The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1004 Race against time

Chapter 1004 Race against time
'boom!boom!boom! '

Earth-shattering explosions spread in all directions, followed by raging flames swept by the shock wave of the explosion, smashing everything in front of them into pieces, no matter if it was a steel wall, a firewall, or a barrier. Burning layer
In the face of the terrifying explosion power, everything was as fragile as tofu dregs. They couldn't hold on even for a breath, and were blown to pieces in an instant. The staff responsible for maintaining this area didn't even know what happened Things just turned into ashes without knowing why.

Rocket Raccoon, who ran half a minute ahead of time, regretted it very much at this moment. He should have set the time for 1 minute. He had never detonated such a large energy store, so he made a wrong estimate of the power of the explosion, which was much bigger than he imagined. .

He has already passed the safety line he estimated, and the power of the explosion should not reach here, but when he looked back, the endless flames were still rolling forward, continuing to destroy all the areas they passed, scaring Rocket Raccoon's souls He ran forward on all fours, yelling as he ran, "Guys, I think I have marijuana."

The sound stopped abruptly here, and everyone only heard the sound of the explosion, and then the communication was disconnected and they went offline.

Before everyone had time to call Rocket Raccoon, they felt Temple Two shaking violently. If you look forward from the back of Temple Two, you can see a long column of flames ejected from the engine of Temple Two, and The surroundings flickered with billowing flames uninterruptedly.

Whenever there is a flame, there will be a big explosion immediately below, throwing raging flames and countless steel fragments into the void of the universe, flying to the distance at an extremely fast speed, maybe it will continue to fly, or it may be captured by a certain planet and then fall Go to the surface of the planet and become an unsolved mystery of ancient civilizations.

Thanos, who swung the Tyrant Warblade and the Storm Axe and collided with each other, was extremely angry. His spaceship was blown up by a group of bumpkins. They dared to blow up their spaceship. This is like a modern army fighting with bows and spears The ancients, but it was as shameful that the ancients blew up the aircraft carrier.

But the problem is that his anger can't prevent the destruction of the spaceship. Rocket Raccoon is worthy of being an expert in explosions. He chose a very good location for the detonation. Not only did he successfully blow up the energy reserve, but he also caused huge damage to other areas along the energy transmission pipeline. , Formed a chain reaction, causing major problems on the entire spaceship.

According to this trend, it is not known how many opponents will be blown up. That is to say, Temple No. [-] is likely to be blown up, which is no different from scrap iron. Lost maintenance value.

And this is the second plan of the Avengers, which is to find a way to damage or even destroy the Temple No. [-], so that the Thanos Legion will lose the flagship with the most powerful firepower and the largest carrying capacity, so that those who were originally afraid of the strength of the Thanos Legion A civilized civilization can take advantage of the situation and loot it.

To this end, they prepared three plans. If Rocket Raccoon fails to detonate, then Captain Marvel will use his own energy to detonate it. If Captain Marvel fails to do so, then Greer will use the power gem to destroy it.

At that time, Thanos who is attacked by other civilizations will have no time to worry about the earth. Maybe they will be wiped out by Xandar, Kri, or other civilizations. At that time, the earth will be safe, even if it is unsuccessful, The worst-case scenario is just being invaded by Thanos who was ashamed and angry as before, so why not take a gamble.

The second half of Temple No. [-] was exploding everywhere, the flames filled the air, and molten iron flowed freely. A large number of Thanos soldiers were blown to pieces before they could even escape. When the rocket raccoon exploded, the result was that more than ten soldiers of the Earth Army times.

The space port has become a mess. The out-of-control Temple II rampaged, and the huge size crushed many spaceships. The frightened spaceships that were originally parked at the space port fled in all directions in a panic, trying to avoid being smashed. fate.

It’s just that the spacecraft can run, but the space port can’t run. As a permanent space station, the space port is much larger than the Temple II, but after colliding with the Temple II, the result is that it is smashed into pieces, and the Temple Number two is just a cracked shell.

The residents in the space port screamed and ran to the escape spaceship. If they had conditions, they had a small spaceship at home. Regardless of the limitation that the small spaceship could not fly far, they jumped on it without hesitation, but they were hit by the impact before they could launch it in the future. The resulting explosion catches up and becomes part of the flames and debris.

Temple II, which was exploding everywhere, turned [-] degrees, like an iron hook, and forcibly tore off a large piece of 'meat' on the space port. The space port, which was originally clean and tidy and full of sci-fi atmosphere, appeared an ugly The scars, with flames all over the edges, and countless fragments drifted away, scattered in space, becoming the most difficult space garbage to deal with.

But the madness of Temple No. [-] is not over yet. Every violent explosion will cause the deflection of Temple No. [-]'s posture, and every deflection of posture will cause great damage to the space port that is close at hand. The two collided with each other, and the damage was mutual, and Temple No. [-] could not escape completely.

No matter from which aspect, it weakened the strength of the Thanos Legion. In just over 20 seconds, Thanos lost tens of thousands of people, including combatants and civilians. With the continued damage to Temple No. [-], the population loss will double.

In Temple No. [-], the Avengers were planning to increase the loss of Thanos. After Rocket Raccoon shouted "ready for the fireworks", they immediately began to retreat, breaking away from the more and more Thanos Legion. Contact, even if you lose part of it, you must be prepared to escape from the severely damaged Temple No. [-].

It’s just that Thanos is not a fool or an idiot. As soon as the Earth Army made this move, he sensed the opponent’s purpose and immediately ordered the entire army of Thanos to press forward. The hateful humans have escaped, and he must kill them all in order to relieve his hatred.

"Go, go!" Rhode kept shouting, but he didn't retreat, instead, he let the overloaded war machine continue to fire at full power, desperately stopping the advance of the Thanos Legion, and buying time for the others to retreat , and the time when Karma Taj mages opened the space door.

The shaking of Temple No. [-] became more and more violent, and the dull explosion sound could already be heard. It can be seen how powerful the explosion was and how wide the explosion range was, so that it was transmitted to such a far place, but the Thanos army turned a deaf ear , still squeezing forward regardless of casualties.

Everything is a little bit out of the original plan. The first thing to bear the brunt is the power of the explosion, which is far beyond the imagination of the Avengers. No one has ever seen such a large capacity reserve, and they don’t know the type of energy used by Temple Two. Naturally, The exact explosive power cannot be calculated.

Rocket Raccoon is speculating based on experience, but Rocket Raccoon, who has been in the lower level for a long time, has no chance to touch a flagship-level spaceship like Temple II. Naturally, he does not know the energy composition used by such a huge spaceship, and the calculation has produced a huge deviation. Now No one knows how the explosion will spread.

Originally, it was a good thing that Temple II was damaged more seriously, but the problem is that it has already spread to the central area. You must know that most of the Earth Legion are ordinary people, and even the Asgardians cannot survive such a violent attack. Survive the explosion.

No one dares to bet that the explosion will stop before it reaches here, because once they lose, 90% of the people here will die, and there may only be Thor, Captain Marvel, and Greer who are so strong that they exploded at the level of a fearless nuclear bomb .

Thanos is not afraid, his Temple II is gone, there are other space battleships and soldiers many times more than the soldiers loaded in Temple II, but the Avengers can't, the most gathered here is the earth A strong group of people, once the entire army is wiped out, they will really be gone.

Switching to the second plan, the Avengers also abandoned their opponents, fought and retreated, and moved closer to the Earth Legion, wanting to give them some support so that more people can leave the temple that is about to explode number two.

But Thanos's people chased after him bravely, and the situation was completely reversed. Before that, it was the Earth Legion desperately blocking the Thanos Legion from supporting Thanos, but now it is the Thanos Legion desperately preventing the Earth Legion from leaving the battlefield .

Severance and sacrifice can be seen everywhere. Karma Taj's mages stood there against the hail of bullets and risked their lives, building the space door to leave. Some of them were hit by stray bullets before they were finished, and fell silent Next, but the other mages just glanced at it and continued to build the only escape channel.

Greer clenched the Barry's holy sword, and suddenly raised his right hand and stretched it out into the void. When he retracted, the palm of his hand burst into a dazzling purple light. He was ready to go all out, forcing Sanosan to use the mind gem. If Sanosa Si thought that he would use the Mind Gem after he couldn't hold on anymore, and then he would pay the price for most of the Earth Legion leaving and his own legion suffering heavy losses.

As soon as the purple light bloomed, Greer slammed it on the hilt of the Holy Sword of Barry, causing the Holy Sword of Barry to flash purple light immediately, and with just one wave, it emitted a brilliant purple The light blade moved forward rapidly, cutting the Thanos army squeezed in a passage in half, and turned into ashes when blown by the wind, and disappeared without a trace.

Before Greer swung his second sword, Thanos' Tyrant Warblade swung over. There was a gemstone emitting a faint yellow light on the handle in the center, and he also used the infinity gemstone.

Thor and Captain Marvel rushed in other directions with a tacit understanding, supported the other Avengers, and handed Thanos to Greer for a few minutes. After a few minutes, they could kill the four generals of Obsidian, and then besieged Thanos, they're not afraid of the Big Bang anyway.

When the Earth Legion has withdrawn, they will also retreat to avoid being surrounded by the Thanos fleet that rushed to support. At that time, no matter how strong a person is, they will not be able to withstand the siege of countless space battleships. This is why this time Raid warfare, not storming.

In the midst of the chaos, Hope, who had been silent for a long time, received good news and found Dr. Hank Pym. He was directing many technicians to circle around a high platform. Seeing Hope appeared, He also said happily: "My daughter, look, this is the gate of a new world. I am about to open a brand new world, a world that no one in the universe has ever discovered."

"Father, we have to leave immediately." Hope wanted to drag Hank Pym away, but the clinker Hank Pym shook off her hand and said, "No, I can't leave, there is still a need to leave here." Me, as long as I build this gate, I will be able to bring your mother back, she has been waiting for too long, but soon I will be able to bring her back."

"Father." Hope was in a hurry. The mantis girl who rushed over looked at Hank Pym and said, "His mind has been controlled. You catch him, and I will help him untie it."

Hope immediately grabbed his father's arms to prevent him from moving, while Sister Mantis stretched out her hand and placed it on Hank Pym's forehead, next to Gamora and Drax who were talking with the experimenter. The guards in the room fought violently.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Hope couldn't stop urging, this is the enemy's rear, and more soldiers are still on the way. If it is too late, let alone take Hank Pym away, they might not be able to get away by themselves. .

Sister Mantis concentrated all her mental power and tried hard to fight against the mental power controlling Hank Pym. Just when she found a mess of threads, a beam of light hit her from above and instantly penetrated her head, making Mantis The younger sister's eyes widened in astonishment, and she lay back powerlessly. At the last moment of consciousness, she saw Nebula jumping down from above with a face of indifference, holding a laser gun in his hand.

"No," Drax roared, waving his precious dagger as a flying knife and threw it at Nebula who had just landed, but Nebula swiftly dodged it sideways, and at the same time raised his leg and kicked Hank Pym who was restraining him. Hope.

Hope quickly shrunk to avoid the kick, and at this moment, the mantis girl who had a blood hole in her forehead just fell to the ground, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Holding up the laser gun, Xingyun looked at Gamora and the others indifferently, and said, "Intruder, damn it!"

"Xingyun, it's me, Gamora, don't you remember?" Gamora's words were exchanged for a laser beam from Nebula, which made Gamora immediately understand that Nebula really didn't know her anymore, and it should be Thanos who cleaned her up. corrupted her memory, and even replaced it.

Sure enough, Nebula reported without emotion: "Master, they want to destroy Dr. Pym's experiment, please send troops to arrest the intruders as soon as possible."

Thanossa's Tyrant Blade collided with Greer's Holy Sword of Barry. Hearing Nebula's communication, he turned around and ran without hesitation, rushing towards Dr. Hank Pym's body at the fastest speed. In the laboratory, if you don't look at it, the black dwarf and General Deathblade are being beaten by Captain Marvel, Thor, Banner and others.

(End of this chapter)

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