beauty bible

Chapter 584 It's Not Impossible!

Chapter 584 It's Not Impossible!
In the memory of the Zerg Queen, when she was born, she was half-human and half-worm.A human body, a human face, and four sharp black claws.She won't be "human" until she's truly an adult.

She was born on a yellow planet, surrounded by the successors of the Zerg queen like her.Beside them, there are countless high-level male Zerg to take care of them.

Zerg is the ruler of the planet.

Moreover, the Zerg are also the masters of that universe.

In the universe where the Zerg Queen was born, there are no humans, no other powerful and highly intelligent races.Zerg is the most intelligent and powerful existence in that universe.

Every Zerg queen will lead her descendants to control a star field.

The kings of different star fields are different Zerg queens.

In order to get the most powerful new Zerg queen and better control the star field, each Zerg queen will give birth to thousands of successors.Then, these successors fought and even devoured each other, and the strongest successor inherited the territory of the former Zerg Queen.

It was a Zerg world.

Although there are constant disputes between the Zerg queen who controls the star field and the Zerg queen of another star field, the really big star field wars seldom start.

Until one day, another new race appeared in this universe.

That is an intelligent race that suddenly appeared in the universe.They have tall bodies, extremely hard bodies, and unshakable spiritual power. They look exactly like humans, but their bodies are ten times the size of humans!

The Zerg called this sudden race the "Giant Race".

In front of the "giant race", the Zerg race about two meters away is really just a "bug" that can be trampled to death with one foot!
Without any warning, the giants declared war on all the Zergs in the universe.

Under the attack of the giants, all the Zerg had no resistance at all.

So... piece after piece of Zerg was wiped out, and Zerg queens were killed one after another. In that universe, the Zerg was reduced from being the ruler of the universe to a bereaved dog.

Endless death, countless Zerg was wiped out.

There was also a Zerg queen who raised the flag to surrender, tried to negotiate, and tried to ask the questions in the hearts of all the "weak" Zerg—why?
Why do you want to exterminate all Zerg? !
The powerful giant race appeared in the universe, and the Zerg race was "weak".The Zergs are naturally willing to give up their position as the "masters" of the universe, retreat to a corner, and call the giants "masters".But...why do you have to kill them all?

Not a single Zerg is allowed to survive!

A giant soldier replied with a smile: "Father God said that unless there is a real human being in charge, we have the right to be the masters of the universe. Our new king said that there are too many insects in this world, which is not good. Our new king doesn't like it, so of course we should obey the king's order and kill the insects."

In the eyes of the powerful giants, they are not fighting, but "killing insects".

In the long "insect killing operation", the Zerg race in the entire universe was wiped out.

The Zerg queen that Li Ling and Xia Qi met was born in such a period.

Since breaking out of the cocoon, they have not lived a good day as the successors of the Zerg Queen. Their lives are only death and escape.

When struggling on the edge of life and death for countless times, the giants she saw always looked lighthearted and smiling easily.

Until one day, she accidentally passed through a small "broken wall" during a life-and-death escape, and then she "transmigrated" into the present universe.

At the beginning, the young Zerg queen knew that she had come to a "new environment", but years of fleeing made her shy away from going to any star field with life.

She stayed alone in the cold and remote star field, waiting for her own growth.

She didn't really dare to touch this "new world" until she was an adult, until she began to breed her army of male Zerg.

Then, the Zerg Queen was pleasantly surprised to find that in this universe, she was actually the most powerful existence.After a short period of joy, the Zerg Queen discovered the astonishingly powerful star-level bombs and planetary-level bombs in the high-tech human world.

Countless life and death wanderings in her childhood made the Zerg Queen the strongest in the world, but she still had a little fear in her heart.

Especially, for the "real humans" in the mouth of the "giants".

The Zerg Queen has become the most powerful existence in this universe. She clamors to invade this universe, and she can also give birth to countless descendants to occupy more star fields.But in her bones, she always carries the fear of the weak and helpless juvenile Zerg fleeing day by day.

She is afraid of death, and she is also afraid of fighting to the death.Therefore, when the Zerg Queen realized that human high-tech weapons could really threaten her, she cowered in the Zerg's lair, and it really wouldn't happen for tens of thousands of years.

She constantly devours resources and breeds more male Zerg to protect herself.Even though she knew that these descendants were far inferior to herself, the more descendants she had, the more sense of security she would have.

After tens of thousands of years, the Zerg Queen can control more and more Zergs, and she can also perceive things farther and farther through her descendants.

Then... One day, through a Zerg, the Zerg Queen sensed a strange energy fluctuation in a certain direction.

That is... a kind of energy fluctuation that she once felt in the giant race.

The Zerg Queen was full of fear and hatred.

She put aside her many battles with the human coalition forces, and sent most of the Zerg over there...

She wanted to kill that source of energy that frightened her.But she didn't dare to go, she was afraid that in that place, there really were giants like her who accidentally came to this world...

Therefore, the Zerg Queen mobilized her troops and sent countless Zergs to the earth, and asked countless Zergs to fight for her, or die for her.

Knowing all the truth, Li Ling was a little confused: " it because of Master?"

According to the childhood experience of the Zerg queen, and the will of the "Godfather" that the giants called, Li Ling can almost conclude that—

It was Master who placed the "giant race" he created in that universe.And the king of the giant race doesn't like the Zerg race, so there is a "deworming action".Countless Zergs fled in all directions, and one of the successors of the Zergs accidentally passed through the weak point of the cosmic barrier during the escape and came to this universe.

"The most powerful person in this world's easy and random move... really turned the world upside down and destroyed the world." Li Ling murmured, his heart was complicated and heavy, and there were countless emotions: "This... is regarded as being a The two universes that Master inadvertently got into?"

According to Master's will, the race created by him can coexist with human beings and can be dominated by human beings.But... for other races, it's not the same thing at all.

Master put the thousands of races he created into the universes that are similar in strength to the races and can become the strongest in the universe.

In the past, Li Ling tasted this sentence, only thinking that the master was taking care of the race he created so that they could live calmly in the new universe.

Tasting this sentence again at this time, Li Ling deeply felt the domineering arrogance buried under this sentence——

It is I who created you.Of course you deserve the best!In addition to human beings, you are the masters of the universe!

In the memory of the Zerg Queen, she was not even the biggest villain who harmed the world, but an alien race whose entire clan was destroyed, lonely and helpless, and fled in exile, but was still incompatible with the world.

"Sounds like a poor little boy?" Li Ling twitched, shook his head, and forgot about this weird thought.

"So...she attacked the earth because when I got the companion fairy that Master gave me, the aura leaked out was similar to that of the 'giants'..." Li Lingchang sighed: "In this way, Master may have given 'Giant' Giants' similar fairy as the companion fairy of the royal family?"

Master didn't care much about her as a "registered disciple", let alone the thousands of races he created at random——

Li Ling paused, and his face gradually twisted: " companion fairy is the seed of the jade tree...could it be...the master randomly scattered a handful of seeds to all races?"

...It's not impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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