beauty bible

Chapter 514 Old Accounts

Chapter 514 Old Accounts
The five people who entered the central castle today are Qu Niting, who is the heroine of the movie and hosts the interview today. Because she looks three points similar to the God of War, and was praised by Her Majesty the Queen, she was able to play the male lead actor Wu Yu, Guangming The boss of the film industry, Jin Guangming, is a gold medal agent who has dealt with the royal family, and an old photographer who is a god in the photography industry.

Among the five people, there was an old photographer with an old face, fiddled with his photographic equipment calmly.For the other four people, no matter what their expressions were, there was a bit of tension in their eyes.

Hearing Qu Niting praise him for his calmness, Wu Yu's complexion immediately collapsed, leaving only bitterness on his face: "The Queen of Qu Ying praised him absurdly. To be honest, my heart is in turmoil. Whether it is Her Majesty the Queen or Your Excellency God of War, They are all big people who are not angry and arrogant, I am so nervous that I don’t know what expression to put on. If I really show timidity and lose my manners, it will be miserable to be thrown out directly.”

Wu Yu was really scared and timid.

Wu Yu was so afraid that it wasn't Her Majesty the Queen and Her Excellency the God of War who were "majestic".

When Her Majesty the Queen was still the Crown Princess, she once watched "Xin Xiaye's Night Breeze" in the cinema and even praised him a few times.At that time, the news media often used such false praise to stir up news.Because of this, Wu Yu once stayed on the hottest entertainment page for a whole week, which made her familiar to netizens all over the world.

And this one, it's not so bad.

What's worse is that after that, Wu Yu once sent a cat to Her Majesty the Queen, and also gave her his communication number.

This TM is going to kill me!

Wu Yu is only 23 years old and has just made her mark in the entertainment industry.In the entertainment industry, most people will automatically lower their own limits.

Without boasting, Wu Yu considers himself to be pretty good-looking, and he is very similar to His Majesty the God of War. He has been praised by the young Queen. People around Wu Yu want to send him directly to Her Majesty's bed, even if they can't do it every other day. After being summoned by His Majesty, he only needs a side, which is enough for him to run rampant for the rest of his life.

Wu Yu sent Her Majesty a cat, which was also encouraged by his team.Of course, Wu Yu didn't dare to say that she didn't have any extravagant hopes.

...and then he failed.

For Her Majesty, this will only be an insignificant episode.

But the problem is, Her Majesty the Queen ascended the throne not long after, and she has a real boyfriend!

The former Councilor Gu Jintian could kill him with just one finger, but now his real boyfriend has been replaced by the god of war Xia Qi, Wu Yu is really going to be scared to death, okay?
Wu Yu always felt that the reason he was able to survive in the entertainment industry safely was because His Excellency God of War didn't pay attention to entertainment news at all.Maybe His Excellency God of War didn't even know that he had offered to send a cat to Her Majesty the Queen.

Standing in the central castle right now, the one who really wants to go home immediately is Wu Yu!

If His Excellency the God of War finds out something, he will be killed right away!
Why kiss him again to play the God of War Xia Qi?Does the boss Jin Guangming think that the God of War won't pay attention to such a trivial matter, or is he just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously and wants to kill him? !

After all, Wu Yu was young, and was far inferior to Qu Niting's status in the entertainment industry. The boss Jin Guangming greeted him, and he had to come here obediently and stand obediently in this beautiful, deadly castle.

Standing in the living room, Wu Yu's mind flashed and thundered, her heart was tense, and her face couldn't help revealing a bit of collapse.

Seeing that Wu Yu's secretly nervous expression did not seem to be fake, Qu Niting was about to comfort him, when the door of the reception room was pushed open by two attendants, and the attendants' steady voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the God of War has arrived in the living room."

The five people in the room were shocked, and they all looked at themselves, took a breath, turned around respectfully and looked towards the door.

Li Ling was wearing a light yellow top and a long beige skirt, perhaps for an interview, and she also wore a ruby ​​brooch on her chest, adding a touch of luxury to the elegant outfit.Thin makeup, snow-skinned red lips, black hair simply pulled back and down straight down, a few strands of long black hair gently brushed down from one side of the ear, embellishing the beautiful face with a bit of gentleness soft.

Xia Qi is always dressed in a black windbreaker, with a tall and slender figure, no flaws in his facial features, white skin like jade, and a cold expression. There seems to be too many things hidden in those dark eyes, which seem to be boundless. The universe is like a gleaming sword, imposing and majestic without anger.

Seeing the expensive couple walking into the living room side by side, Qu Niting took a deep breath.

Qu Niting's appearance can be regarded as one of the outstanding ones among the actresses, besides, she is still young and in her prime, if she stands with someone with an ordinary appearance, let alone.But seeing Her Majesty the Queen at this time, Qu Niting suddenly felt ashamed.Compared with her, the girl queen's facial features are different, but there are other things about her majesty, maybe it's noble birth, pampered, maybe it's the power in the palm, condescending, or because of her strength, she has more strength in her heart, only seeing the queen As soon as she appeared on the stage, people felt that she had a noble temperament.Qu Niting could feel this unspeakable charm when her acting skills exploded, but she couldn't even act in normal times.

What is the comparison with Her Majesty the Queen!Her competitors are other glamorous actresses!Qu Niting turned her attention to the God of War Xia Qi.Standing next to her was Wu Yu, whose facial features were three points similar to those of God of War. If he carefully adjusted his makeup, he would be five points similar.Looking at God of War and Wu Yu standing in the same room at the same time, there was a huge difference between them, and there was no point in comparing them.

In this world, people are always different.

Such a sentence suddenly came to mind, and Qu Niting bowed her head respectfully: "See Your Majesty the Queen, see Your Excellency Xia Qi."

"See Your Majesty the Queen, see Your Excellency Xia Qi." The other four people in the room also saluted together.

"Don't be too polite." Li Ling smiled, and Xia Qi walked to the center of the room.Sitting on the red sofa, the two of them faced a camera.

Wu Xiong stood upright by the sofa, with his hands hanging down, with a serious and business-like face.

Jin Guangming showed a proper, non-obtrusive and ingratiating smile: "Your Majesty, it is my greatest blessing to be able to see you in the theater last time, and this time to see you in a two-person interview."

Li Ling was surprised: "I remember you."

"I remember you." Xia Qi's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Li Ling couldn't help looking sideways at Xia Qi.

Xia Qi didn't look at Jin Guangming, his eyes fell directly on Wu Yu.

Wu Yu's face immediately turned pale, and he forced a polite smile and said, "It's Wu Yu's honor to be remembered by His Excellency the God of War."

"En." Xia Qi replied lightly, and there seemed to be some deep meaning in his voice.

Wu Yu lowered his head, he used to be a slick talker, he only thought of himself as a goose, he didn't know how to make jokes, and he didn't even dare to add a word of compliment.The body was clearly standing up straight, but it seemed to have retreated slightly, and the slender body seemed a little shy.

Qu Niting's eyes flickered. For some reason, His Excellency the God of War didn't say anything, but Qu Niting subtly felt that His Excellency the God of War didn't want to see Wu Yu—could it be because Wu Yu had played the role of the God of War?
Xia Qi, the God of War who is cold and talkative, took the initiative to ask Jin Guangming, using an almost declarative tone: "Two-person live broadcast, is it a couple interview?"

"Of course, of course." Jin Guangming responded with a quick smile.

Xia Qi turned to look at Li Ling: "Since it's a couple interview, sit closer."

These days, it's Li Ling who has been trying his best to get close to Xia Qi. Today is a public place, Li Ling is a little embarrassed, and sits a little far away from Xia Qi. I didn't expect that this time it was Xia Qi who asked her to sit. nearer.

Before Li Ling could think about it, her body had already stood up very "honestly" and sat down next to Xia Qi.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman sat close together, not looking like the Queen and the God of War, but more like a close couple, without the feeling of superiority.

A smile flashed across Xia Qi's eyes.

Jin Guangming smiled and said: "I know that your Majesty and His Excellency the God of War's time is extremely precious, and we dare not disturb you two more. Should today's interview begin now?"

Li Ling turned his head and looked at Xia Qi, then nodded with a smile.

Directly opposite the sofa, the old photographer silently turned on the switch and uploaded the shot to the Internet with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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