beauty bible

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

The Queen of the Soul Race and the God of War of the Human Race were not far from the hospital gate, holding hands and whispering!

Such a scene is not something that can be encountered casually!

At the gate of the hospital, countless reporters opened their eyes wide, and the camera equipment in their hands captured every look in the eyes and every change of mouth shape between the two when they were talking.

The teenage queen with a slender figure and a beautiful face simply wore a blue silk dress without any jewelry on her body, and even her long hair was simply fixed.She seemed to have just walked out of the busy enthronement ceremony, and before she could put on light makeup, she hurried to the First Hospital.

Xia Qi was wearing a black windbreaker and black trousers. He was neat and straight, but he wore a very simple attire with a cold and chilling feeling, and there was a faint sense of restraint in it.

One is unparalleled in style and the other is icy cold. Standing together, these two people not only have no sense of disobedience, but also have a faint sense of harmony and intimacy.

Every move of these two people was broadcast live online through high-end camera equipment.

And the pair of men and women presented in front of the netizens of the universe are more brilliant than any movie starring.

Every picture in the live video seems to be a scroll worth keeping forever.

More netizens put down what they were doing and stared in shock at the pair, God of War Xia Qi and the Queen of the Soul Tribe, holding hands and having an intimate conversation.

Seeing these two holding hands, no one doubts that they are a couple!
It was only last night that they learned about the rumored relationship between the God of War Xia Qi and the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, and it was only the next day that everyone saw it with their own eyes!

Such a breaking news appeared too fast!It's amazing!

On the Internet, after a moment of shock, all the netizens immediately started discussing on the Internet with amazement.

Among them, the anonymous post that commented that "the relationship between Her Royal Highness the Queen Dowager of the Soul Body Clan and Gu Jintian exists in name only" became popular again!

This prophecy post about the love affair of the Queen of the Soul Clan, Li Ling, is the first place where the couple Li Ling and Xia Qi are mentioned.

Countless replies and rewards instantly put this post on the hot list.

Not long after, under this violent post, the "anonymous" host reappeared.

"Anonymous User": "Fucking grass! Fucking grass! Fucking grass!"

"Anonymous user": "Wow! I'm the host! Officials are blatantly releasing sugar! Wow! The ancient brocade is so cold! Yesterday when I saw the video of Her Majesty the Queen dancing with the god of war Xia Qi, my heart skipped a beat It's up to the mouth!"

Seeing the original poster reappearing, countless netizens liked the original poster's post, and countless people replied with similar content: "Waiting for the original poster, the master of psychology, to analyze it again!"

Soon, the landlord spoke again.

"Anonymous User": "...Are you sure you want me to do another analysis? About this pair of god-king CPs who have just been confirmed? Cough cough, if you want me to tell the truth... Maybe you don't want to hear it..."

Many netizens replied: "My God, the landlord, don't deliberately make people want to eat."

More netizens kept urging the poster to analyze the pair of god-king CPs. In order to let the poster tell some real facts, many netizens began to reward the poster continuously.

"Anonymous netizen": "...Since you really want to know, then I can only tell the truth."

"In terms of appearance, God of War Xia Qi and Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan are naturally a very well-matched and perfect pair. Of course, this point may not be considered by those two. God of War Xia Qi is an idol in the entire universe A male god, but... to be honest, in terms of real rights, the Queen of the Soul Body Clan is the one who is more powerful. As for the real combat strength of the two, well, as a small person, I don't know."

"Although Her Majesty has greater rights, I used to think that if this pair could be successful, the God of War Xia Qicai would have the upper hand in love. After all, power is important, but mind is more important. You all know , our God of War is at the beginning of his prime - 28 years old, and God of War Xia Qi is the crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, the only direct heir to the royal family, and he has always received the best education. And, God of War Xia Qi was born in Zerg No. Having experienced hundreds of battles on the first front, no one can doubt his ability, strength and intelligence."

"And what about Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan? Although this Majesty has the most stable status in the Soul Body Clan, she is only a little over 1 year old! No matter how awesome a character is, at the age of 1, she can't talk about her mind. Be top!"

"So at the beginning, I thought that His Excellency the God of War, who is more mature, is the one who is in charge of this relationship."

"Cry. I took a few screenshots. You see—these are four."

"In the first picture, Her Majesty the Queen and the God of War Xia Qi walked out of the hospital and saw countless media and people. What was Her Majesty's reaction? Her expression - I really dare not say it, I really feel sorry for my God of War. I can only Said that the young Queen is still a little unsure about this relationship."

"In the second picture, almost at the same moment when the expression on Her Majesty's face appeared, God of War grabbed Her Majesty's hand—hmm...attention all the time, the immediate reaction power—ah, I'm so sorry Why didn't God of War give me such affection! Although I'm a man, it's Xia Qi, God of War! I always thought he would be cold forever, but I didn't expect such a person to have such a look, really If it's straight, it bends immediately!"

"The third picture shows Her Majesty the Queen smiling as she is being held by the God of War Xia Qi. This picture makes me feel a little more comfortable. It is obvious that she only smiles when she is facing her lover. Her Majesty the Queen is being held by the God of War Xia Qi, and the smile on her face is The smile appeared very quickly. In terms of time, it was an unthinking and conditioned reflex. Haha... If you are willing to compare Her Majesty the Queen's formulaic smile when she faced Gu Jintian, you will know whether my previous prediction was correct. Wrong. The difference between the two smiles is really huge! Her Majesty the Queen doesn’t know whether it’s because she is too young to do it, or because she thinks it’s unnecessary. I personally prefer the latter. She didn’t hide the difference between the two smiles at all.”

"The fourth picture, um, the fourth picture is a moving picture, um... I don't want to say too much, just look carefully at the eyes of God of War when he speaks, read it a few times, and you will understand..."

"...Hey, I don't want to say too much, it hurts so much! It turns out that our male god, Your Excellency the God of War, is actually the one who is passive in this love. The more affectionate one..."

"...Reminder, fans of God of War, if you oppose this couple because of Gu Jintian or other reasons-the final result, probably... Xia Qi, God of War, will be heartbroken, not the other one."

The remarks made by the anonymous landlord received a reply like a "mountain whistling and a tsunami" in a short while.

"I went shopping today and I'm so awesome" replied: "Fuck me! The God of War is actually the one who is more affectionate! Fake me! Your Majesty is young, shouldn't she be fascinated by seeing our perfect male god? How is it possible? My male god is actually the passive one! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"+1 if you don't believe me."

"+2 if you don't believe me."

"+3 if you don't believe me."


Soon, such replies reached thousands of floors.

Netizen "Male god and male god has loved you for 1 years": "Crying... crying... My male god really has an owner. Jealous of Her Majesty, but also happy for the male god. I can't believe the speculation of the host, my male god It is the most perfect, even a woman would bow down to his black killing spear... Please Your Majesty the Queen cherish my male god. He is a real hero, and he is a person who is always worthy of being cherished."

This reply immediately received likes from countless Xia Qi fans, and the number of likes even surpassed the original poster's analysis post.

In addition to this popular post, countless posts discussing the relationship between the two have surged in an astonishing number on the Internet.

Most of the netizens are staring at the live video of the First Hospital while brushing posts on the social media they are familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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