beauty bible

Chapter 499 Video General Chapter

Chapter 499 Video Call

Li Ling chewed these two words silently, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.Before he had time to distinguish the various emotions in his heart, he blurted out some urgent words: "Wu Xiong, tell me! Tell me in detail!"


This is a newly transmitted urgent document. Wu Xiong only glanced at it before entering the Congress Hall, because the content of it was of great importance and Her Majesty had ordered it long ago, so Wu Xiong rushed to report it.At this time Li Ling asked him to explain in detail, but Wu Xiong didn't remember much.

Wu Xiong hurriedly opened his bracelet, and while transmitting the information he got to the translucent screen in front of the queen, he picked up important reports and reported them up.

"According to His Majesty's will, the royal family designated all categories and organizations in the family a few months ago to take the fastest spaceship to the earth. After arriving on the earth, immediately dispatch military robots to clean up the zombies on the earth, and present your majesty's gift to the earth. Friends of His Majesty."

In the congress hall, most members of Congress are very unfamiliar with the word "earth".Only a few MPs who have seriously studied Her Majesty's past remember that "Earth" is the "indigenous planet" that Her Majesty visited before taking the throne.

Hearing that Wu Xiong had sent in news about an insignificant indigenous planet as an "urgent document" and interrupted the Congress meeting, almost all the members could not help but frowned, with a hint of dissatisfaction in their hearts, feeling that the young Her Majesty the Queen was also Too "playful"!
Even if Her Majesty the Queen really has a good opinion of a small indigenous planet, she can just take care of it privately, but there is no need to put it on an occasion like the Congress Hall!
It's like the leaders of the country asking whether a community in a remote village has repaired the network in front of the leaders of the country!

Before the congressmen reprimanded Wu Xiong to stop reporting, Wu Xiong had picked out the most important news and reported it.

"In addition, in accordance with His Majesty's will, our clan has signed a treaty with Jin Zilu, the intelligent life form of the earth, and granted the earth's soul clan an indefinite friendly protection treaty and a high-tech guidance treaty, in exchange for the formula of cheap evolutionary green particles and mature living bodies in his hands. Through technology."

Hearing what Wu Xiong said about "granting the earth soul body tribe an indefinite friendly asylum treaty and high-tech guidance treaty", all the congressmen frowned tightly.

Her Majesty the Queen is partial to a remote indigenous planet and wants to give the planet the best resources. Of course, no one will comment on this.

But this kind of "selfishness" will never come to the fore!Parliament will not, and dare not, have any opinion on Her Majesty's selfishness.But it's a bit ugly to talk about this kind of thing carelessly in Congress.

Up and down.

If Her Majesty the Queen always discusses this kind of matter openly in the Congress, at some point, countless powerful people in the entire Soul Body Clan will learn from Her Majesty the Queen and only look at self-interest and personal relationships when doing things.If it continues like this, the entire soul body clan will decay for hundreds of years.

When they heard the two projects of "the formula of cheap evolution liquid green particles, and the mature technology of living body travel", the entire Congress was shocked, and countless members were either bewildered, shocked, or unbelievable , They didn't immediately come back to their senses.

"The formula of cheap evolution liquid blue particles" - the effect of this thing is unknown, and the value is unknown. If it is really used to exchange the two treaties given to the earth by the soul and body clan, it may lose money.

But - mature living body travel technology? !

A living body traversal technology that can be put into use? !

Naturally, no one is a fool to enter the Soul Body National Congress and become a member of parliament with real power.

The value of living body travel technology is enough to shock the entire universe!

No!It should be said that it is enough to change the entire universe!

"Is it really a living body traveling technology?!"

"The living body traversal technology that can already be put into use?! Is this true, Your Majesty?!"

"Can an indigenous planet have high-tech technology beyond the entire universe?"


Some councilors still had question marks in their heads, while others already had hot eyes and hurriedly asked Wu Xiong for confirmation.At this time, even the most mature and prudent old councilors couldn't help but stand up with fiery eyes.

Everyone knows the value of living body time travel technology.

Today's fastest spaceship takes several months to reach the earth from the soul body family.In the same way, the universe as a whole is vast and almost boundless.It will take a few months to go from the emperor star of the soul body clan to the emperor star of the three major kingdoms of the human race.

If there is living body travel technology, it only takes a few minutes or seconds to eliminate the physical distance that has lasted for several months!
So, what if it is for commercial use?It only takes a moment for an ordinary cosmic resident to travel from this planet to another distant planet!
With the living body traversal technology, the spaceship industry in the entire universe will be shaken once!The living habits of all people in the entire universe will be completely changed!

Finally, what if it is for military use?

If there is living body traversal technology, all space distances will no longer be a problem. The queen ordered the battle today, and today the legion can be fully equipped and appear at the forefront of the battlefield!

Soldiers fight Zerg from outer space, and after a battle, they can turn around and go home for dinner.

No need to send troops anymore!No need to spend time and money on material transportation anymore!

It is self-evident how powerful the living body traversal technology is in the battlefield!

So far, the closest thing in the universe to living body traversal technology is the "black box" that can transport inanimate objects.With the technology of today's universe, let alone transporting a person, it is impossible to transport a live mouse across planets.

All the councilors have long forgotten what "the queen is greedy for fun", but their hearts are shaken, and they can't wait to get this technology that surpasses the entire universe to the soul body clan immediately!

If there really is a "living body travel technology", what kind of "indefinite friendly asylum treaty" and "high-tech guidance treaty"?It's all floating clouds!It is not a loss to directly give the Queen a hundred planets for private property!

Many congressmen have already paid attention to the indigenous planet "Earth", thinking that as soon as the Congress is over, they will immediately find out the eighteen generations of ancestors of this indigenous planet.Since this "Earth" has "living body time travel technology" and "cheap evolutionary liquid cyan particles", who knows, there are some unexpected "surprises" on this indigenous planet that have not yet been discovered!
Not long after Her Majesty was born, she was able to discover such unparalleled scientific and technological achievements during a casual trip. This must be said to be the blessing of the gods!

Wu Xiong looked calm and showed no reaction to the urgent questions from the powerful MPs. He continued to read the text on the translucent light screen in front of him, compiled a summary of the contents in his mind, and reported calmly.

"The formula, production method, and all raw materials of the cheap evolutionary liquid green particles have been directly transported from the black box to His Majesty the Royal Family's private treasury."

"All the technical documents and experimental data of the living body traversal technology have been completely copied, and now they have been encrypted and sent to your majesty's bracelet."

Following these words, Li Ling and the hundreds of people in the Congress Hall couldn't help but cast a fiery glance at the bracelet on Li Ling's left hand, as if that ordinary blood-red bracelet was the most elite treasure in the world.

Li Ling coughed lightly.

Many people immediately came to their senses and retracted their rude and fiery gazes.However, there were still a few very old and senior council members who seemed to have "not heard" Li Ling's reminder and were still staring at the blood-red bracelet on Li Ling's left hand.

Wu Xiong continued to report: "According to the latest news, our family has successfully established a preliminary power network, information network, energy transportation network, logistics transportation network, cosmic-level infrastructure, and basic resource supply for cosmic-level large enterprises on Earth."

"Your Majesty, in the past few months, the Earth's political system has changed, and the Earth's Interim United Government has been established. The Earth United Government has submitted an application for a video call with Your Majesty. If Your Majesty agrees, you can choose the current interim government of Earth. Call. If you feel that it is not necessary, you can transfer the video call of the United Earth Government to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Congress for processing."

Wu Xiong looked up at Li Ling, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, now, you can make video calls with your friends on Earth through the Internet, and transport supplies!"

You can make video calls, you can use "black box" material transportation, and if the "living body travel technology" is completed, you can even directly enter the door!
Li Ling was both surprised and happy, and there were many unspeakable feelings in his heart.

The earth is the hometown, the homeland, but it is the homeland tens of thousands of years later.

Li Ling's heart was complicated, with warmth, longing, and great sense of loss and bitterness.

After a moment of silence, Li Ling sighed softly and nodded: "...I agree, talk to the current provisional government of the earth."

Being bombarded and changed by all the information of the sudden high-tech world, I don't know what the earth has become in a few months.

Li Ling is unfamiliar with the temporary government of the earth.But now she has the power, just like the wish Li Ling made at Zhiyuan Villa. If she can, she also hopes to help the earth and everything on the earth.

Wu Xiong quickly tapped on the bracelet.

After less than 3 minutes, the video call was connected.

Wu Xiong enlarged the translucent light screen in front of him so that the entire Congress could clearly see the content of the video call.

Dozens of people in different costumes appeared on the light screen.Among them, there are men and women, old and young, and the same thing is that these people all have the majesty of a high position on their faces.

At this moment, in the face of Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, who is unpredictable and has the power of life and death over the entire earth, these people all collected the majesty on their faces, showing solemnity and a trace of restraint on their faces.

As long as you see the completely different outfits and clothes of these dozens of people, you can tell that they come from completely different regions.

Seeing dozens of people with different looks in the light screen, in the congress hall of the Soul Body Clan, many congressmen already had uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

On a poor indigenous planet, even the leaders of each region would probably not have fast spaceships.How could they gather in a conference hall within a few minutes after receiving the Queen's call order?
It can only be the technology of living body travel!
These dozens of Earthlings with completely different clothes and looks must have been brought together in a short time by relying on the technology of living body travel after receiving the Queen's video call instructions!

Li Ling looked at the light screen and was startled.

Dozens of men and women saw the scene on the screen clearly, and their expressions became more and more serious. They saluted Li Ling, but their movements were not neat or standardized, and their voices were uneven: "See Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan."

Standing at the forefront is a young man.

He was wearing a moon-white gown, his long black hair was raised up with a golden jade crown, his black sword eyebrows were slightly raised, his face was like a crown jade, and his eyes were black and white.He lowered his head and looked up at Li Ling, with a faint smile on his brows: "See Your Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, Sima Zhen, the interim speaker of the Earth Interim Government, and 68 councilors to see Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, congratulate the Queen Your Majesty is honored as a great treasure and reigns supreme in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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