beauty bible

Chapter 98 Evil Thief

Chapter 98 Evil Thief
After a while, Li Ling who saw the firecrackers also hurried back.

Seeing Ruan Yuan, who was wearing loose men's clothes and pale, Li Ling was a little surprised and a little uneasy: "Sister Ruan? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Ling, Ruan Yuan's eyes turned red, and she looked at Li Ling as if asking for help: "Sister Li, I, I'm so scared. I, I really have no strength, please help me."

After entering the house, Li Ling approached Ruan Yuan with a dazed face: "Help...what?"

Zhou Yichi stepped back a few steps, with a solemn expression: "Miss Li, my cousin's clothes are disheveled. As a man, I am inconvenient. Please help my cousin to tidy up her clothes."

Seeing Ruan Yuan's crying appearance, and then thinking of the words "disheveled clothes", Li Ling's heart tightened: "Okay."

Zhou Yichi closed the door and backed out.

Li Ling took off the coat Zhou Yichi put on Ruan Yuan, and only then saw Ruan Yuan's "disheveled clothes".

Ruan Yuan's skirt was completely torn, and her panties were pulled down to her ankles. She was sitting on the cold ground with her lower body completely naked.

Li Ling took a deep breath, and immediately thought of the flower picker that Ruan Yuan had said: "...Sister Ruan?"

Ruan Yuan's face was pale, and she smiled weakly: "I, I'm fine. Sister Li, I scared him away with the firecrackers."

Saying the word "that person", Ruan Yuan trembled.

Li Ling supported Ruan Yuan's body with both hands, and helped her onto the bed: "Sister Ruan, your hands are so cold, do you want to take a bath?"

Ruan Yuan shook her head and looked at Li Ling: "Sister Li, I, I just want to take a rest. Please help me change my clothes, I really have no energy."

Li Ling nodded.She understood that Ruan Yuan's lack of strength was not due to her lack of physical strength.But because of being terrified!She was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak and she couldn't lift up her strength.

Li Ling took the clothes from the room and changed Ruan Yuan's clothes.

Ruan Yuan pulled off the quilt and wrapped herself up: "I feel cold."

Li Ling hurriedly poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Ruan Yuan.

Ruan Yuan held the hot water in both hands: "Sister Li, when I scared that person away with firecrackers, I heard his voice."

Li Ling was surprised: "Do you recognize his voice?"

Ruan Yuan shook her head: "I didn't hear it...but I know that that person is from the villa. I am sure I have heard this voice recently. I don't want to see anyone now! Sister Li, you don't know, he is here for you Come."

Li Ling's back felt cold: "Because of me?"

"That person appeared here, originally intending to strike at you, Sister Li, but I bumped into him..."

Seeing that Ruan Yuan's face was so ugly, Li Ling said softly: "Sister Ruan, you should rest well first. When you feel better, we will talk to the owner slowly and let the owner check it out. Now, if you If you don't want to say it, don't say it, and have a good rest."

A pale and ugly smile appeared on Ruan Yuan's face, and she grabbed Li Ling's hand: "Fortunately! Fortunately, I didn't have time to return the firecrackers to my sister today." As she spoke, Ruan Yuan looked up at Li Ling with a look in her eyes. Pleading: "Sister Li, sleep with me tonight, okay?"

"Okay," Li Ling stood up, "I'll go and talk to the owner."

Ruan Yuan nodded, lay down, and shrank into the bed.

Li Ling walked out of the house.

Zhou Yichi stood outside the door with his hands behind his back.Hearing the sound of the door opening, Zhou Yichi turned around, frowning into a word: "How is my cousin?"

Li Ling whispered: "She was frightened. The owner of the village, Sister Ruan, said that she heard that the flower picker was from the village."

Zhou Yichi's momentum suddenly rose, and he glared and shouted: "The villain is so brave!"

After yelling, Zhou Chi realized that Li Ling was the only one here.Afraid that his angry face would frighten Li Ling, Zhou Chi calmed down his momentum and calmed down the anger in his chest.

Li Ling was shocked by Zhou Yichi's strong momentum, and took a slight step back.The aura of a strong man on the ground level is enough to shake people's legs and feet weak.Li Ling said softly: "Sister Ruan was frightened. I will sleep with her tonight. I will ask the owner about it tomorrow."

"I will send someone to guard this courtyard tonight," Zhou Yichi blurted out, "Fortunately, Miss Li is not here today—" Seemingly feeling that something was wrong with his words, Zhou Yichi stopped and said, "Please trouble Miss Li tonight." With my cousin!"

Li Ling shook his head: "Sister Ruan was frightened in this room, it's on my behalf..."

Zhou Yi said loudly: "The villain dared to do such evil things in Zhiyuan Villa, I am the owner of the village, I am incompetent! At the beginning, Zhou had heard about the flower thief, but he didn't expect that thief to dare to break into Zhiyuan Villa Don't worry, Ms. Li, I will definitely find out this villain, so that my cousin can get angry! So that I can give an explanation to those innocent women who died!"

Li Ling nodded. Such a thing had a great impact on her.

Li Ling originally thought that as long as they were within the distant mountain villa, the flower pickers would not dare to come in, and would not dare to do anything.After all, there are dozens of quacks in this village, all of whom know martial arts.Who would have thought that in this villa, the flower picker would suddenly attack, and almost...

Li Ling felt uncomfortable just thinking that there was a sinful man watching her and Ruan Yuan in the distant villa at this moment.

Li Ling nodded to Zhou Chi and closed the door.

That night, Zhou Chi gave the order.From today onwards, send people to guard this small courtyard in turn.

That night, Ruan Yuan hugged Li Ling's arm tightly with both hands, and fell asleep with her body bent.

There was some pain in the arm being bound, and after a while, the hand went numb.Li Ling looked at the curtain above the bed without moving, and a thought came to his mind.

Because of the flower pickers, she couldn't get out of this villa.Now, she stays in Zhuangzi, but she is still not safe.

Since there is still nowhere to live, why not take the initiative to attack and lure the snake out of its hole!

The owner Zhou Chi's martial arts is the second best in the world, and the first in the world. As long as the owner can catch that person, the flower picker will definitely not be the owner's opponent.At that time, except for the flower picker who has killed countless people, she will not have to be in such a dilemma, but stay as long as she wants, and leave as soon as she wants!


In the distant universe, the netizens who watched the live TV broadcast were extremely calm when faced with this video content.In the eyes of these netizens, this is just a TV plot, not a real case, and no one is excited.

Netizen "Are you upset and regretting your heartache today?" Tucao said: "This camera has been following the heroine, and when the heroine returns to the room, as soon as the heroine takes off her clothes, the video will be blacked out... Blacked out, blacked out, At least give a voiceover and let me know if this happened or was it an attempt?"

Someone replied to him: "Obviously it was an attempt, and I'll understand later in the chat... The way the TV is filmed is also to increase the sense of reality! The video is blacked out, making it seem like the female supporting role really has no clothes."

Netizen "Love Ancient Style, Ancient Rhythm, Ancient People and Ancient Poems" commented: "Why does the heroine want to check the strength ranking of those people with those names? The previous plot did not introduce it!"

The netizen "blame me for not beating you well today" replied: "Hahahaha... Isn't this the one who announced that he would abandon the drama? Why can't he help chasing after the plot? Does this heroine obviously have a story on her body?" I've seen it a long time ago! It can be seen from her attitude towards the male partner. Maybe she knows all the people she checked, including that general king. Maybe she is Li Jingshu! "

(End of this chapter)

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