The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1020 Is Nick Fury Playing Stupid?

Chapter 1020 Is Nick Fury Playing Stupid?

Greer took little Daisy out of the Temple of the Contract, bid farewell to Master Daniel, and stood on the familiar yet unfamiliar streets of Manhattan, not wanting to take little Daisy for a walk.

The two of them talked about the unknown energy in Greer's body, which indeed came from the quantum realm. Greer's loss of power was fundamentally due to absorbing too much energy, but he didn't know how to control it.

So so much quantum energy, not only can't be used for your own use, but it becomes a hindrance, making the magic and decade drives unusable, it's like two incompatible software, running at the same time, will never make the computer faster , but crashes the computer.

As for why Greer who "passed through" the quantum realm absorbed so much quantum energy, the Ancient One mage believed that it was because of the curse circle that Greer used in the dark dimension in the past, and that was when Dormammu was throwing himself into the dark dimension. Previously, the more efficient spells created to absorb the energy of the multiverse.

The reason why it later became a forbidden technique was the blackening of Domamu, which controlled the dark dimension to approach the earth, so that the Karma Taj mages used this spell, the first and easiest thing to absorb was the dark energy of the dark dimension, so It became a forbidden technique.

But in the vast quantum realm, there is no "master" to control it, and it can be absorbed and used casually. Therefore, Greer, who is in it, inadvertently sucked it up, and even supported himself, but he couldn't exert his original power Yes, when the energy is almost digested, it will recover naturally.

The ancient master was very moved after speaking, and understood why he believed in Greer in the past, because Greer has the ability that other people do not have, that is, to assimilate energy of any nature, even the most mysterious collar energy. Riel was completely ignorant and did nothing, but was still able to slowly complete the conversion.

If she has this strange ability, why worry about the influence of dark energy, she can completely let go and absorb more energy from the dark dimension, so that she can do more things.

In the end, Master Gu Yi also gave advice. If you don't want to wait for his strange ability to slowly digest so much quantum energy, then get familiar with this energy in your body, use spells to control it, and use it for your own use.

Just like Kama Taj, the supreme venerable of all ages, after understanding the real universe with the eyes of his heart, he used the language called mantra to control energy and absorb the energy of the multiverse, construct a magic circle, and cast shields and sharp weapons and cast spells.

Therefore, if Greer can also be familiar with and control these quantum energies, the current obstacle will become Greer's power, greatly increasing his strength.

But in this regard, the ancient master can't help much. Greer is no longer an ignorant boy who just went to Karma Taj. The knowledge of magic is not much inferior to the ancient one, what is lacking is experience.

On paper, I feel shallow at the end, and I absolutely know that this matter has to be done!
Therefore, Master Gu Yi encouraged Greer to do what he wanted to do in this time and space. This is a rare opportunity to practice, and no matter what the result is, it will become his most valuable life experience.

Greer hesitated for a long time before asking the question in his heart, that is, now that he knows his future, will the Ancient One still die like that?Or wait until Strange grows up, then...
This topic is very bad, if it wasn't for the fact that Master Gu Yi had already disregarded life and death, Greer would never have brought it up, and Master Gu Yi had indeed laughed it off without any grudges, and said, "Who knows? , I have indeed seen the moment when my life stops countless times, but that is only the future when I see it, and the moment I see it, that future may have changed."

Well, this is explained by scientific theory, which is Schrödinger's future.

Seeing Greer standing there for a long time, little Daisy couldn't help asking, "Where are we going?"

"Yeah." Greer looked down at little Daisy, and said, "I'm looking for your parents."

"Really?" Little Daisy couldn't help showing joy in her eyes.

"Of course, I hooked you up." Greer said with a smile, and squatted down. Little Daisy obediently stretched out her hand to hook Greer's neck, and then Greer hugged Little Daisy and moved towards I walked to the Manhattan station, planning to buy a train ticket to Huashengton.

The destination is the Trident headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. He wants to find Nick Fury of this era. This is the only person he can trust. The other Stark and Banner are still ordinary people. They got involved.

Nick Fury was able to fall into the headquarters from the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch for saving Alexander Pierce's daughter last year and was reused.

This is something that Greer has always wondered about. As a Hydra agent, Alexander Pierce thanked his savior, Nick Fury, for a promotion. But how did Nick Fury, who does not belong to Hydra, become a god? Director of the Shield?

Greer also asked curiously, but Nick Fury just gave Greer a blank look and didn't say a word, so Greer tactfully stopped asking, and now Greer has a guess in his mind, it can't be Because of yourself?

Think about it, it's possible!

Alexander Pierce reused Nick Fury, and he would definitely use brainwashing or training to turn Nick Fury into a new generation of Hydra agents. As a result, the training failed, making Nick Fury an anti-Hydra person.

Then something must have happened in the middle, which led to the failure of the training, and the failure of the training will definitely be known by Alexander Pierce, but he failed to get rid of Nick Fury, so there is a problem here.

And Nick Fury was unaware of it during the process of being cultivated?Now that he knew, why didn't he do it all the time? Instead, he maintained a close friend and boss relationship with Alexander Pierce, which lasted until 20 years later.

I didn't think so much before, but now that I think about it, it seems that there is a problem. Hydra uses S.H.I.E.L.D. for their purposes. Nick Fury won't use S.H.I.E.L.D. After Rui became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he implemented split management, so that the agents could not know all the missions.

This is nothing to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, just follow the orders, but it’s uncomfortable for Hydra, there is no way to know all the missions, and you don’t know what the real mission is to perform, so dig a hole , it is quite easy.

Sure enough, you can't think deeply about anything. If you think about it deeply, you will feel that there is a problem with even normal things.

(End of this chapter)

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