the still confused Carol Denver Well, now they belong to a truce, not a reconciliation.

After burying the Kree who he didn't know and was only a comrade-in-arms, Carol Danvers walked over with a sullen face, and Greer also stopped throwing the knight pass, and stood up straight. His face was calm, but However, he has raised his vigilance in his heart and is ready to transform at any time.

Carol Danvers stopped five meters away from Greer, and said in a deep voice, "What do you know about me?"

'Are you really amnesiac? Greer thought to himself, and then began to tell the information he knew, saying: "I don't know much, your name is Carol Danvers, and then..."

Then Greer got stuck. He spent only a few days with Carol Danvers, and he was busy preparing for the expedition to Thanos. Everyone was so busy that there was no time to chat. At this moment, Greer It was only then that he realized that he seemed to only know a name, and knew nothing about the other party's age, where his family was, and other basic information.

Carol Danvers waited for a while, and found that Greer was silent, and couldn't help asking: "And then?"

"Then. Well, I don't know you very well, just together." Greer got stuck again, and finally gave up altogether: "How about we go find a professional?"

"." Carol Danvers didn't speak, but the way he looked at Greer had changed, as if he was looking at a scammer.

Greer hurriedly said, "I know someone who should be able to find your details."

Carol Danvers still didn't say anything, just continued to stare at Greer, and said for a long time, "Who?"

She didn't know whether to believe this guy or not, but in the end, her desire for the truth overcame her reason, and she decided to follow this guy to a so-called professional.

If it's a delicate girl, it's so late at night, let alone the enemy who was fighting just now, even someone she knows won't follow her.

"Let's go!" Greer took Carol Danvers away from the ruined and messed up TV station. There were already piercing sirens in the distance, presumably it was the two guards who called the police, but they didn't come until they were done. , is also enough.

Police cars roared down the road, passing Greer's RV. Carol Danvers stared at these police cars, following the flickering police lights, and couldn't help but imagine a dark room in his mind. , flashing lights, loud voices, and...
Greer was driving the car, talking casually, "By the way, why are you with the Cree?"

"That is." Carol Danvers wanted to say something, but stopped, and asked, "Why are you fighting against the Kree? The earth shouldn't be involved in the Skrulls and the Kree You won't be deceived by the Skrulls during the war, will you?"

This is something that Carol Danvers can't figure out. It is clear that the Kree people are here to hunt down the evil Skrulls. There is no reason why this guy who claims to be a man from Earth insists on getting involved, unless he It's not a human being on Earth, but it's not a Skrull change, so she thinks she might have been deceived by a Skrull.

"You won't be deceived by the Kree people, right?" Greer is quite sure of this point, if he is not an undercover agent, then he is deceived. Otherwise, why would he fight against the Kree people so desperately in the future.

Carol Danvers subconsciously wanted to refute, but before she could speak, she thought of her blank memory of the past. Her boss Yong Roger said that this was because she was seriously injured during the mission and lost her memory .

In short, her brain damage is very serious, and she often needs to go to the life computer named Supreme Wisdom, the highest technology crystallization of Kerry Star, for psychological counseling. She has only been counseled for several years, but she has not recovered her memory. Instead, an unknown picture appeared in her sleep. frequency is becoming more and more frequent.

Before, Carol Danvers didn't take it seriously, but thought it might be because of his brain injury. Now, it seems, should, and probably has something else hidden.Under the night, all the way east, on the road, with a mobile phone that was hard enough to smash walnuts and with an old antenna, it sent a message to Nick Fury's pager, saying that he needed to find him and meet at the old place.

There is no way that these years are so backward. Although there are mobile phones, the signal is extremely poor. If you are farther away from the base station deployed in the city, there is no signal. On the contrary, Nick Fury's two-way pager has a signal even in some remote places. .

Carol Danvers had been looking at the dark night outside, everything on this planet made her feel familiar and strange, and suddenly asked, "How did you meet the Skrulls?"

Greer briefly talked about it. He followed the suspicious agent to a cave and found a large number of Skrulls. They claimed that they had become interstellar refugees because of the war with the Kree people. .

However, the Rubik's Cube, which the Skrulls and he are looking for, did not tell Carol Danvers, who seems to have not completely lifted the hostility, that even though they can sit in the same car now, once he does not give her If you find her identity, you will immediately become an enemy again.

Carol Danvers turned his head, looked at Greer, and said, "There is a saying in the universe that one would rather believe in the generosity of the Sovereigns than the mouths of the Skrulls."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that even if the meanest and most vengeful Sovereigns become generous, the Skrulls will not change their evil nature."

"Evil? What did the Skrulls do to get such an evaluation?" Greer was very curious. He had seen the stinginess and vengeance of the Sovereigns before, but the evil of the Skrulls, He hasn't seen it yet.

"Oh," Carol Danvers sneered, and said, "Haven't you seen it? Skrulls can perfectly imitate the appearance of any creature, and even steal its memory. They are the most despicable liars in the universe. Thief, thief."

Speaking of the latter, Carol Danvers was gnashing his teeth a little bit. He had obviously seen the "evilness" of the Skrulls many times, and then he probably gave a few common examples, such as an ordinary person from a certain planet. A person, dragging his tired body home, only to see his wife lying on the bed with another "self"; another example, a resident of a certain planet was suddenly arrested by the sheriff, and he also showed "his" in another "self" that he had never seen before. Images of crimes in cities I have been to; another example
In short, the perfect simulation ability of the Skrulls made everyone who heard about them terrified and worried, for fear that they would be selected as the simulation samples of the Skrulls, thus taking the blame for the Skrulls.

"Uh..." Greer thought for a moment in his mind, and it really was a terrifying situation. Even when he met Agent Kohler face to face, he didn't see any flaws. It would be even more impossible for an ordinary person, so Sku Lu people can really do whatever they want with this ability, and they don't have to be afraid of taking responsibility.

The biggest reliance on social order is not the kindness of people, but because of the existence of the law. Once you say that you will not be punished by the law, the devil locked up by the law can do too many unimaginable evil things, and Sku The people of Lu possessed the 'Gold Medal of Exemption' for this ability, and it was terrifying to be able to do evil things at will.

Carol Danvers clasped his hands in front of him, and said: "It seems that you have finally realized that you are not too stupid, I just hope that the Skrulls have not penetrated too deeply into this planet, otherwise, they will become interstellar refugees It’s you, no, with this little technology of human beings, we don’t even have the chance to escape from our home planet, and we will only become slaves of the Skrulls.”

"Are you scaremongering?"

"Many civilizations don't believe it, but when they were militias, the Skrulls had messed up the entire planet, and even fought each other bloody rivers. The Skrulls didn't even need to dispatch a fleet to get control of the planet."


Greer stopped talking. According to the theory of six degrees of separation, the Skrulls only need to go through a maximum of five people to lurk around the heads of countries, and then wait for an opportunity to replace them, and then replace a few generals or even small soldiers to make a nuclear war possible. fight.

This may be the reason why Kerry wants to deal with the Skrulls. This kind of harm is far greater than the social order and chaos. With such a neighbor, you want to sleep with your eyes open, and even use the code every day to avoid being replaced. have no idea.

"Do you have a way to distinguish Skrulls?"

"Of course, it is precisely because of the identification method that Kristar can fight the Skrulls," Carol Danvers raised his arm, clicked a few times on the personal computer on his wrist, and put on the costume The unique horse-tail-like helmet, with glowing eyes, said: "I have a Skrull detector on my armor, which can recognize the Skrull in disguise, but the distance is limited."

"That's good," Greer nodded, and said, "I can't tell whether your words are true or not. I'm not interested in the war between Kerry and the Skrulls, and I don't want to participate in it, but as long as I'm there , the aliens will not be allowed to act recklessly on this planet."

"Are you the protector of this planet?"

"No, it's just a human being living on this planet. Naturally, we must protect this planet."

"Well," Carol Danvers nodded, and said, "That's the guardian. Unfortunately, not all planets have guardians as powerful as you."

The car slowly drove into Ligato, a small town west of Huashengton. As soon as it arrived, it saw Nick Fury's square car with no distinctive features parked quietly in a parking space. The lights were not turned on, pretending to be nobody.

But when Greer's car approached, the door opened, and a man who almost merged with the night got out of the car. Greer parked the car beside him, opened the door and got out. Nick Fury took two steps forward. , Said: "What is the important thing, I can't even wait for dawn."

"I'll introduce you to a new friend," Greer pointed back at the person who was coming down from the co-pilot, and said, "Carol Danvers."

With the help of the light from the street lamp, Nick Fury saw the man in the dark green armor, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he really wanted to ask Greer: Is this the friend you mentioned?Why is it exactly the same as the alien from yesterday afternoon?

"She is indeed with the Cree, oh, that is, the aliens in the crashed spaceship, but she seems to have lost her memory, so she came to find her previous memories. I called you to help her find out the identity of the earth. , maybe it can help her regain her memory."

Greer briefly introduced how he and Carol Danvers turned enemies into friends. Nick Fury was stunned and wanted to give Greer a thumbs up for his ability to turn enemies into friends. It's too strong, one second it was beating you to death, but after a while it becomes helping people find memories.

This plot makes Nick Fury not know what to say, isn't it a time-travel drama?Why put this in an urban idol drama?

No matter how much he wants to vomit, but as a professional agent, Nick Fury will never reveal his inner thoughts, he nodded pretendingly, and said: "So she is a human being, not a Kerry. I see, the name is Carol Danvers, and what else?"

"Anything else? Not anymore."

Nick Fury, who was holding a pen to record the information of this new friend he met for the first time, suddenly raised his head, stared at Greer with disbelief, and asked in surprise, "Only a name?"

"Well, there is only a name." Greer nodded seriously. He really only knows the name, appearance and gender, and he doesn't need to describe it.

"...Are you kidding me?" Nick Fury was speechless.

"No, how can this matter be used as a joke?"

Nick Fury closed his laptop directly, feeling blood rushing all over his body. He really wanted to hit this guy on the head with his laptop crazily, so as to open him up and let him understand that this is not the future of the extremely advanced network and computer technology he said. It is impossible to find a person by a name, because many materials are paper and handwritten.

Carol Danvers, who had been listening all the time, turned to look at Greer, and said in a voice that could not hear the emotion: "It seems that your friend is not as omnipotent as you said, you still have B plan?"

"Uh, probably there shouldn't be any, but it's just a matter of spending a little more time. Anyway, it's such a big place, so I'm sure you can find it." Just as Greer finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from the side: "I can tell you, Who are you."

The PC screen on Carol Danvers' wrist lights up, revealing a line of alien text, prompting her to call out: "Skrulls nearby."

(End of this chapter)

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