Chapter 1319

Don't be like her.

Personality and IQ are not required.

But I heard that children are more like their mothers.

It's dangerous!


Su Yanwei began to worry, "You have to be like you. Husband, you are so powerful, you should have stronger genes. If your son is like you, you don't have to worry about being bullied."

A faint smile appeared in Zhao Suoxuan's eyes, "My daughter will not be bullied either, so don't think too much, anyone who dares to bully my child will be skinned off."

He really wants to peel off He Yanzong's skin right now!
Even if he can't peel off a layer of skin, let him taste the pain.

That jerk!

Zhao Suoxuan's eyes were cold and dark.

"It's better to be a son..." Su Yan propped her chin slightly, "It depends on you..."

She has studied biology.

Boys and girls mainly depends on the man.

It has nothing to do with women.

Especially when it comes to giving birth to a daughter, it depends on the man.

If the gauze on her eyes was gone at this moment, he seemed to be able to see her eyes shining and smiling when she said this.

But that gaze was blocked by the gauze at the moment.

I really want to peel off that piece of gauze.

"Look at me..." The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "Are you full? Let's go back to the room and make a meal when we're full."


Su Yanwei did not expect him to be so quick.

This is too action-packed!

She forgot that Zhao Suoxuan has always been an activist.

I got married so fast last time.

Not to mention such an important matter as having a child.

She wiped her mouth, still in a daze.

He has already circled behind her and hugged her from behind, "Exercise, let you forget about other things."

I will forget when I am tired.

"I do not……"

She didn't keep thinking about it.

When Su Yanwei was picked up by him, her heart trembled, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Would you... want to have it?"

"If you can't do it once, just do it a few more times." Zhao Suoxuan was calm and impatient, "Medical research shows that the probability of human beings conceiving naturally is only 20% to [-]%."

"It's so low..." Su Yan said in a small voice, "In the novel, once...pregnant, just..."

It's not outrageous, but the hero is very strong!

"We can too, as long as the time is right."

"But you still smoked last night..." Su Yan whispered, "To prepare for pregnancy, you must quit smoking and drinking, and you must..."

Zhao Suoxuan suddenly lost his confidence.

You shouldn't have smoked those two cigarettes last night!

Can you go back?

"Then don't do it, you go back to your room to rest, we'll wait..." Zhao Suoxuan lowered his head, "Ovulation period."

Su Yanwei: "..."

He knows a lot.

Do you really have to wait?
Zhao Suxuan is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, right?

So bearable.

He teased her easily, and then solemnly stated that in the future...

She couldn't have any other reaction, otherwise it would appear that she couldn't wait.

It's hard to be serious!
Su Yanwei calmed down, and when she was free, she began to think about Guoguo.

I feel depressed.

I don't have that thought anymore.

Pregnancy, let it be.

There is no rush.



He Yanzong was taken for questioning, and he did not come out until a few days later.

He Jingzhi sent a driver to pick him up.

He stood beside the car and kicked towards the door.

Ah Li stood behind him, "Young master, don't! I hurt your noble foot! Look, you've lost weight after staying inside for a few days! Tonight! I'll give you a good mending!"

He Yanzong's eyes were full of sternness, "Fuck! He Lao Er is a bastard! He dared to trick me back! He was taken away by the prosecution as soon as he got off the plane! Fuck! I raised him for nothing."

"Go back and tell him, it's best to hold his head to see me, otherwise he won't appear in front of me in this life! I'll pretend I don't have his brother! You bastard!"

The driver He Jingzhi in the car nodded resentfully, "Understood! Young Master!"

He Yanzong turned his head and got into his car.

Ah Li went around the front of the car and got in, while fastening his seat belt, he turned his head, "Master, you suffered a lot inside, what do you want to eat tonight? Do you want to find some people to accompany you..."

"Do you need to worry about it?" He Yanzong closed his eyes, "Go home first."

Ah Li drove the car out.

On the way, he looked at He Yanzong through the rearview mirror several times, and this time he was really angry.

The bruises on his face still haven't dissipated.

But this time it wasn't just the young master who was angry.

There are also the old man and wife of the He family, as well as many relatives.

He Yanzong rested his mind by closing his eyes, and when he woke up, he found that the car had actually stopped at the He family's old house.

Ah Li was staring at him, as if he was going to peel him alive.

So scared, so helpless.

Shrink your neck.

He Yanzong slapped him on the head, "Is there something missing in your brain? Hmm? Is this my home?"

"This is not your home, so don't give your surname He! What are you!"

The car door opened, and He Yanzong looked at his father.

He narrowed his eyes, "Dad, I don't know that you will be annoyed when you see me, so I won't be in your eyes when I go back to my own home."

"Get off!"

Father He kept a cold face.

He Yanzong walked down slowly, putting his hands in his pockets, "Dad, don't worry about it, old man, I can prove that I'm fine if I can come out, you..."

"You think I'm looking for you! Your grandfather! And..." Father He was slightly startled, and glanced sideways at the hall, "You should deal with the matter you broke in on your own, and I'll talk to you later."

The He family's position in the capital is huge, and the tree attracts the wind.

How many people are staring at it.

As the young master of the He family, he was actually able to get into trouble because of the company's accounts and tax evasion.

He really couldn't afford to lose this face.

It's not just him who is affected.

There are also many members of the He family.

He Yanzong didn't take it seriously, he walked into the hall and looked at the relatives of the He family.

He sat down carelessly, crossing his long legs, "Grandpa, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Uncle..."

"Ah Zong, in your position, can you do it? If not, come down and change!"

"He Yanzong, with your temperament, you usually forget about it, but who did you offend because of a woman? Don't forget, the He family's current status depends on who? It's all of us, not you alone. As the president, can you calmly think about the overall situation?"

"He Yanzong, you are not young anymore, it's time to calm down, I have a daughter who is especially suitable for you, do you want to get acquainted?"

"You are an older brother, you should consider your younger brother's career, he has been temporarily suspended because of you..."

"Tell me honestly, are you really building some shady things outside? Is it not enough for you to build a company as big as the He family?"

"Real estate, retail, automobile, such a huge industry, do you have more than enough energy?"

He Yanzong listened silently, as if he didn't hear a word, he picked up the American iced coffee and drank it leisurely.

"He Yanzong, have you taught us anything from our elders?"

(End of this chapter)

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