beauty bible

Chapter 500 1 smile

Chapter 500
With a face like white jade, with a faint smile, Sima Zhen, who has cast off the majesty of the emperor and the heavy and entangled emotions he once had, standing in the huge light screen, seems to be a man with a sense of confidence in everything. A careless young master.


When he suddenly saw Sima Zhen, Li Ling felt that all the love-hate entanglements in the past seemed like a dream in his previous life.

In only a few months, Li Ling could no longer remember how he felt when he was entangled with Sima Zhen.Those heavy emotions, to this day, are not even as good as the heart throbbing that kissing Xia Qi brought to her at the moment.

Time is amazing.The human heart is wonderful.

People who didn't want to think about them, people who didn't want to see them again, now when they meet again, their mood is as calm as still water, without any waves.

This is letting go.

This is just an old friend.

Li Ling lowered his head and smiled lightly, as if all grievances and enmities had dissipated: "Long time no see, Chairman Sima Zhen."

The girl queen with black hair like clouds and snow-skinned skin is sitting high and high. Her facial features are absolutely gorgeous and overwhelmingly beautiful.Her beautiful eyes, shining like stars, drooped slightly, and a light smile appeared on her mouth.

After a few months, when we saw each other again, the girl's calm eyes added a bit of mystery to her noble figure.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan with thousands of stars in her palm.

Between him and the interim speaker of the interim government of a planet, there seems to be half a black universe, far away and strange.

Seeing Li Ling's calm and calm smile, Sima Zhenxin was somewhat unexpected and somewhat expected.

Ever since he knew that Li Ling had become Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, Sima Zhen sensibly stopped all the thoughts that he shouldn't have in his mind.

Those lowly methods in the past, humble gestures, and boundless fear of losing her seemed to be a high fever of his losing his mind.Now that he has calmed down, Sima Zhen only feels ashamed and ashamed of what he has done.

Only when you see the situation clearly and the way forward will you not look as ugly as a bereaved dog.


But even though my heart is still immersed in the past, my mind is clear and rational.

The Kingdom of Zhou had to let go, and so did the beloved woman.

No longer obsessed with the Great Zhou Dynasty, the earth today may be a better world.

Sima Zhen paused, then raised a faint smile, as if he and Li Lingzhen were just two ordinary friends reunited after a long separation: "Long time no see, Your Majesty."

When the word "Your Majesty" was pronounced, both of them had a subtle feeling in their hearts.

Li Ling nodded and asked with a little curiosity: "I thought that in such a short period of time, the earth would not be able to elect a temporary speaker?"

Li Ling thinks it is possible for the leaders of all parts of the earth to form a coalition government in such a short period of time after all the talents of the soul body race arrive on the earth, and then they establish the infrastructure that can contact the soul body race.

But in such a short period of time, can someone be elected as the interim leader?

Could it be that the 69 congressmen present had no intention of fighting for power and profit, and directly surrendered the position of speaker to Sima Zhen?
Sima Zhen bowed slightly, with a trace of polite respect in his calm voice: "Your Majesty, in fact, I am the interim speaker appointed by senior Jin Zilu."

Li Ling suddenly understood.

With the ability and resources of Jin Zirui, it makes sense to elect one of the members of parliament as the speaker.

Considering that Jin Zilu had lived under Jinlin City for tens of thousands of years, he might have chosen Sima Zhen out of consideration for his "fellow friend".

Li Ling glanced at all the Earth Councilors on the huge light screen, and frowned slightly: "I thought... Chao Wanwan would be one of the Councilors?"

Xiaochao is the queen of Jin.If the current interim government of the earth is to gather the leaders of various regions together, then Xiaochao should also be regarded as a member of parliament.

Sima Zhen nodded, then shook his head again: "When the provisional government was first formed, Senior Jin Zilu also invited the Queen of Jin, but it was the Queen of Jin who refused."

"I see."

In the huge light screen, Sima Zhen stood tall and tall, and saluted Li Lingqian, with an elegant posture, neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty, Sima Zhen represents the Earth's interim government, please show your majesty. Does the Earth's interim government have legal status? Do the interim government’s interim speaker and members of the assembly have legal status?”

Li Ling pinched his eyebrows.

She has never formed a government, so she doesn't know much!

Could it be that she is going to tell Sima Zhen the specific relationship and interests of the interim government of the earth, the future political system of the earth, the law, and the soul-body race?
After thinking for a few seconds, Li Ling made a decisive decision: "The interim government of the earth is legal, and the interim chairman and members of the interim earth government have legal status. In addition, for other detailed matters about the earth, the chairman Sima Zhen will draft the terms and discuss with our family's diplomacy. Negotiate with personnel. If there are any terms that cannot be decided, you can forward them to me."


Li Ling glanced at Wu Xiong.

Wu Xiong immediately said loudly: "The video call is over."

In the huge light screen, Sima Zhen took a deep look at Li Ling, and saluted Li Ling again together with the other 68 councilors.

Wu Xiong turned off the big light screen.

At the end of the video call, the eyes of all the congressmen in the congress hall suddenly brightened.

Lin Qinghe, an old councilor sitting at the top left, couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and saluted Li Ling, his voice trembling with excitement: "Your Majesty, the earth has really presented a mature and practical living body. Time travel technology?"

Li Ling nodded.

Li Ling's slight nod seemed to suddenly light a fire in the entire Congress hall, burning everyone in the hall with excitement.

At this time, everyone has forgotten what other specific matters are in today's routine congress. What all the congressmen think about and say in their mouths are all living body time travel technology.The entire congress hall is like a noisy market with small and excited conversations.

After all, the living body travel technology is a high-tech top secret. At this time, no members of Congress asked to take a look at this technology. Instead, they all discussed where this technology can be applied, what kind of huge changes it will cause in the universe, and human beings. , How will the orcs and other big clans balance the huge changes brought about by this technology in the future.

Seeing the "chaotang" turning into a "bustling city", Li Ling exhaled softly, and said loudly: "The living body time travel technology is real, and it is a mature technology that can be put into use at any time. Now, various departments of the Congress have carefully negotiated Various matters concerning the living body time travel technology."

As Her Majesty the Queen spoke, the entire parliament hall gradually fell silent. Their eyes were burning, and their faces were full of excitement. They looked at Her Majesty, but also seemed to see the future where the soul-body clan's wealth and interests gathered. .

"In addition," Li Ling said with a solemn face, emphasizing his tone: "It is the earth that handed over the living body traversing technology to the soul body race. I request that the earth soul body race be given an indefinite friendly asylum treaty and a high-tech guidance treaty. These two treaties Definitely! It must be carried out without any mistakes!"

After a pause, Li Ling continued: "After the living body travel technology is officially put into use, I will consider giving the earth a reasonable distribution of benefits."

Various thoughts flashed through the minds of all the congressmen in the congress hall, and they bowed their heads very obediently: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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