beauty bible

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
When Xia Qi saw Li Ling dating Duke Zhou Lu on the news, even though his heartbeat was different from before, Xia Qi still felt that they were a golden boy and a jade girl, and that they should be a suitable couple.

But when he saw that Li Ling really had a boyfriend, but it was Gu Jintian, a congressman from the soul body clan, Xia Qi felt a little uncomfortable.

Gu Jintian and Li Ling are together, do they really have a pure heart?
Does Gu Jin really have no intention of relying on Li Ling, the future queen, to achieve his own political goals?
Xia Qi hoped that Li Ling would not be used by Gu Jintian.Xia Qi also hoped that Gu Jintian would approach Li Ling, not because of real love.

This is a contradictory thought.

No matter whether his conclusion is right or not, Xia Qi knows that he can have such a dark and speculative thought in his heart. He has lost control after watching the news of Li Ling dating Gu Jintian every day.

To this day, Xia Qi also feels a little unbelievable.

In the past twenty years, Xia Qi knew who he was, what he was doing, and his way forward and principles.He has always been able to see the various aspects of life with great clarity.

Regarding the responsibility of the Crown Prince of the Great Star Kingdom, regarding the position of the pure race of humans in the universe, and regarding Xia Qi's position after stripping away all identities and abilities.

Then, one day, I suddenly met Li Ling.

At first, doubting her identity and her motives, he investigates her.

Later, when he watched the video of her life, he quietly discovered that such a young girl lived like him, like all the pure races in this universe.

He looked at her squarely and regarded her as a friend.

In the dark universe, Xia Qi has been fighting for years.Over the years, Xia Qi didn't have any close friends, but Xia Qi didn't feel lonely.

With Qin Jun, Dr. Shui, and every soldier of the Fifth Army who burned their lives, Xia Qi lived a very normal life without any regrets.

It wasn't until he met Li Ling that Xia Qi discovered that... in addition to everything he had lived in for more than twenty years, there could be other things in life.

Xia Qi regards Li Ling as a good friend. Sometimes, he will try to mention Li Ling and teach Li Ling, so that she can face the world with a more mature and rational attitude.

Since when did his mentality begin to change?
He didn't notice it at first, but one day when Li Ling started mentioning the other man in her life, Sima Zhen, Xia Qi's mood at that time was already wrong.But at that time, Xia Qi himself didn't notice it.

Afterwards, Li Ling talked about Sima Zhen again and again. At that time, Xia Qi gradually understood his intentions.

This girl in his eyes, he didn't want her to talk about any other man in a familiar and intimate tone.

When he came to that planet, the first time he saw Li Ling, Xia Qi confirmed what he thought in his heart.He has this girl in his heart, and he wants this girl to curl up in his arms, and he wants her to look at him with only him in her eyes.

At that time, Sima Zhen was still in her world.Xia Qi should watch from a distance, not step in, and silently bless.

Later, Sima Zhen broke with Li Ling. Xia Qi thought that he still had a lot of time to get in touch with Li Ling slowly, and he still had a lot of time to let Li Ling break free from Sima Zhen's sad past.

Unexpectedly, just turning around and saying goodbye, the personnel situation has undergone a shocking change.

When I looked at it again, she was already the new queen of the Soul Body Clan.

When she looked again, she had another outstanding man standing by her side. This time, the wedding date had already been set.

Xia Qi's chest was heavy, his face was as calm as before, but in his heart he watched anxiously as time passed by like a fleeting horse, inch by inch approaching the wedding date of the new Queen of the Soul Body Clan.

The door of the room opened silently.

"Xia Qi," Xia Hai appeared outside the door with a smile on his face, and greeted Xia Qi: "Xia Qi, we have returned to the Emperor Star of the Great Star Kingdom."

Xia Qi stood up immediately, and while striding out, he said calmly, "I want to see Your Majesty."

"Of course." Xia Hai turned around and walked beside Xia Qi: "Your Majesty wants to see you too."

Xia Qi and Xia Hai boarded the flying car under the escort of several soldiers, and went straight to the palace of Emperor Xing of the Great Star Kingdom.

After entering the palace, Xia Qi was led to King Xia Jing's study.

In the tall and bright study room, King Xia Jing was sitting behind the desk, looking down at the documents on the desk.

After the briefing, Xia Qi walked into the study, stood five or six meters away from King Xia Jing, raised his hand and gave a military salute: "I have seen Your Majesty."

Xia Jing raised his head from the documents, and waved his hands to tell all the attendants in the study to retreat.

Only father and son were left in the study.

"I'm going to the Soul Body Clan," Xia Qifei said quickly, his face was calm, but his words were extremely firm: "I'm going to the Soul Body Clan's country."

"Heh..." Xia Jing laughed inexplicably, and looked at Xia Qi: "Or for that girl from an unknown planet? Xia Qi, I think you should be clear in your heart that this person should no longer exist in this world."

Xia Qi took a breath and repeated: "I'm going to the country of the soul body clan. I will become the future husband of the soul body clan."

Xia Jing shook his head and laughed: "The tone is not small! Xia Qi, even if you are a little capable, you are the god of war of the human race, do you think the new queen of the soul body clan will accept you because of this? Let you be her new husband? Xia Qi, you underestimate the soul-body race. A race that has been able to stand proudly in the universe for tens of thousands of years, is unique, and her abilities are far beyond the knowledge of pure-race humans."

Xia Qi paused: "Your Majesty, you don't want me to become the future husband of the Soul Body Clan?"

Xia Jing raised his eyebrows: "Why? Of course I hope you can become the husband of the soul-body race. The entire pure-race human race longs for a human male who can charm the new queen of the soul-body race, so that the new queen and the pure-race human race closer cooperation."

"Then, I'm going to the Soul Body Clan. I want to become the future husband of the Soul Body Clan. Your Majesty shouldn't stop me."

Xia Jing looked at Xia Qi's face, Xia Qi's face was always calm and indifferent, it was difficult for outsiders to see any emotions from his face, even Xia Qi's biological father Xia Jing was the same.

Sometimes, Xia Jing doesn't know what Xia Qi is thinking.

But there is one thing, Xia Jing can see it.

Xia Qi was able to use up all his vacations and spend more than a month visiting that girl on that unknown planet, which proved that girl was very important in Xia Qi's heart.

And Xia Qi was able to give up his status as the crown prince of the Soul Body Clan and the position of Marshal of the Fifth Legion for the sake of that girl. This was already a deep fall in Xia Qi's heart, and he really fell in love with that girl.

The identity of the soul clan's crown prince may not mean much to Xia Qi.Because he was born a crown prince.

But the status of the Marshal of the Fifth Army of the Great Star Kingdom was Xia Qi's possession in the past ten years, and it was the most important status in all his past lives.His responsibilities, rights, efforts, sacrifices, and life-and-death friendships with all the soldiers of the Fifth Legion in battle are all condensed in this identity.

Abandoning the Marshal of the Fifth Legion is equivalent to Xia Qi giving up all his efforts and management in the past ten years.

Xia Qi can do such a thing, Xia Jing can't imagine how affectionate this cold-faced son is for that little girl.

Since the love has been so deep, Xia Jing really can't believe it, but in a flash, Xia Qi was able to let go of that little girl and propose to the princess of the soul body clan.

Xia Jing looked at Xia Qi, and said softly: "If you can get the new Queen of the Soul Body Clan to marry you, of course everyone will be happy. But... I think you are going to the Soul Body Clan to make a big fuss. If you really You are brave enough to want to kill the new queen of the soul body race to avenge your sweetheart... Xia Qi, the soul body race is different from the pure race of humans. Our pure race of human race has a dead king, and we can replace it with a new one tomorrow. .The Queen of Soul Body Clan is dead...they will go crazy."

"Crazy soul body clan... is much more terrifying than the zerg race." Xia Jing shook his head: "I can't let you go to the soul body clan. I would rather let other people seduce the new queen of the soul body clan than let you go." Soul Body Clan take the risk."

Xia Qi frowned slightly.

Looking at King Xia Jing's expression, Xia Qi knew that no matter what, his father would never believe that he really wanted to propose to the new Queen of the Soul Body Clan.

Standing in the study for a long time, Xia Qi calmly said, "I can use the banning ring."

Xia Jing narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Qi scrutinizingly.

The Forbidden Ring was also created by the mysterious Soul Body Clan, and it is specially used by powerful criminals.

Once a pure-race human race or other races with strong fighting ability wears the banning ring on their hands, they will lose all their fighting strength, just like an ordinary civilian.

Moreover, the forbidden energy ring is more effective for people with stronger strength.

If Xia Qi wears the forbidden ring, he will be no different from an ordinary soldier who has not received much training.

Xia Jing couldn't imagine that in order to go to the country of the soul body clan, Xia Qi even remembered the things used by criminals!
"You are in a hurry, Xia Qi." Xia Jing affirmed.

Xia Qi's face froze for a moment: "Yes."

Xia Jing frowned.

Xia Qi looked at his father and king behind the desk, and said, "Even if I don't wear the forbidden energy ring, it would be very difficult for me to hurt the powerful queen princess of the soul-body clan on the emperor star of the soul-body clan. If I wear the forbidden energy ring, It is impossible for me to hurt anyone from the Soul Body Clan. Father, I don’t want to talk about the interests of the purebred Human Race and the Great Star Kingdom in this matter, but I want to be the future husband of the Soul Body Clan.”

Xia Jing showed some strange expressions on his face: "...Xia Qi, it's not that I want to hit your self-confidence—where did you get the confidence that you can become the future husband of the Soul Body Clan? The new queen, but Already have a boyfriend of a young MP with a super-high IQ."

Xia Qi lowered his eyes: "...If, she really can't accept me."

In the middle of speaking, Xia Qi stopped.

For a long time, Xia Qi was speechless.

Xia Jing raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and tapped on the table.

Xia Qi was slightly startled, but did not continue his last sentence. Instead, he said: "She has passed her first birthday ceremony now. In less than two months, she will get married. If not before she gets married, I will regret it for the rest of my life when I see her."

(End of this chapter)

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