The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1019 Only belongs to your future

Chapter 1019 Only belongs to your future

Greer put away the power gem and repeated what he just said: "Because I come from the future."

"The future." The Ancient One put his hands behind his back again, and said to himself, "I thought it would be Strange."

"It is indeed Strange. I have already returned Karma Taj to him."

Master Gu Yi couldn't help but glanced at Greer, and said in surprise, "Don't you like Kama Taj?"

"No, I just don't like to bear the so-called responsibility. It's better to be free. I can do what I want. If I don't want to do it, no one can use the so-called responsibility to criticize me." Greer took the plush from Daisy Panda, and then little Daisy, who doesn't have to carry the plush panda all the time, ran happily.

When little Daisy was dancing among the flowers and plants, Greer told the story of how he came to this timeline with Thanos, and asked the Ancient One to help him find Thanos and find him in this time and space. beat him.

After listening to Greer's request, Ancient One Master shook his head lightly and said, "I'm sorry, Greer, I can't help you."

"Why?" Greer said puzzled, "Stopping Thanos from collecting infinite gems is equivalent to saving half of the life in the universe."

"Because changing doesn't necessarily make the outcome better."

"...Your words are exactly the same." Greer thought of the future Ancient One mage, and said the same thing before going to the dark dimension to stop Dormammu.

"Because this is the truth," Master Gu Yi walked to the one-meter-high fence on the roof with his hands behind his back, looked at the city scenery in the distance, and said, "Time is very fragile and can be easily changed, breaking the boundaries of time and space." , violation of the laws of nature, will lead to unforeseen consequences,"

Greer shrugged and said, "Yeah, I know this. It was written behind the time manipulation technique in "The Book of Emperor Weissan". After I took office, I moved this sentence before the spell."

"Heh," Master Gu Yi chuckled and said, "You just know it, but you don't understand it."

As soon as the voice fell, Master Gu Yi waved his right hand, and a long light suddenly appeared in the void, with both ends extending to the horizon. Then Master Gu Yi said: "The big bang created the universe, the remnants of the big bang, Condensed into six infinite rough stones, which together constitute the time that can be felt.

So not only time gems can affect time, the movement of each gem can change time and lead to an unpredictable future. "

Following the words of Master Gu Yi, time, which was originally a straight line, branched out one by one, extending to different directions, without seeing the end.

Greer remembered his 'task', which was to restore the intertwined time that was more complicated than a twist, and said, "Then what if we put the Infinity Stone back to its original position and original time?"

"It is true in theory, but the moment the Infinity Stone is taken away, time has already been separated. Maybe the time of separation and return is very short for human beings, but it is actually very long." Master Gu Yi said If it is very philosophical, I also gave an example: a day is very short for human beings, but it is the life of a mayfly.

And in scientific terms, it is the theory of relativity, which is a very short time for humans, but to some extent it is a long time, long enough for the butterfly effect to expand to produce new timelines.

"In the same way, you tried to change the future in the past, but what you changed was not your future. What has happened cannot be changed."

Greer couldn't help looking at Little Daisy who was caressing the exotic flowers and plants, and said, "But she clearly"

In the future, he has heard the story of Daisy, who disappeared inexplicably and then reappeared six years later, and he appeared near the breached Yiren Village, and met little Daisy, which does not just mean that
Greer's smile gradually disappeared, which proved the continuity of time, not the ability to change in the future.

"It seems that you have thought of it too." Master Gu Yi also turned to look at Little Daisy, and said: "Your future, from now to the future, is actually continuous, not because of what you are doing now. , resulting in future changes.”

Greer remained silent. The words of Master Ancient One are easy to understand. The time sensed by people is not related to each other, but there is continuity in another sense, so the future and the past cannot be separated. They ascribe causation.

"I know what many people will do, but stopping them is just stopping them in my timeline, and it will not change the future."

"So the future cannot be changed at all?" Greer was quite disappointed. If the future cannot be changed, then why did he come here.

Master Gu Yi shook his head: "I don't know, this is only the time understood by the knowledge I have, but knowledge is endless, and truth is not eternal."

This can probably be understood as the fact that ancient people believed that the round sky and the earth were the truth in their limited cognition, but with the increase of knowledge, the round sky and the earth became a fallacy. become your future' is also the current truth, but maybe there are other ways to get rid of this fallacy, but this is knowledge that the ancient master has not mastered.

The sun was gradually setting to the west, and little Daisy was no longer running happily, and sat on the chair lazily, watching the two people standing in front of the railing and talking continuously, but the discussions were all about magic, and did not involve any more. Or the past, because the future has no secrets in front of the ancient one who has the eye of Agamotto, so there is no need to say much.

Greer didn't finish this conversation until the sun was setting, and waved to the little Daisy who was about to fall asleep, and the little Daisy ran over immediately, Greer picked up the little Daisy, and before leaving, he I couldn't help asking Master Gu Yi a question, saying: "If I insist on doing something that I think can reverse the future, will you stop me? Because it may lead to an unpredictable future."

Master Gu Yi shook his head lightly, and said: "The future is never certain, but is changing all the time. No one can know what kind of impact will be produced in the next second, even if it is Ah The Eye of Gomoto only sees a possible future, but that may not necessarily be your future."

"I see, thank you, my lord!" Greer bowed slightly to Master Ancient One, turned around and was about to leave, and after opening the wooden door in the stairwell, he couldn't help but said, "But I still want to try .”

The voice of Master Ancient One came from behind: "Then follow your heart, do what you think is right, and create your own future."

(End of this chapter)

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