Chapter 1318 Give Me a Baby
"Honey, I'm so scared..."

She raised her head, "I just heard that he seems to be in the car. Has he left Rongcheng?"

Su Yan was slightly taken aback, "Will he go to Shangjiang, will he hurt my parents?"

"You rest first. I will tell you the specific situation after I understand it." Zhao Suoxuan comforted in a low voice.

It doesn't necessarily mean going to Shangjiang.

It is also possible that he returned to Kyoto.

He Jingzhi promised to take He Yanzong back.

Calculating the time, maybe the wound on He Yanzong's face has almost healed, and he can see people again.

But he really didn't expect that that bastard He Yanzong would not let a dog go.

He is really not human.

My wife has just been discharged from the hospital and underwent surgery.

The little face the size of a palm cried like this.

Zhao Suoxuan was so distressed.

"Honey, I feel like I'm going to faint..."

As soon as Su Yanwei finished speaking, her head lowered a little, and her whole body lost support in an instant.

Heartbroken, he picked her up and carried her upstairs.

Dinner was out of the question.

Zhao Suoxuan hugged her and lay on the bed. In the past, he also wanted to experience her blindness and invisible environment.

The lights in the room were turned off most of the time.

At this moment, the bright lights are on.

Bedside, wall lamp, floor lamp.

Her small face was as pale as paper, with tear stains on her face.

He brushed her face distressedly, as if being beside him made her sad too.

How can I make her smile?
Guoguo died.

It was a bit of a blow to her.

I don't know if she ever cried like that when she was blind and couldn't see.

When the sky was getting dark, Zhao Suo woke up.

I was restless and had nightmares all night.

Didn't sleep well either.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yanwei sitting beside him in a daze.

Her hair was disheveled, her small face was still pale, and she couldn't see her eyes, but she could see her frustrated expression from her tightly pursed lips, shallow breathing, and bent back.



Like being abandoned.

He sat up, "Are you hungry?"

Su Yanwei heard his voice, fell down, moved, and shrank into his arms.

Like a cat, she slipped into his arms and lazily leaned against his chest, "Husband, I dreamed about Guoguo, and I dreamed that I would go to the pet park with it to play..."

She once said to Guoguo, after her eyes are healed, take it to play, take it to experience the happy life of an ordinary dog.

But she didn't do it.

Guoguo was not well protected.

Zhao Suoxuan hugged her back, gently moving from top to bottom.

He is usually eloquent.

But now I can't say a word of comfort.

Enough said last night.

She can only walk out slowly by herself.

"Will it hate me?" Su Yan whispered, "Yes, it will be fine if I take it with me."

The villa is monitored.

Zhao Suoxuan has read it.

When Su Yanwei went out for a walk with him in the past, it ran up and down the villa, but failed to find her.

Just ran out by himself.

Then never came back.

It is urgent.


They left too hastily, in the middle of the night.

Didn't wake it up either.

Thought they were gone.

Probably ran out to find them.

Dogs are spiritual, last time I saw He Yanzong and Su Yanwei having a bad time together.

Zhao Suoxuan narrowed his eyes, "I didn't eat anything last night, I should be hungry..."

Su Yanwei has neither appetite nor appetite.

I don't want to eat at all.

She moved her lips, thinking that he must be worried about herself, and gave a shallow "hmm".

The two of them went downstairs after washing up. Su Yan slightly smelled the food and realized that she was a little hungry.

Flat belly.

Drank milk and ate breakfast.

She braced her jaw, "I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about?"

Guoguo has passed away.

It's too late to worry now.

"I'm worried about my parents, I'm afraid that He Yanhong will go crazy."

"You can rest assured about this. He doesn't have the time and energy now. He has returned to the capital. The capital company has encountered a big problem." Zhao Suoxuan said lightly, "Your task now is to take good care of your eyes and wait for them to recover. .”

The company has a problem?
Su Yan thought slightly of the gray deal that she had mentioned to him before.

"Husband, thank you."

He doesn't know much about business matters.

This matter was mainly done by Sheng Xifang and Nanshan.

If there were no accidents, He Yanzong would have been taken in for questioning today.

"How do you thank me?" Zhao Suoxuan looked at her, "Will you give me a baby?"



Su Yanwei chewed slowly, hanging her head in silence.

Is he willing to let her live?
Does having a child mean that you will not get a divorce?
Then can we tear up the divorce agreement she wrote so badly now?
In case he remembered one day and signed it, it would be over between them.

"I'm not young anymore, grandpa, my parents have been urging me." Zhao Suoxuan continued, "If you really don't want to..."

"I am willing!"

Su Yanwei spoke suddenly, and she became even more nervous after speaking.

She would.

Can the divorce agreement be torn up?
"After my eyes recover..." She whispered, "Do you still have time?"

"There's plenty of time." Zhao Suoxuan was also a little dazed by her sudden loud voice.

She would.

Go and throw away the divorce agreement today, no, just burn it.

To avoid future troubles.

When they got married, they didn't move their registered permanent residence.

Do you want to move your wife's household registration over?

Have an account book with him.

She couldn't run away even if she wanted to.



Discuss with your father-in-law and mother-in-law today.

Su Yanwei didn't know the little Jiujiu in his heart at all, her little face was blushing, "Do you like a daughter or a son?"

"Anything is fine! Don't pick."

It's your own.

It's just the two of them.

My parents really urged me, and so did my grandpa.

As far as he knew, it was because he was urging his sister to have a second child, but she couldn't.

Then, the younger sister asked them to urge him, saying that their relationship was good and they could have children.

If the relationship is not good, she should conceive a child and tie her up with the child.

She also said that if there was no Sheng Xifang's child in her stomach, they might have said goodbye.

This can also be said.

He clearly remembered how much Mianmian liked that man before.

Even if you don't have children, the man you like at first sight will still like you after you lose your memory.

If you restore your memory, you may not like it.

The timing of her amnesia was just right.

"What do you like?" he asked back.

"Me too, I can..." Su Yanwei didn't think about this question either.

If she had to think about it, she thought it should be her son.

It's so hard for girls in this world.

No matter how much Hua Country advocates equality between men and women.

But girls still encounter a lot of injustice in reality.

Weakness by nature.

I hope she has a son, at least she can educate her children in the future, don't hurt girls, and be a gentleman.

If she has a daughter, send her to learn self-defense from an early age so that she won't be bullied in the future.

Su Yan moved her lips slightly, "Son, I like my son, just like you."

(End of this chapter)

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