The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1005 Space-Time Shuttle Apparatus

Chapter 1005 Space-Time Shuttle Apparatus

Thanos's sudden run was beyond Greer's expectation, and he was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding why he ran?But after hesitating for a moment, Greer chased after him. No matter what Thanos wanted to do, he couldn't let him run out of sight, otherwise the Mind Gem in his hand could cause huge damage to the Earth Army.

Two people holding infinity gems, each faster than the other, ran out of this battlefield with a total area of ​​nearly one million square meters in a short time. The soldiers of the Thanos Legion wanted to stop Greer from advancing. The pace, but Greer's speed did not slow down, he just waved the holy sword in his hand suddenly.

The power of the infinite gem instantly tore a huge gap in the dense Thanos army. I don’t know how many soldiers of the Thanos army turned into fly ash. Even in the corridor made of metal, a large piece of metal was wiped out, exposing the corridor below. There are holes in the surrounding rooms and even in the ceiling above.

The boss ran away suddenly, but the four generals of Obsidian stood firm and led the Thanos army to continue the fierce battle with the Earth army, preventing them from escaping, and really using their lives to keep people.

It’s just that their efforts are not very effective. The battlefield chosen by the Avengers this time is not on the open ground. No matter how big Temple II is, there are rooms inside. Not to mention compared with planets, even asteroids may be bigger than holy land. Hall No. [-] is big.

Fighting in such a narrow space, no matter how many troops there are, it is impossible to overwhelm all of them, there can only be so many. Therefore, the number of troops is not very meaningful. It cannot be the key to victory or defeat in a short period of time. The competition is quality .

In this regard, the Earth Legion is quite confident. This time, the top group of people on the earth are here. It is very modest to say that one counts as ten, so it is quite advantageous to fight in the narrow corridor.

It can be seen that this raid was carefully planned, fully considering the strength gap between the two sides and the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and ourselves, and formulated a rigorous combat plan in order to shorten the gap between the two sides. Even good plans seem to be quite weak.

The Earth Legion has been planning for so long, and it is a surprise attack, diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and using the terrain. It can be said that the concurrency has been brought to the extreme, but the result is nothing more than killing more soldiers of the Thanos Legion and almost blowing up Temple Two. into scrap iron.

But what they are facing is the pincer attack of the Thanos fleet that will come for reinforcements at some point, the siege of the countless Thanos legions on Temple Two, and the disintegration of Temple Two in the midst of a violent explosion. threaten.

They tried their best, everyone can say that for this mission, they tried their best and even sacrificed their precious lives, but many things do not have results without hard work, especially in the case of a huge gap in strength, the word hard work seems to be more pale.

Even so, there are still people who don't give up.

Thor held the storm ax in his right hand and collided with the huge claw-shaped weapon of the black dwarf star, while his left hand threw Thor's hammer wrapped in infinite lightning, and whirled forward, and the radiated lightning flashed one piece after another. The soldiers of the Legion turned into coke, covering the evacuation of the few remaining Earth Legion.

The Hulk roared and rushed forward, punching the black dwarf from the side. The huge force was about to blow the black dwarf into the air, and hit the wall behind him heavily, smashing the thick metal wall into a deep hole. The sunken pit, almost sinking the black dwarf inside.

Black Dwarf was also roaring angrily, but just as he was about to raise the very mechanical punk-style scythe in his hand, clumps of spider silk flew towards him, 'Crack!Snapped! 'The ones exploded into spider webs, one layer on the left and one layer on the right, and one layer on the left and one layer on the right, covering the whole body and face of black dwarfs.

The spider web is extremely tough, a thin one can lift one or two tons of heavy objects, dozens of them together can stop a train traveling at seventy to eighty miles per hour, and now there are as many as one hundred and eighty spider webs wrapped around the black dwarf. , even though the black dwarf has incomparably powerful power, it can't break free for a while.

Thor's Hammer rushed over at an extremely fast speed, hitting the chest of the black dwarf who was about to break the spider's thread, 'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, the black dwarf, which was already stuck in the wall pit, went back again, knocking out a big hole in the wall, and its body was directly stuck in it.

"Go to hell!" Thor, surrounded by strong lightning, held up the storm ax with both hands, and the divine power surged into the storm axe, causing the storm ax to emit a strong electric light, which was extremely dazzling, carrying the thunder and lightning. fall.

Black Dwarf, whose chest was in severe pain as if broken, heard the explosion sound coming from ahead, and couldn't help raising his head, his eyes reflected a giant ax that fell from the sky, and his neck felt cold, his eyes rolled down and fell, seeing Turning into a fountain-like black body, consciousness faded like a tide, and the last thought was: "So I look like this."

And 80 meters away, Captain Marvel is pressing the hammer of General Deathblade, and the general Deathblade is rolling all over the ground with punches and kicks. He is not an opponent of the same level at all, even though General Deathblade has an extremely sharp war blade in his hand , but there is nothing to do with Captain Marvel.

The war blade, which can easily cut steel, slashed towards Captain Marvel. The opponent just raised his arm, and grabbed the two-meter-long war blade with his right hand wrapped in strong energy. nothing.

This is a situation that the Deathblade General who crossed the universe has never encountered before. If he wanted to take back the warblade, he could pull it hard, but he didn't move at all. The blade suddenly pulled back.

The huge power made General Deathblade stagger two steps forward, and what greeted him was Captain Marvel's left fist, which had accumulated a lot of energy, and bombarded him mercilessly on his chest.

'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, General Deathblade let out a painful snort. The severe pain made him unable to grasp the warblade in his hand any longer, and he let go. The black armor on the side hit a half-shattered wall, making a loud sound.

After Captain Marvel punched General Flying Deathblade with a punch, he flipped his right wrist and turned the warblade 180 degrees. As fast as a black lightning bolt, he arrived in front of General Deathblade in the blink of an eye.

'Puff! With a sound, the sharpness of the knife and the defense of the armor determined the outcome. General Deathblade lowered his head tremblingly, looking at the blade that was half buried in his body, it came out through his body and nailed him to the wall.

Captain Marvel's whole body glowed with even more dazzling abilities. Endless energy was accumulated on his hands, and they were put together in front of him, emitting an energy beam nearly one meter thick, which instantly drowned General Deathblade, and everything along the way was completely destroyed. The turbulent energy was vaporized, and a hole more than one meter wide appeared in the seven or eight floors behind the wall.

General Deathblade was killed in seconds, and the situation of Proxima Centauri is also very bad. The reason is that the space is too small and the troops cannot be deployed at all. The Avengers who follow the route of elite soldiers and strong generals are like ducks in water. Stark wearing the Destroyer armor plus Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Rogers, the four cooperate and cover each other.

Various weapons such as lasers, cluster cannons, vibrating bullets, vibrating shields, vibrating claws, etc., some of them hit Proxima Centauri, and some attacked the soldiers of the Thanos Legion surrounding them. The Thanos Legion retreated steadily.

And Proxima Dark Night was also beaten with only parrying power and no ability to fight back, but long-term defense must be sparse. When Proxima Dark Night blocked the black panther's claws with a spear, Rogers, who was dealing with the soldiers of the Thanos Legion, suddenly turned his head and threw it vigorously. He lifted the vibrating gold shield in his hand, and the Winter Soldier immediately gave up his opponent, punching the soldier who was about to attack Rogers.

Zhen Jindun whirled towards Proxima Anye, startled Proxima Anye, tried to dodge sideways, but did not notice that the falcon swooped down rapidly from behind, grabbed the shield at the moment it crossed the shield, and then restrained itself Wings, twisting the waist, let the body turn a circle in the air.

The shield in his hand was driven to rotate, and with the help of the force of the rotation, like throwing a discus, he threw the shield back, hitting the back of Proxima Centauri, causing Proxima Centauri to stagger to the ground with a scream. first few steps.

But before she could stand still, Stark rushed forward, a sharp vibrating gold spike popped out from the armor of his right arm, and mercilessly slashed across Proxima Centauri's neck, and then The chest of the Destroyer armor lit up, firing the cluster cannon at almost zero distance.

Proxima Centauri was rushed by the cluster cannon, swept back rapidly, knocked over several soldiers of the Thanos Legion, and fell to the ground together. Yi's body was melted away, but the most serious injury was still most of his neck was torn open, blood gushed out like a spring, he twitched on the ground for a while and completely remained still.

Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he had the energy to scan his surroundings, but he saw that the situation around him was not good. The Earth Legion continued to retreat and leave with the space gate, and there were fewer and fewer people, while the soldiers of the Thanos Legion But more and more, forming a vicious circle, making it more and more difficult for those who have not retreated to leave.

The shaking of Sanctuary [-] became more and more violent, and it had already collided with the space port several times, causing the space port to not only deviate from its original position, but also exploded and burned everywhere during the collisions again and again, and it was already collapsing. scattered edges.

Spider-Man, Thor and Hulk who just defeated Black Dwarf have turned to deal with the soldiers of the Thanos Legion so that more people can retreat, and he can only see these three Avengers who are relatively close. People are scattered in various parts of the huge battlefield, and there are broken walls and ruins to cover them, making it impossible to see the situation of other people.

Rogers and the Winter Soldier brandished their shields and metal arms, slashed a bloody path, and rescued Hawkeye, who was shot down by the dense formation, from the crowd. The jetpack and the protective clothing on his body were in tatters. It's blood, and I'm afraid it will stay here forever if it's later.

"Go, we have to leave quickly." Rogers used his shield to resist the beam attack from the Thanos Legion, and covered the Winter Soldier who was supporting the Falcon to escape the siege of the Thanos Legion.

At this moment, red lightning bolts exploded in the center of the Thanos Legion. Every time the electricity hits a person, it is transmitted to other people. In an instant, a large number of Thanos Legion soldiers were shocked to the ground. Bossat's Thunder unleashed by Doctor Strange.

Immediately afterwards, strands of crimson energy lines spread in the Thanos Legion in the other direction, causing the soldiers of the Thanos Legion to fall down like cutting wheat.

In the next breath, Quicksilver appeared in front of the crowd with the Scarlet Witch in his arms, and Doctor Strange, wearing a magic cloak, also fell from the upper three floors. The three of them struggled to eliminate the superstar, and then heard Rogers' voice, Immediately rushed over.

Under the protection of everyone, Strange quickly opened the space door, allowing the only remaining Avengers in this area to evacuate. As for other areas, there are also mages from Kama Taj. If they could leave, they must have already left.

The scarred Avengers walked into the space gate one after another, but Captain Marvel didn't move, instead he turned his gaze to the direction where Greer had just left, and said, "You guys go first, I'll go to Greer and ask for Thanos." .”

"We also..." Rogers was interrupted by Captain Marvel before he finished speaking: "I can survive in the universe, how about you?"

"." There was no reason to refute, and Rogers choked speechlessly, while other people who did not have the ability to survive in the universe also quickly jumped into the space door silently.

The weak go first, and the strong stay at the end, blocking the Thanos army from all directions, especially Thor, who wields the Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer, summons countless lightning, and explodes in the crowded Thanos army. The killing efficiency is remarkable.

In contrast, Stark in the Destroyer suit is not as good as Thor, but Stark has no intention of leaving. Instead, he insists on going to Greer with Captain Marvel, and Thor doesn't want to. gone.

The situation was urgent, and there was no time to argue. After leaving, Strange immediately closed the space door, leaving only Thor, Captain Marvel, and Stark facing the almost endless Thanos army.

It's just that although there were many of them, there was no way to prevent the three of Captain Marvel from leaving. They were easily killed and left the area from the top, flying towards the direction where Greer and Thanos disappeared. No matter how many Thanos legions were beheaded by three people, none of them could stop them for a moment.

From the side, it proved the necessity of the surprise battle. If they were on the earth, they would never be able to escape. They had to hold on to fight against the Thanos army until one side was completely wiped out.

But on the enemy's territory, if you can fight, you can fight, if you can't fight, you can run away, and you can continue to destroy on the way to escape. No matter how many troops the opponent has, as long as you can't catch up, it means that you have no troops.

Especially now, the Thanos Legion has lost its leader, like a headless fly, it only knows to attack the Avengers according to the last order, but it obviously lost its flexibility, and it followed stiffly, but could never catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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