beauty bible

Chapter 513 Two-person interview live broadcast

Chapter 513 Two-person interview live broadcast
"Making a movie?" Li Ling had a surprised look on his face.

"Yes," Wu Xiong nodded, "On behalf of their company, Qu Niting wants to ask His Majesty, you and Your Excellency Xia Qi for permission to make a movie about the two of you."

Li Ling blinked, and immediately remembered that when he went on a "blind date", he had seen a movie about "Xia Qi" in the cinema. It seemed to be... Xin Xiaye's Night Breeze?
Speaking of which, there have been movies about Xia Qi that have been popular in the market for a long time, and now——she, like Xia Qi, will become a prototype character in the movie?
Wu Xiong bowed his head and explained: "Usually, for things like this, the film and television company will send an application to the royal family, and the royal family will review the script carefully, and then ask His Majesty. This time, the film and television company may see that His Majesty appreciates Qu Ni Ting, and let her Ask His Majesty directly. So, the information was sent to me."

Li Ling looked indifferent: "It's okay. I watched Xia Qi's movie before, but now it's just an extra me in the movie."

"If it's just such a thing, they won't let Qu Niting contact His Majesty," Wu Xiong continued: "Qu Niting wants to ask His Majesty for a favor. They want to make a show in the central castle and invite His Majesty You and God of War, do a live two-person interview."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Compared with the heavy and complicated atmosphere in the congress hall, Li Ling only felt relaxed about such a matter.

"Qu Niting also begged that if His Majesty allows, she hopes to contact His Majesty and Your Excellency Xia Qi with actor Wu Yu separately, so that they can get to know the two better, so that the movies they make can be better. Show Your Majesty and Your Excellency the God of War."

Li Ling's eyebrows moved slightly.

Wu Xiong lowered his head, and a smile flashed across his face: "Your Majesty, according to my estimation, Qu Niting herself would not have dared to make so many 'pleads' to Your Majesty. It is likely that she is the boss of her film and television company. Come up with some gimmicks and let her try her best. If you agree, and the name of the royal family of the soul and body and the God of War are attached to the name, the movie will become popular before it is broadcast. If you don’t agree, the film and television company will not What is there to lose. Only Qu Ni Ting is caught in it, and she is probably also worried now that she has too many 'requests' and lost His Majesty's sacred heart, making His Majesty unhappy."

Li Ling nodded: "Understood."

Thinking about Xia Qi being alone in the castle, idle and bored, Li Ling felt that this matter was easy and harmless, so he nodded: "I agree. You can ask Xia Qi, if Xia Qi also agrees , let them come over tomorrow."

"Yes." Wu Xiong paused, raised his head to look at Li Ling, his eyes were submissive, and there was a hint of probing in his words, and he asked slowly: "Your Majesty...the royal family, should we be renamed Your Excellency Xia Qi? "

Li Ling didn't understand, and looked puzzled.

Wu Xiong spoke very slowly: "Should I change my name to Your Excellency Xia Qi... the future husband?"

"..." Li Ling opened his mouth slightly, and his heart suddenly returned to the feeling of suffocation he felt when he came out of Xia Qi's room in the morning.

Wu Xiong wanted to ask her, after she slept with Xia Qi, would the royal family change the name of Xia Qi?
Although Wu Xiong asked this question a little too quickly and too early, if Li Ling wanted to get married as soon as possible and changed his name early, it would actually push Xia Qi and Li Ling's relationship further.

But nothing happened to her!

Li Ling had a stupefied expression on her face, as if she was about to roll her eyes, but she held it back, and she chuckled: "What do you think?"

Wu Xiong quickly lowered his head: "Subordinates dare not speak up."

"Don't change!" Li Ling strode toward the Queen's office. She walked in a hurry, and her back showed a hint of embarrassment.From an angle that no one could see, Li Ling muttered silently: Change to P, and sleep first.

Seeing Her Majesty walking away, Wu Xiong stopped in place for a moment, a trace of deep bewilderment flashed across his face.Shaking his head slightly, Wu Xiong frowned and caught up with Her Majesty the Queen, silently following behind her.


This is a small living room in the central castle of the Soul Body Clan.

The living room is not big, and the overall color is bright red. The luxurious but uncomplicated interior decoration makes people look grand and simple.

There were five people standing in the small meeting room. The room was quiet and there was a tense atmosphere secretly.

The handsome and tall young man was wearing a neat suit, and smiled at Qu Niting, who was wearing a light blue dress, and his compliments were sincere: "Quying Queen, this time I can See Your Majesty and Your Excellency God of War, thanks to you!"

Qu Ni Ting gave up, and quickly glanced at the fat middle-aged man standing beside him. Seeing Qu Ni Ting looking at him, the middle-aged man immediately returned a big smile. Qu Ni Ting turned to look at the young man as if nothing had happened: "Wu Yu, young people are really scary. I stand here with weak calves, and I want to retreat and go home. You are very calm."

Yesterday, Qu Niting sent an application to the royal family.

There are three points raised in this application.

First, they wanted to make a love movie about Her Majesty and Her Majesty the God of War.Second, they want to enter the central castle to interview Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty the God of War.Thirdly, they also wanted the leading actors and actresses of the movie, that is, Qu Niting and Wu Yu, to personally contact His Majesty and His Excellency the God of War, and the prototype characters in the story, so as to better film the movie.

After sending such an application to the royal family and making such three requests, Qu Niting looked desperate and hopeless.

She is an actress, even if she knows a few bigwigs in the film industry, that's all.How can she have the ability to really contact the powerful?What's more, the powerful among the powerful, the master of the powerful? !
Her application can really be delivered to Her Majesty's eyes, that is, because of Her Majesty's favor.If Her Majesty hadn't liked her drama and invited her to participate in the enthronement ceremony, with her energy, the royal family would never have passed her application to Her Majesty the Queen!

This is all forced!

This is all forced by Jin Guangming, the boss of Guangming Films!

But Jin Guangming is not the only one.

This is the reason why several bigwigs in the film industry came to her together. After trying hard and softly, they sold their face for decades and used their affection to ask Qu Niting to apply.

Qu Niting has been in the film industry for so many years and knows so many people. There are indeed many people who owe her favors, and she also owes some people's favors.The debt of favor cannot be avoided.

In the end, at the risk of being rejected by Her Majesty the Queen, Qu Niting cautiously applied to the royal family.

Unexpectedly, these three requests were all granted!
Now the Coca-Cola ruined several bigwigs in the film industry.

Not to mention this "movie that has not yet been born", but to talk about the two-person interview this time. This is a rare, precious, and worthy of being recorded in the annals of video data in the future.What's more, Guangming Films can contact the royal family and get such a little light, even if it has coated itself with a layer of brilliant gold, it is already different from other film and television companies.

The Queen of the Soul Clan has always been known for her mystery. What's more, now that this young Queen has newly ascended the throne, it is the time to arouse the curiosity of netizens in the universe.

And what about His Excellency God of War?

You know, in the past, all cosmic netizens only saw His Excellency God of War on official military and political channels, and it was rare.Has anyone seen His Excellency the God of War on the entertainment channel?

His Excellency the God of War made an exception to appear on the entertainment channel and participated in a relaxed two-person interview. Everyone could tell that he was doing it for the sake of Her Majesty the Queen.

The word "exceptional" is the most rare word.

After yesterday's royal reply saying that Qu Niting's application was approved, Guangming Films immediately put up an advertisement like "The Live Interview of Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan and Your Excellency the God of War", wishing to turn on the loudspeaker and shout the news to every netizen in the ears.

It did not exceed the expectations of Guangming Films, but any news that had something to do with His Excellency, God of War, was airborne on all website pages in a short period of time, becoming the hottest headline yesterday.

The few people who gathered in the small reception room of the castle knew that the reception room was quiet and quiet, but in fact, the entire universe network was full of excitement.I don't know how many people are constantly refreshing the network, waiting for their live broadcast to start.

(End of this chapter)

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