beauty bible

Chapter 97 Compensation 1

Chapter 97

It was just getting dark at night, and Ruan Yuan was lying on the wooden table in her room in a daze.

Ruan Yuan was born in a martial arts family, but her family fell into decline when she was young. Later, her parents died in a duel between rivers and lakes.Later, Ruan Yuan went to her distant cousin Zhou Yichi.

People in Zhiyuan Villa would call her Cousin, and her cousin Zhou Yichi also respected and defended her very much. Ruan Yuan had a good life, but sometimes she felt a little bored.

In the past few years, every year Ruan Yuan would bring one or two attendants to visit the capital, but this year, she failed to go.

Fortunately, she didn't go, if she did, she might stay in the capital and couldn't get out.

In the past, Ruan Yuan never thought about her future.At most, she will dream that one day, she will meet a man from the world who treats her sincerely, and then, they can spend their whole life as a pair, riding the rivers and lakes.

But today, Ruan Yuan has seen too many passionate Jianghu men.

She was quite touched.

Sometimes emotions are contagious.

On this day, Ruan Yuan was also quite uneasy.

Ruan Yuan thought, in fact, instead of finding a quack man who can cherish her in the future, in would be better for her to become such a quack hero herself!
Handsome, passionate, and cherish yourself!

Perhaps, this is a good choice!

Instead of being like now, she is ignorantly practicing martial arts under the wings of her cousin.She is waiting for the hero in her heart, but these years of waiting blankly for the appearance of the real man will not come back.

Who knows if she can wait for that person in her life? !Even if she waits, can she really be sure that that person can give her everything?Give her what she wants?

Or become that kind of person yourself!
If you become the hero in your heart, then although the process is difficult, the result can be expected.Even if I can't do that well, it will be better than those days when I was at a loss in the past!
Thinking of this, Ruan Yuan's eyes lit up, she felt that her idea was really great!
I don't know, what does a stunning beauty like Sister Li think?Will she agree with her idea?

Would a stunning beauty like Sister Li think of marrying a hero like Cousin?Or, sister Li practiced martial arts every day, but she didn't mean anything to her cousin?
Thinking of this, Ruan Yuan straightened up, resting her chin with one hand, looking at the candlelight in the room.

The faint yellow candle flickered slightly.

Ruan Yuan exhaled, and what appeared in her mind was still the hot-blooded appearance of those Jianghu men today. She couldn't calm down in her heart, she didn't want to practice internal strength, and she didn't want to sleep.

After a while, Ruan Yuan couldn't help it anymore: "Let's chat with Sister Li! I don't know what Sister Li thinks about my thoughts just now? Will she agree?"

With this in mind, Ruan Yuan walked out of the house and walked to Li Ling's house in a few steps.

According to Li Ling's daily schedule, Ruan Yuan knew that Li Ling should be practicing internal strength at this time.

Ruan Yuan knocked on the door: "Sister Li, I'm coming in!"

With a "squeak", Ruan Yuan pushed open the door.

"Sister Li?" Ruan Yuan entered the house and took a few steps to the inner room: "Sister Li?"

"At this time, sister Li is not here?" Ruan Yuan was a little surprised.

A gust of wind blew by, and the door slammed shut with a bang!
Suddenly, a pair of black-gloved hands covered Ruan Yuan's lips!
"Uh...uh..." Ruan Yuan stared wide-eyed in horror, pointed with her right hand, and chopped back!
A hand pressed down her hand easily.

For a moment, both of Ruan Yuan's hands were restrained by the opponent's hand, unable to move.

Ruan Yuan couldn't see the person behind, she just felt that the other party was very strong and his martial arts were also very high.

A huge piece of cloth was forced into Ruan Yuan's mouth, and Ruan Yuan felt great fear in her heart.

A hoarse male voice sounded from behind: "My favorite... is to do it when there is chaos. I didn't expect that the beauty is not here today! I can't come here in vain, little beauty, you will make it up to me... "

As he spoke, the man stuck out his tongue and licked Ruan Yuan's ear.

The warm and wet feeling made Ruan Yuan get goosebumps all over her body!

Ruan Yuan thought of those female warriors who died outside the Zhiyuan Villa, and thought of the flower picker, trembling all over, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Stab" sounded.

The next moment, Ruan Yuan felt cold.

Ruan Yuan noticed that the man tore off her skirt and pulled down her pants...

Tears were streaming down, Ruan Yuan was terrified, who will save her!Who will save her!'t!
The warm and disgusting body was right behind her, Ruan Yuan's eyes were blurred with tears, and she felt as if she had fallen into ice.Ruan Yuan shuddered.

The man laughed, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Oh... don't be afraid, little beauty. Just hurt a little bit, and then you will fall in love with me. I love the beauty to death, so as not to scare me You are so charming and tender as water, as long as you are obedient and don't look back, I will make an exception today and spare your life."

Ruan Yuan could not hear what the people behind her were saying at all, and she was trapped in great fear.Who can save her? !Who can save her? !cousin?Sister Li?Something flashed through Ruan Yuan's mind!

Ruan Yuan stopped trembling.

She heard the person behind her breathing rapidly, and that disgusting body was already pressed against her back...

Ruan Yuan's heart was beating wildly, and at a certain moment, taking advantage of the moment when the person behind her was breathing unsteadily, Ruan Yuan suddenly broke away from the opponent's restraint and hid to one side!
The man in black appeared next to Ruan Yuan in an instant, grabbed Ruan Yuan's right shoulder with one hand, and the hoarse voice sounded again: "Little beauty, why are you running? You can't run away... ...Do you think you can escape from this room with your martial arts?"

At the moment when the man in black was speaking, Ruan Yuan pulled out a small bamboo tube from her body with shaking hands, grasped the thin black thread with two fingers of her left hand, and pulled it!

A violent flame suddenly burst out from one end of the firecracker, and the flame burned Ruan Yuan's hand.

There was severe burning pain from her left finger, but Ruan Yuan's heart suddenly loosened.


The fire broke through the roof and exploded in the dark night sky!

"Damn it!" A familiar voice sounded to Ruan Yuan. Before Ruan Yuan could hear clearly, the man in black suddenly burst out of the door!

Ruan Yuan fell to the ground, tears kept streaming down, and a large piece of cloth was stuffed in her mouth, which she forgot to take off.

After a while, Zhou Yichi appeared at the door with a face full of shock and anger, but he saw Ruan Yuan, who was disheveled, fell to the ground, and had a piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth: "Cousin?!"

Ruan Yuan didn't seem to see him, the expression on her face disappeared and she became numb.

Zhou Yichi hurriedly took off his clothes and put them on Ruan Yuan, and took off the cloth strip on her mouth: "Cousin? Cousin? Are you... all right?"

Ruan Yuan shook her head, speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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