Chapter 1035

With a flick of Greer's arm, the sharp holy sword cut the neck of the Cree in an instant, and green blood spewed out, but the holy sword was not stained with a drop of blood. Roaring, Greer looked up and saw a meteor flying towards this side rapidly.

No, it wasn't a shooting star, there was a figure in green armor in the dazzling light, and the Kree armor was almost exactly the same as the three Kree that he wiped out.

As soon as Greer saw the Cree, he saw the man push his hands forward, and the light from all over his body converged on his hands, condensing into a ball of dazzling light bullets, which instantly hit Greer who was caught off guard.

'boom! '

Dazzling sparks burst out in the darkness, almost engulfing Greer, the terrifying impact knocked Greer into the air, and hit heavily on the TV station building behind, with a loud bang, a wall was knocked out. In the big hole, Greer rolled down the corridor with countless bricks and stones, smashed open an iron door, and fell into this room.

A young man with blond hair and blue eyes was looking excitedly at the shimmering screen. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and then the door was knocked open, and a person rolled in. He was so scared that he fell back violently. He took the table with him. They were all turned over, and the computers and furnishings were all over the floor.

And that ball of light fell on the ground, and all the energy light converged into the body, revealing the dark green metal armor. Because the speed was too fast, two deep footprints were stepped on the ground where it landed. It is estimated that the reaction force received Not light.

But the Cree who rushed over didn't care, and stood there sluggishly, looking at the three companions who fell on the ground with no breath, slowly clenched their fists, and let out a 'click!Click! ' sound, suddenly raised his head, looked to the hole in the building, the murderer inside had stood up.

"Give it to me. Die." An extremely angry female voice came from under the half-covered helmet, and the luster of energy appeared on her body again, giving her extremely fast speed, and she rushed into the building in an instant, and the shock wave blowing The hole in the building doubled in size, and it attacked Greer, who had just stood up, with endless bricks and stones.

Greer hadn't reacted yet, but felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a dark green figure came in front of him, followed by a heavy punch in the abdomen, the huge force made him bend into a bow shape, and his body flew backwards involuntarily Go, hit the wall, hit big holes one after another, penetrated through several walls in a row, fell to the ground behind the building, and was punched through a building.

"It's so strong." Greer was lying in the deep pit, with flying dust in front of his eyes, and his abdomen, which was hit twice in a row, was in pain, and felt a little sunken even if he touched it, the opponent's strength was too strong.

Seeing the bright light appear again in the dark building, and the speed is very fast, like a bulldozer, smashing the walls to pieces, carrying a lot of broken bricks and rushing all the way, the whole body is full of brilliant luster, Fully explain what is called special effects, that is, light.

Greer twisted his waist and rolled to the right, the 'extremely serious light pollution' slammed into the ground, enlarging the pothole Greer smashed several times and splashing a lot of dust.

Greer, who rolled on the ground a few times, put his left hand on the ground, jumped up, and stood up in an instant, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a shiny fist rushing out of the dust flying all over the sky, and rushed straight to his face. door.

Greer hurriedly swung the holy sword, but instead of resisting, it slashed at the opponent's wrist, but the opponent unexpectedly did not withdraw his fist, but continued to move forward.

Is this a fight to give yourself a punch?

The moment this thought came to Greer's mind, the holy sword hit the dark green wrist, but he failed to cut through the opponent's armor as easily as he had dealt with the three Cree before. Brilliant light blocking

Glowing fist hammered through the air on the red armor, uttering 'boom! With a muffled sound, the huge force made people fall backwards, and even swiped the holy sword backwards, rubbing against the thin layer of light to create sparks, but only scraped off a few wisps of light, not even the light. Breakthrough, not to mention the armor inside.

Greer flew out again, knocked out a big hole in the wall, collapsed a large piece, and rolled to the ground with countless broken bricks. Before getting up, a figure wrapped in light fell rapidly, like The off-string arrow slammed into the red figure fiercely.

'boom! ' With a loud bang, the ground trembled, and the already trembling wall collapsed more than ten meters again. I don't know how many bricks and stones hit the ground, and how much dust was rolled up.

The new Kree stared blankly at the disappearing enemy below him, obviously hit with both fists, but the opponent suddenly shattered and disappeared without a trace.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him, and he didn't have time to turn around, so he could only lie forward, and a long sword with a red light almost brushed past his back, and if he was slower, he would have been cut in the middle.

When the sword fell to the ground, Greer immediately backed away, and before leaving the spot, the fallen Cree had already kicked up and almost kicked Greer.

As soon as the two touched each other, Greer landed on the top of the wall, holding a long red sword in his hand, and the Cree also stood up, clenched his glowing fists, and glared angrily at the enemy who killed his companion.

At this moment, the two of them had been fighting for several seconds before they could see each other's face clearly. Greer was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "Danvers? You, why are you?"

Greer looked up and down Carol Danvers, who was all green from head to toe,
Wait a minute, the armor style of Captain Marvel in the "future" seems to be like this, but the color is different, and the style seems to be a little different. No wonder the battle suits worn by the Kree people looked familiar before. This is the reason for the co-authoring.

Carol Danvers was about to punch forward, when she heard the other person's words, she couldn't help being taken aback, but immediately continued to charge forward, flew up, and waved her glowing fist forward again, she didn't want to know why the other person seemed to know her, I only know that this is the murderer who killed his companion.

The opponent stood there without dodging at all, and still slashed with his sword as before. While the red long sword was slashing on the flood armor, Carol Danvers' fist also hammered on the opponent's head, silently Breathlessly, it fell to the ground, like a flower in a mirror, invisible and untouchable, just like it was just now.

Carol Danvers suddenly knew that he missed another shot, but he didn't know how the opponent did it. He obviously hit the two punches before, and he didn't see the opponent fleeing, but he just missed.

Turning around, the man in the silver, black, and red tricolor armor with peach-like eyes stood where she was just now, staring at her: "Don't you hate the Kree people the most? Why are you talking to Kerry now?" Did you get mixed up with other people? Wait a minute, you're not undercover, are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Carol Danvers clenched her fists tightly, but she didn't rush to attack the opponent again. The failure of the two attacks made her understand that although this guy's strength is not strong, his ability is very strange. It was able to disappear without a sound, leaving only a phantom that cannot be distinguished from the real.

She has never encountered such a situation, let alone such a small place like C-53, there are such strange people. Sure enough, the universe is full of wonders. No wonder Minerva will lose. This guy didn't even know it for a while. How to deal with it, not to mention Minerva who is proficient in sniping but not good at melee combat.

"I mean, why did you stay with the Cree?" Greer was quite puzzled. He remembered that during the expedition to Thanos, Carol Danvers said that she was dealing with the Cree. Stop Kerry's fleet from invading those weak civilizations that occupy resource-rich planets.

They seem to be sworn enemies in the future, but why are they staying with the Cree now? Wait a minute, are the Cree still recruiting human fighters?
When Greer was puzzled, Carol Danvers said, "What are you calling me?"

"Danvers, Carol Danvers!"

"My name is Firth."

".Now I believe you are an undercover agent. You even changed your name." Greer swung his right arm, and the red long sword disappeared in an instant, and the hilt split into four parts and returned to the belt. Said: "There are only three Kree people around here. Let me tell you, what's going on with Kree and Skrull? They've all hit Earth."

"Aren't you a Skrull?"

"Of course not. Just like you, they are all human beings, um, human beings with special abilities."

"Human?" The light of Carol Danvers' fists became more and more shining, and his eyes stared at each other coldly: "I am Kerry."

Before he could finish speaking, a series of familiar and unfamiliar pictures suddenly appeared in Carol Danvers' mind:
In a place where colorful lights are constantly flashing, a group of human beings with different skin colors are drinking and jumping; a group of people in the same uniform are climbing ropes and drilling barbed wire in what looks like a training ground.
The sudden increase of countless memory images made Carol Danvers look painful, and the light on her body flickered, looking like a light bulb with unstable voltage. She had seen these images more than once, but Never has it been so clear.

At this moment, there was a deafening roar in the air. This sound was very familiar to Carol Danvers, as if she had heard it countless times before. She raised her head subconsciously, and saw two A fighter jet flew across the sky rapidly.

Even though the sky was dark, it couldn't hide Carol Danvers' sight, allowing her to see very clearly. Suddenly, it appeared in her mind that she was driving such a backward aircraft, flying in the air, except for the roar of the engine Besides, no sound can be heard.

"This is." Carol Danvers blankly recalled the sudden addition of a new scroll, which was so similar to the previous picture, as if someone's life, stood blankly for a while, then suddenly looked up Looking at the guy with the strange ability, he said, "Did you do it?"

"Me? What are you doing?" Greer was at a loss. So far, he hasn't hit Carol Danvers yet. Instead, he was beaten by her and flew around. He hasn't found Carol yet. ·Danvers settled the score, why did this guy question himself instead, so he didn't want to say that his armor was too hard, which made her fist hurt.

This character design is too incompatible with Carol Danvers, maybe I took the wrong script.

On the contrary, Carol Danvers remained silent. The energy light on her body gradually disappeared, turning the dark green armor back to darkness. She stood on the ground, at a loss. She was sure that she had never been to C-53. Why? Will there be memories of this remote planet?
This made Carol Danvers quite skeptical about life, and even felt that this strange guy had done something wrong, but she didn't even believe this guess, after all, she had been working on Kerry Star and Eastern Expedition. In the Western War, I have never seen this person.

And long before coming here, strange pictures occasionally appeared in her mind, which were almost the same as just now, which made Carol Danvers think of an extremely incredible idea: those might be her forgotten memories.

As soon as this idea appeared, she couldn't suppress it anymore, because she only had the memory of the wars in the past few years, and it was completely blank before, but in these strange pictures, all the young self appeared, as if , probably, probably.
"No," Carol Danvers kept shaking his head, suddenly looked up at the 'enemy' standing there, and said, "You know me?"

This guy just said that he is a human being, and he also called out the strange but familiar name of 'Carol Danvers', so does he know himself?Do you know yourself when you were human?
"Well, it should be regarded as acquaintance." Greer said uncertainly. After all, he knew the future Carol Danvers. Now, it is really a new acquaintance, and why she has amnesia look.

Wait, did the future Carol Danvers act like she knew her past self?do you know it?Don't you know?
It was only then that Greer realized that during the short and hasty preparation for the expedition, he and Carol Danvers basically didn't talk much, and the communication was limited to Thanos Related things, so it is really impossible to determine whether Carol Danvers, who has not (past) come (goed), knew himself before the expedition.

This is intentional?Or really do not know?Or.
Greer was also confused. What timeline did he come to? Why did he always feel that many places were very different from the past he knew?

Although the past he knew came from Nick Fury's few words, and he didn't know much about it, but Nick Fury said that he hadn't met him a few times, but during this time, the number of times the two of them met was three digits. It's triple digits.

Sure enough, the chief agent didn't say a word of truth.

Greer was emotionally distressed, but new questions arose, whether Nick Fury was lying or telling the truth, if he was lying, then he was not lying, and if it was the truth, then the matter would be a little bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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