Chapter 251 Extra Story (30)

Tony looked Su Luoying up and down, "Do you have it? Still clubbing?"

Su Luoying lifted her long silver hair,
"What do you think?"

Tony raised the cocktail in front of him and took a sip, "I don't think so, what are you looking for from the boss?"

Su Luoying smiled
"Come to apply for a resident singer at the bar,"

The bartender spit out a mouthful of wine.
"Little sister, not everyone can be on stage. Even if you have the face of a SAN lead singer, it's a bit of a gimmick, but if you don't have real skills, it's all in vain."

The bartender continued to pout at He Sheng on the stage,

"Did you see the one on the stage? The boss personally dug it from outside. If you have that level, the boss will definitely invite you."

Su Luoying thought about it
"I know, but you have to give it a chance to try."

Tony gave Su Luoying a thumbs up,

"remarkably brave,"

Then point to the VIP box,

"Hey, the boss is over there,"

Looking at the enthusiastic Tony, Su Luoying deliberately imitated his voice,
"Can Tony make a recommendation?"

This trick is very useful, being called brother by a beautiful sister actually inflated his vanity, Tony raised his eyebrows,

"Little sister, I really like you very much, how about this, just help you once, if it really works, you have to treat me to dinner."

Su Luoying nodded quickly, raised her right hand, and made a gesture of swearing.
“That’s a must”

. . .

In the VIP room, Qi Cheng nodded and bowed while serving tea and water. Even he himself wanted to scold him for being a dog. He was treated as a miserable boss. He was raided twice in three days and occasionally summoned for work reports. The sky is even more so. The two ancestors above came here suddenly, saying that they came for entertainment, not to see the king's business situation. Such a sudden attack caught him off guard. Ancestor, feeling uncomfortable, really wants to leave this box,
The second young master is not as scary as his immediate boss, and he doesn't know what's going on recently. The young master is very depressed, and from time to time, he grabs a few people to start the operation. These days, he comes to the king to get drunk almost every day.

Taking advantage of the gap, he added a word,

"Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master, do you need anything else for some wine?"

Min Jue, who was seated outside the leather sofa, waved his hand, motioning for Qi Cheng to go down first, Qi Cheng took a deep breath and was finally able to leave, he couldn't help but shake the Buddha dust and say 'cha',
Bah, slavishness.


Just at the right time, there was a knock on the door, Qi Cheng opened the door directly, regaining his majestic appearance in an instant, glanced at Tony who knocked on the door with displeasure, closed the door of the box, and whispered to Tony,

"I said, can you behave yourself? Both the youngest and the youngest are inside, and the boss still wants to get paid after being surprised?"

Tony curled his lips, he is becoming more and more active as the boss's dog's leg, and he is very good at playing tricks in front of employees.

"Boss, I don't know who is in the box. I thought it was an ordinary guest. Who knew it was someone from the head office? I didn't go in for a striptease. How could I disturb you?"

Qi Cheng nodded Tony's head with his index finger with a disgusted expression on his face.
"You dare, be careful next time, the bartender doesn't know how to see all directions and listen to all directions, what can he do to me?"

"Uh, something really happened,"

Tony pushed Su Luoying forward

"Hey, this little girl is here to apply for a resident singer"

Qi Cheng frowned, only to realize that the young girl in front of him,
"I said, why do you bring all kinds of cats and dogs here?"

Su Luoying raised her eyebrows and looked at the man in his early thirties, who was arrogant and conceited.

"You can only deny a person after seeing their strength?"

Tony nodded in agreement

"Yes, yes, boss, look at her face, she looks exactly like SAN lead singer Su Luoying. There will definitely be a gimmick by then, and Lin Er was not signed by the record company yesterday, and there are only a few groups left. We just happened to There’s a shortage of people again.”

Qi Cheng circled around Su Luoying, tsk tsk, the little girl looks good in appearance and temperament, and has great potential as a singer.

"Do you have any performance experience? Have you won any music awards?"

Su Luoying thought about it, this question is very complicated, there are some, and there are no
"I've had acting experience, I don't think I've won awards for the time being, maybe I'll have them in the future,"

Qi Cheng rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger, and looked Su Luoying up and down. She is quite an arrogant girl, and she suits his taste very well.

"The bar spends a lot of money to invite people, and it is bound to keep the guests. You also know that we are either rich or expensive here, either star singers, or dignitaries, so our requirements and tastes for resident singers are extremely high. High, you don’t need to ask how much profit you can make, the minimum standard can earn back your money, and our store’s hiring standards are also very strict, so you have to weigh how much you are, as you said, strength The most important thing is, how about this, what musical instrument do you know? Sing a few lines first and listen to it?"

Hearing Qi Cheng's words, Su Luoying looked thoughtfully at the stage. He Sheng had finished singing, and there was thunderous applause. Suddenly, she raised the corners of her lips confidently. Nothing can identify a singer better than the stage. strength,

"I know that you have a pre-job training project. I need money urgently. How about this? I will go on stage to perform today. If I have a strong typhoon and singing ability, and can calm down the audience, then tomorrow you will let me Go straight to work."

Qi Cheng really admired the courage of the girl in front of him. At such a young age, she was upright and not timid, neither humble nor overbearing. She had a sense of self-confidence that spontaneously made people surrender, and also convinced him that he had to give this a chance.

Then waved to Tony,

"Go and call DJ Tang Tang"

Tony excitedly took the lead,
"get it"

A minute later, a DJ named Tang Tang came over, wearing a black punk outfit, a man with short hair and a peaked cap on his back, with exquisite smoky makeup, and a lady's cigarette between his index and middle fingers, and said contemptuously

"Hey, boss, are you recruiting child labor?"

Su Luoying looked at Tang Tang, ignored her provocative tone, and spoke directly

"Will Selena's "Love you like a love song" be?"

Tang Tang took a deep breath of cigarette and spit it out in front of Su Luoying's face.
"Pop pop dance music? Are you sure you will? Don't smash the stage when the time comes, but no one will help you end up, uh,"

Su Luoying frowned and waved away the white mist in front of her. This woman was too arrogant.

“You will know until you try it on stage”

Tang Tang glanced at Su Luoying in surprise, dropped the cigarette butt in his hand,
"Okay, looking forward to your voice, I hope you don't scare away the guests."

The two people went on stage and put on their headsets, and the noisy bar could hear Tang Tang's regular DJ playing.
"Come on everyone, please let our king's new milk doll bring a song "Love you like a love song", everyone can complain as much as you want."

milk doll. . .

Su Luoying didn't plan to care about it for the time being, took a deep breath, and entered the state,
The song is an addictive, fast-tempo track with an electro-ambient rhythm and a steady Euro-disco beat.

(End of this chapter)

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