beauty bible

Chapter 585 As long as one survives

Chapter 585 As long as one survives

Knowing the origin of the Zerg Queen and knowing the biggest secret of this universe, Li Ling still stays in the spiritual sea of ​​the Zerg Queen, having no idea how to leave here.

In the huge night world, Li Ling wandered alone.She browsed the Zerg Queen's memory world to pass the boring time.After watching too much, Li Ling gradually lost interest in these memories.

She is a spirit trapped in the spiritual world of the Zerg Queen. Without a body, she cannot practice the "Beauty Bible".Li Ling put his mind on "Ten Thousand Swords of the Falling Moon".

Recalling the swordsmanship and kendo in "Ten Thousand Swords of the Falling Moon", Li Ling was not in a hurry, and began to study bit by bit.

After an unknown amount of time, just as Li Ling's swordsmanship was improving, she suddenly lost consciousness.

When Li Ling regained consciousness, she only felt a sharp pain in her head.It was an unbearable pain as if the whole head would explode.

A drop of cold water fell on his cheek, Li Ling endured the severe pain and opened his eyes.

What caught my eyes was Xia Qi's tough and handsome face.

Li Ling had a terrible headache, and after spending countless hours wandering in the Zerg Queen's spiritual sea, Li Ling still didn't understand the situation when he opened his eyes.

Yellow light filled the field of vision, that kind of light was like the light seen when the queen of Zerg was just born when she broke out of her cocoon.

As far as the eye can see, it is a small green space.In the corner of sight, Li Ling also found a high brick wall.

Li Ling was stunned—is she still on the yellow planet where she fought against the Zerg Queen?

So, what time is it?
Li Ling was completely at a loss, she raised her hand in doubt, touched a drop of water on her face, and was surprised to find that there were wounds and bright red blood on her hand.

Immediately, apart from the severe pain in the head, severe pain from all parts of the body screamed towards Li Ling, and Li Ling couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Li Ling!" Xia Jian gently picked up Li Ling.

Xia Qi, the God of War who has experienced hundreds of battles and never changed his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, had a flash of nervousness in his eyes, not much different from the nervousness of a young hairy boy when his sweetheart was injured. His eyes were reddish: "Let's go to the battleship! There are medical equipment on the battleship."

Li Ling had a headache, and was more at a loss: "Where's the Zerg Queen?"

"Dead." Xia Qi replied, while holding Li Lingshan into the two-man invisible battleship.

Carefully placed on the small bed in the rest cabin, watching Xia Qi take out the medical equipment to heal himself, Li Ling's eyes swept across the cabin of the battleship one by one.

After staying in that boundless spiritual sea for too long, Li Ling couldn't come back to his senses.She even suspected that everything she was returning to the real world at this moment was just a fantasy of hers.Or is she still in another area of ​​the Zerg Queen’s spiritual sea?
After looking at every item in the cabin, Li Ling's eyes gradually fell on Xia Qi.

Li Ling suddenly held Xia Qi's hand tightly.She stared at Xia Qi's eyes looking up at her, trying to make sure that everything in front of her was real.

Xia Qi's eyes are always so firm, when he looks at her, there is deep affection in his eyes.

Such a Xia Qi is very real.

"Li Ling!" Xia Qi frowned, and held Li Ling's hand instead: "Li Ling, what's wrong? Tell me!"

Li Ling's eyes wandered, she supported her head, and shook her head: "Xia Qi, what happened after I used the charm technique on the Zerg Queen?"

Seeing that Li Ling's expression was obviously wrong, Xia Qi frowned tightly. He held the cell regeneration instrument to treat Li Ling in one hand, and held Li Ling's hand tightly in the other, and said concisely: "You changed the situation of the battle with the charm technique .I killed the Zerg Queen. You were attacked by a high-ranking Zerg and were seriously injured. I picked you up and you woke up by yourself."

Li Ling was startled.

She stayed in the Zerg Queen's brain for a long, long time-so, in the real world, it was just a moment?

Because of the death of the Zerg Queen, her spiritual sea disappeared, so her soul returned to her body?

Li Ling pinched his eyebrows.

The Zerg Queen's spiritual world is so vast, it turns out that in her spiritual world, the speed of time is also countless times different from the real world.

If Xia Qi hadn't killed the Zerg Queen, and the Zerg Queen hadn't died, then she would have stayed in that spiritual sea for eternity until she disappeared?
Seeing Li Ling's dazed expression, Xia Qi's heart tightened.After repairing Li Ling's trauma with instruments, Xia Qi squatted in front of Li Ling's bed, staring at her intently, his deep eyes filled with worry: "Li Ling, how do you feel?"

"Head, my head is confused..." Li Ling still had a confused look on her face, her face was still white, and she shrank into Xia Qi's arms.

The warm temperature on Xia Qi's body gave Li Ling a sense of reality.Such a temperature seemed to tell her that she had really returned to the real world.Everything in front of her eyes was real, not her vain fantasy.

Li Ling pressed Xia Qi tightly: "Xia Qi, our child..."

"He is strong and healthy." Xia Qi responded.

Xia Qi lowered his head and glanced at Li Ling, as if someone had stabbed his heart out.

When Li Ling was weak and helpless, she still dared to face zombies alone.But at this moment, her face was full of confusion and suddenness, as if she had lost her memory.But she didn't lose her memory.

Xia Qi didn't know what happened to Li Ling after he used the charm technique on the Zerg queen, but obviously, the charm technique had some kind of effect on her spirit.

Xia Qi looked solemn, and he hugged Li Ling tightly: "It's okay, Li Ling. Let's go back to the Great Star Country, and we'll go back to the Emperor Star of the Soul Body Clan. The doctor will cure you."

Li Ling wanted to clear his mind and act more rationally on the battlefield, but he only felt that his head was muddled.Li Ling even felt a little fuzzy about the things she met in the Zerg Queen's Spiritual Sea. She nodded, "Maybe, I need treatment..."

"Marshal," Qin Jun's suppressed excited voice came from the black glasses: "Marshal, the royal physician has been invited here. You first use the testing equipment to test the queen, and let the doctor see the data."

Xia Qi nodded and followed suit.

After a while, Qin Jun's voice came out again: "Marshal, the doctor said that according to the test data, Her Majesty's symptoms should be the sequelae of a severe mental trauma. It cannot be treated. Her Majesty needs to recuperate for several months before she can slowly recover. Recover. During this period, don't be stimulated or overworked, otherwise Her Majesty's spirit will go wrong."

"Well," Xia Qi frowned, raised Li Ling's right hand, and kissed lightly: "Li Ling, it's fine. As long as you cultivate well, you will be fine. The Zerg queen is dead, and the rest of the time , you don’t have to do anything, just treat it as raising a baby.”

Li Ling smiled, and grabbed Xia Qi with one hand: "Xia Qi, I, I feel a little unreal, please stay with me for a while."

"I will always stay with you."

Qin Jun's cautious voice came from the black glasses: "Marshal..."

"I know." Xia Qi agreed.

On the battlefield, when killing an important enemy leader, it is necessary to check whether the opponent is really dead.This is the basic military quality.Not to mention facing the strongest in the universe like the Zerg Queen.After killing her, it is absolutely necessary to check that she is not dead.

After Xia Qi killed the Zerg Queen just now, he immediately chose to rescue Li Ling.

At this time, Li Ling had regained consciousness. As a soldier, Xia Qi should go to check the Zerg queen's body.

Xia Qi looked at Li Ling, as if looking at a fragile object that needed to be held in the palm of his hand: "Li Ling, I'm going to check the Zerg Queen's body. We won't be separated, I'll hold you and go together, okay?"

Li Ling gripped Xia Qi's clothes tightly and nodded.

Xia Qi picked up Li Ling, got out of the invisible battleship, and appeared in front of the Zerg Queen's corpse smoothly and quickly.

"Don't look." Xia Qi pressed Li Ling's head into his chest.

The Zerg Queen's heart was pierced, a huge blood hole was pierced in her throat, and her entire head was pierced by a black killing gun-the scene was really ugly.

Li Ling laughed lightly.She has been on the battlefield, seen bloody zombies, and bloody Zerg, and she can still accept these scenes.But when Xia Qi said that, Li Ling buried her head in his arms obediently.

Xia Qi easily held Li Ling with one hand, opened the bracelet with the other, and scanned the Zerg queen on the ground.

The instrument on the bracelet showed that the Zerg Queen was really dead!

Huge, one after another cheers came from the black glasses!
Xia Qi withdrew his left hand and put his arms around Li Ling with both hands. There was no joy in his eyes, but a thoughtful look.

Xia Qi squinted at the corpse of the Zerg Queen under his feet. Suddenly, as if he had suddenly realized something, Xia Qi suddenly raised his head.

In the black glasses, the voice of ecstatic cheering stopped instantly as if the tentative button was pressed!

In the yellow sky, thousands of densely packed black dots shot in all directions!

Every dot is a half-human, half-worm Zerg!

They are all female.They have human bodies, human faces, and Zerg limbs.

At this moment, every half-human, half-insect female Zerg had panicked fear on their faces, and they fled towards all directions at high speed.The speed of fleeing for his life was only a little slower than Xia Qi's.

There was no sound in the black glasses.

In just a short moment, everyone understood!

These thousands of densely packed black dots are the real heir to the Zerg Queen!
The Zerg Queen doesn't have just one successor, she has thousands of successors.

These heirs are hidden in a secret place on this yellow planet, and they will break out of their cocoons at the moment of the Zerg Queen's death and flee in all directions.

Thousands of successors of the Zerg fled in all directions.With such a number and such a speed, neither the two-man stealth warship nor the God of War Xia Qi could wipe them all out in an instant.

Among them, as long as one slips through the net, as long as one survives, that one will develop another Zerg dynasty again!
(End of this chapter)

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