Chapter 252 Extra Story (31)

Its rhythm and repetition are just right, allowing the listener to find the rhythm and fall into it.

The dynamic melody sounded, and the bar was still vaguely noisy. The tone of the song was mainly in C-sharp minor. Su Luoying adjusted her voice silently, "it's been said and done"

Su Luoying began to dance to the music, twisting her waist, lifting her hips and shaking her hips, and began to sing and dance at the same time.

"Every beautiful thought's been already sung"

"And i guess right now here's another one"

With the energetic rhythm and the dynamic melody, the people in the middle of the dance floor couldn't help but sway happily with the music. Su Luoying deliberately lowered her voice, she danced and sang with ecstasy, full of passion and charm Come, Trance has returned to the San stage.

"so your melody will play on and on, with the best of'em"

“You aye beautiful, like a dieam come alive incyedible”

Min Ke was sitting in the box and was attracted by the singing. The voice was very unfamiliar, but the tone was extremely familiar. It was very similar to Xiao Wanzi's singing style.

Through the blinds, he vaguely saw a woman dancing on the stage, dressed in simple clothes, moving with the rhythm, and her movements were handsome, like an elf under the spotlight dancing all the time,

He picked up the wine glass in his hand, squinted his eyes, and looked at his face clearly. There was a flash of panic in his eyes, and then he calmed down. This woman looked familiar, not Su Luoying.

It's Su Luoying, Su Li's niece, it shouldn't be, the Su Luoying he knows is inexperienced, and learning music is only a whim, half-baked, and has never practiced dancing. Could it be that the information is wrong?
Min Jue crossed his legs and followed Min Ke's eyes.

"Hey, brother, that girl looks familiar, but Qi Cheng is getting more and more capable, with a good eye,"

Min Ke rubbed the rim of the wine glass but did not answer.

After the song was over, everyone in the audience was engrossed in it, and then there was thunderous applause, and Su Luoying walked off the stage panting, her body was not strong enough, she had to strengthen her training, and her dancing movements were relatively jerky, so she had to strengthen her physical fitness,
Tang Tang took off the headset. Unexpectedly, the little girl was quite capable. Just as she was about to step off the stage, she saw He Sheng standing at the door of the dressing room. Her eyes were fixed on the girl on the stage for a moment. Her expression was serious, and there were a few twinkles in her eyes. Appreciating it, Tang Tang's face instantly collapsed,

"Depend on"

King was originally a good woman like Tang Tang, but if she let that little girl come, wouldn't she be cannon fodder? It seems that she will be seduced by that little girl before she wins He Sheng. It is a woman's intuition. The little girl must never be left behind.

Qi Cheng has nothing to say, this girl's strength should not be underestimated, the typhoon is steady, her singing is very attractive, and there are hundreds of people in the audience, she raps and sings without stage fright, even a trained resident singer is very difficult Do what she does.

Tony came over and patted Su Luoying on the shoulder.

"Let me just say, I found a diamond among the many stones, hey, remember to treat me to dinner."

Su Luoying nodded and smiled.

"Then you have to consult the boss's opinion. Boss, look, can you go to work directly tomorrow?"

Good people are hard to find, of course you won't miss them, Qi Cheng nodded,

"Okay, I'll go to my office to discuss the contract later, and I'll tell you about the king's rules by the way, by the way, you
Tang Tang looked at the people chatting enthusiastically, pulled off the earphones, hung them around his neck, and stood still in front of Qi Cheng,

"Boss, are you sure you want to use child labor? Are you not afraid of being sued?"

Women's hostility is always inexplicable, Su Luoying glanced at Tang Tang, and said sarcastically,
"Who says I'm underage, I just look younger, auntie,"

The word 'Auntie' is specially emphasized,

Tang Tang's expression changed when he heard these two words. She was called Auntie even though she was only twenty years old!
"Tell me clearly, who is your auntie?"

Qi Cheng glanced at the two people who were at war with each other. Tang Tang was usually arrogant and domineering. Everyone was used to giving in. It was rare that he met his opponent today.
"Okay Tang Tang, go do something, don't worry about it,"

Tang Tang depressedly raised his middle finger to Su Luoying and walked directly to the bar.

"Cut, tired, have a beer,"

Tang Tang drank a few sips of beer. The more he thought about it, the more he got angry. He went outside to get some air. As soon as he got to the gate, he heard the waiter Zhang Yang talking nonsense with the security guard Li Er.
"The boss recruited another singer, who is still a little girl,"

Li Er lit a cigarette, took a deep breath,
"Is that the little girl in the white T-shirt?"

"you do not say,"

"Hey, isn't she Miss Qin Nanxin's younger sister? Why did she come to apply for a resident singer in a bar? Are you kidding me?"

A golden light flashed across Tang Tang's head, an idea flashed into his head, and he walked over
"What is Qin Nanxin's younger sister?"

Li Er was taken aback

"It's you, Tang Tang, Qin Nanxin from SAN?"

"I'm asking what's going on with that little girl..."

Zhang Yang took the word
"I know, her name is Su Luoying, she's very poor."

Li Er was thoughtful,
"Yes, yes, Su Luoying, it shouldn't be, she reported Miss Qin Nanxin's high-level diamond membership card number, saying she is Miss Qin Nanxin's younger sister, how can she be so poor?"

Tang Tang laughed suddenly, she had never heard of Qin Nanxin having a younger sister, she must be a bluffing little girl.Even if there is such a younger sister, people with a little family background will not let their own girl show up in such a mixed situation, let alone the Qin family.

"Go and ask the front desk to consult Ms. Qin Nanxin. Maybe the card number was leaked and used by scammers with ulterior motives. The result of the consultation must be reported to the boss immediately. I will stop them from signing the contract now. Our store cannot recruit such people. .”

Seeing Tang Tang leaving in a hurry, Zhang Yang and Li Er also became suspicious. If it was really Qin Nanxin's younger sister, it really didn't make sense, and they hurried to the front desk.

. . .

In the office on the sixth floor, Su Luoying looked at the stack of contracts in front of her, feeling a little dizzy, and only heard Qi Cheng chattering

"Our contract is signed once a year. The first month is a trial period. After one year, the contract will be renewed if you perform well. If you don't do well, you will get a severance pay. The resident singing is divided into white performances and night performances. Depending on your situation, you can sing about four verses a night, each 30 minutes..."

Su Luoying flipped through the contract quickly, there were many rules and regulations, such as the customer is God, no conflict with the customer is allowed; no exit is allowed; no member is allowed to refuse the song; no reasonable request from the customer can be rejected. . .

Su Yingluo directly interrupted Qi Cheng

"Let's talk about salary directly,"

Qi Cheng nodded, looking business-like,
"The probationary period is 200 per day. After the probationary period, it is calculated according to the time, and each session is 200. After doing well, there will be bonuses. The welfare bar given by the customer will take 20.00% of the commission,"

Su Yingluo nodded, it's not bad, the salary may be a bit harsh when I first came here, but compared to other places, it's pretty good, and I'm ready to sign the contract with a pen,
Qi Cheng suddenly said

"Are you full? I need to verify ID"


(End of this chapter)

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