beauty bible

Chapter 489 Say I Love You To The World

Chapter 489 Say I Love You To The World
Li Ling and Xia Qi held hands, walked unhurriedly through the hospital gate, and walked towards the direction of the royal speeding car.

The Royal Guard kept all media reporters and ordinary people at a few steps away.

Under countless eyes full of surprise, excitement and admiration, Li Ling and Xia Qi still held hands firmly and walked forward calmly.

Outside the gate of the First Hospital, some ordinary people were using their bracelets to take pictures of the beautiful couple in front of them. Some ordinary people bowed slightly and shouted in uneven voices with respect: "See Her Majesty the Queen...Your Majesty the God of War..."

The media reporters holding cameras asked excitedly and politely.

"Your Majesty, may I ask, Your Majesty the Queen, are you now officially together with the human god of war Xia Qi? Are you already a formal couple?"

"Your Majesty, will Xia Qi, the crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, be the future husband of our Soul Body Clan?"

"Your Majesty, where is Congressman Gu Jintian? Has Your Majesty and Congressman Gu Jintian broken up peacefully?"


The reporters' voices were not loud, but they kept asking questions like a barrage of questions.

Pure human race god of war!The new queen of the soul clan!These two are holding hands in public!Now—the relationship between these two has been clearly revealed!

Everyone is looking forward to their answers!
——Will Her Majesty the Queen and Your Majesty the God of War reply?

——Will they personally admit the relationship between the two?

These two questions are not only the questions that are stirring in the minds of thousands of people and hundreds of reporters present, but also the answers that millions of netizens in the universe who are waiting in front of the live video desperately want to know!
Li Ling took Xia Qi's hand, stopped, and turned to the direction of the camera.

The noisy hospital entrance suddenly fell silent.

All the citizens and reporters widened their eyes excitedly, waiting for Her Majesty's response.

At this moment, all the netizens and bosses in the universe who have been following the live video also stopped talking, opened their eyes wide, and waited with bated breath.

Facing the live broadcast camera, Li Ling raised his left hand that was holding Xia Qi's hand and chuckled: "Yes. As you can see. I am with Xia Qi now. As for Gu Jintian..."

Li Ling laughed and said lightly, "That was my mistake."

"Your Majesty! How far has your relationship with Your Excellency Xia Qi progressed? Are you prepared for engagement and marriage?"

"Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, Your Majesty, you met His Excellency the God of War for the first time yesterday! Did the two fall in love at first sight because of each other's charm? Or, did the decision come about because of some private actions of the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Kingdom?" Together?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, if the Soul Clan and the Great Star Kingdom marry in the future, will it affect the Soul Clan's layout on the Zerg battlefield? Will it affect cosmic trade and tilt the trade of pure human races to the Great Star Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty thinks his relationship with Mr. Gu Jintian is a mistake? Is this what Mr. Gu Jintian did to anger His Majesty? Or, after getting along for a while, His Majesty finds that the two are not suitable? Or , the two were just a paper agreement from the beginning, and there is no real love?"

"Your Majesty and Your Excellency the God of War chatted for a while on the way to the hospital just now. What are you talking about? Are you discussing the announcement of the relationship today? Or the cooperation between the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Kingdom?"


Li Ling only said one sentence and really confirmed her relationship with Xia Qi.

Such a sentence made all the media reporters excited, but it was far from satisfying them, and more questions were thrown out.

Li Ling shook his head slightly and did not answer any further.

At this moment, Xia Qi, who was standing beside Li Ling, took a step forward.

Xia Qi's face was calm, with both calmness and firmness in his eyes: "I have known Li Ling on the Internet for more than a year. There are no other considerations for our relationship."

Xia Qi said loudly: "I love Li Ling, I, Xia Qi, really love Her Majesty the Queen."

"Xia Qi..." Hearing Xia Qi's blatant confession, Li Ling was startled.

The behavior of "saying I love you to the whole world" looks more like a girl's dream story, or the reckless and impulsive behavior of a young man in love.

As for Xia Qi, no matter his age or his personality, he didn't seem like an impulsive person.

At this moment, Xia Qi's eyes were filled with firm enthusiasm, but his face showed a calm look after deep thought.

Li Ling's heart felt hot, and he felt that all the internal organs in his belly were filled with emotion and turmoil.

Xia Qi lowered his head slightly and looked at Li Ling, with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

At the entrance of the hospital, all the reporters and ordinary people froze for a moment because of God of War's sudden confession.

The idol male god of the entire universe actually confessed his love to the queen of the soul body tribe in front of the live broadcast camera of the entire universe!
Countless men and women who were watching the video were shocked by the confession of the ruthless god of war.

No one thought that the Marshal of the Fifth Legion, the God of War Xia Qi, who was so aloof and decisive in killing in the cosmic battlefield, actually had such a tender and affectionate side!
At this moment, the countless people sitting in front of the live video watching were either stunned, or opened their mouths in surprise, or were so surprised that they screamed!

Countless young girls fell in love with the affectionate side of the ruthless God of War revealed for the first time.

It turns out that such a cold-blooded man had such a deep love for a woman and expressed his love to the whole universe in front of the whole universe.Such a powerful contrast makes more people love this flesh-and-blood and affectionate God of War.

Among them, countless people began to envy the queen who received the love of the God of War.

First, the Queen of the Soul Body Clan announced her love affair, and then the God of War confessed affectionately in front of the whole universe!
When these two bursts of news broke out, the hearts of all the media reporters standing at the entrance of the hospital were beating wildly. After a short period of sluggishness, they started interviewing excitedly again.

"Your Majesty Xia Qi, you mean that you and Her Majesty the Queen have been in contact with each other on the Internet since a year ago? But it has only been more than a year since Her Majesty was born! What you mean is that not long after Her Majesty was born, Do you have a connection on the Internet? If so, where did the connection between you start?"

"According to Her Majesty Xia Qi, Her Majesty the Queen has been in contact with you a year ago. So, did you go in the direction of a couple from the beginning? Or have you always been in a relationship of friends? Councilor Jintian’s relationship broke out, so the two of them really realized their feelings for each other?”

"A year ago? A year ago, when Her Majesty the Queen was still Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, she opened a live broadcast account called 'Li Tiao Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Seven Jumps' in the Great Universe Live Broadcast Company. According to As shown in the video, Her Majesty spent a lot of time on that live video. As one of the shareholders of the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company, His Excellency Xia Qi, he realized at that time that this was Her Majesty the Queen's account, and then had an Internet connection with the Queen. The intersection?"


The few media reporters who reacted quickly have already thought of the live broadcast account that Li Ling opened at the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company at the beginning, and that Xia Qi was a shareholder of the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company. .

Although it is a bit unbelievable, many people have already thought that the God of War Xia Qi might really have contact with Her Majesty the Queen because of her live broadcast account.

How old was Her Majesty at that time?
A year ago, Her Majesty the Queen was born not long ago, a newborn child.

Although she has the body shape of a normal girl, it is enough to think that at that time, as the supreme Crown Princess of the Soul Body Clan, she would hide her identity in the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company and make a live video series like a series. Her totally immature mentality.

And at that time—God of War Xia Qi actually contacted Her Majesty the Queen.

Even now, Her Majesty the Queen has just celebrated her first birthday.

...Speaking of which, the cruel God of War, is there any plot to gnaw tender grass?
no no no!Certainly not!

Everyone who heard Xia Qifa's words immediately argued in their hearts: This must be because His Excellency God of War is used to the ruthlessness of the battlefield, so he finds young and innocent people more cute... right?right?
(End of this chapter)

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